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Candace Heath Instructional Coach RPES, TES, NTES, STES. An Overview of Common Core & Balanced Literacy for Instructional Assistants. Today’s Agenda. 1:15-1:45 – Overview of Common Core 1:45-2:15 – Text Evidence Strategies 2:15-2:30 – Break
Candace Heath Instructional Coach RPES, TES, NTES, STES An Overview of Common Core & Balanced Literacy for Instructional Assistants
Today’s Agenda 1:15-1:45 – Overview of Common Core 1:45-2:15 – Text Evidence Strategies 2:15-2:30 – Break 2:30-3:15 – Balanced Literacy with a focus on Interactive Read Alouds
What is Common Core? Mission Statement: “The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.” www.corestandards.org
Who has adopted these standards? • 45 states • The District of Columbia • 4 territories • Department of Defense Activity
What are the major difference between the old NCSCOS and new CCSS? “Fewer, clearer, higher” Brand new STRAND! What resources are we using? Foundation of literacy
English Language Arts (ELA) Strands: • RI – Reading Informational • RL – Reading Literature • L – Language • RF – Reading Foundational • W – Writing
Find your… 12:00 appointment buddy • Take 2-3 minutes to share your comfort level with Common Core
Looking at the 3 Main Common Core Shifts
Shift #1 High Quality Texts in a Wide Variety of Genres...especially Using a 50/50 Balance of Fiction and Nonfiction
SHIFT #1 50/50 Fiction and Nonfiction…Variety of Genres What the Student Does… *build content knowledge through reading high quality texts *finds evidence *exposed to the world through reading *handles primary source documents *makes connections across disciplines What the Teacher Does… *provides students with 50/50 fiction/nonfiction text balance *scaffolds informational texts *models the use of a variety of comprehension strategies *teaches through and with informational texts by having students read the text and not just summarize or lecture an overview of it
Shift #2 Reading &Writing Grounded in the Text Text-based Evidence Writing from Sources
SHIFT #2 Reading and Writing Grounded in the Text What the Teacher Does… *Facilitates text based questions and gives students time to write about texts *Encourages students to spend time in the textand reread *Uses questioningto help students analyze the text *Provides opportunities for students to argue a point and share their conclusions and opinions What the Student Does… *Finds evidence to support their answer *Creates their own judgment or opinion from facts in the text *Reads text more than once *Compares multiple sources
SHIFT #2—Text Evidence “Because”… is the magic word because it tells everyone where your answer is coming from, it's not your answer, it's the reason for your answer, it's the evidence for your inference, or the schema for your predication. Teachers model how to ask questions and show thinking!
Shift #3 Regular Practice with Complex Texts and its Academic Vocabulary Text Complexity Academic – Tier 2— Vocabulary
SHIFT #3 Text Complexity and Academic Vocabulary What the Student Does… *Rereads *Able to work through frustration when engaged with challenging text *Uses academic vocabulary and content specific vocabulary *Learns and uses new vocabulary from text read What the Teacher Does… *Exposes students to complex text in a variety of genres *Uses shorter texts and teaches students power of rereading *Provides scaffolding and strategies for accessing high level text *Fewer words more deeply
Shift #1 Read 50/50 F/NF Digging Deep! Shift #2 Text Evidence Shift #3 Complex Text & Tier 2 Vocabulary Informative Opinion Teaching the READER, not the reading! Narrative
Let’s dive a little deeper into TEXT EVIDENCE… (also called “text dependent” questions)
“Read like a detective. Write like a reporter.” -David Coleman
Let’s practice together with The Hungry Caterpillar How do we ask text dependent questions?
Author’s Purpose in K-2 Who tells the story—the narrator or the caterpillar?
A narrator tells the story, because he uses the words he and his. If it was the caterpillar, he would say I and my.
Vocabulary in K-2 How does the author help us to understand what cocoon means? Sample response?
Now, you try… • Find your 9:00 appointment • Choose a book from your table • Practice generating TWO “text evidence” questions using Delaware question stems (on your table) • Create a sample student response for each
Text Evidence Sticks & Accountable Book Marks: • AT YOUR TABLE, discuss: • How could you use these in your classroom? • Generate one list on the blue sticky note... Be prepared to share
So, What is Balanced Literacyand how does it relate to Common Core??
READING: Interactive Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading WRITING: Shared Writing Interactive Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing Word Study Elements of Balanced Literacy:
Interactive Read Aloud • The teacher selects and reads a book or other text to the children inviting conversation as they think together through the text. Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Shared Reading • The teacher introduces and reads an enlarged text or a small text of which each child has a copy. On refrains and in multiple readings, children join in, reading in unison. Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Guided Reading • The teacher selects and introduces a new text a the children’s instructional level. • Children read the whole text to themselves Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Independent Reading • The children read to themselves or with partners. Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Shared Writing • The teacher guides children to compose messages and acts as their scribe. The message is reread many times. Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Interactive Writing • The teacher guides group writing of a large-print piece, which can be a list, a chart, pages of book, or another form of writing. • All children participate in composing and constructing various aspects of the writing Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Guided Writing/Writing Workshop • The teacher has individual conferences with writers, giving selected feedback • The teacher works with the whole class or small group to provide mini lessons on any aspect of writing • The teacher and children “share” the writing to solicit feedback Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
Independent Writing • Children write their own messages and stories, sometimes helping each other. Guided Reading – Fountas and Pinnell
How should an interactive read aloud look? • Teacher models comprehension strategies • Engages students through questioning and discussion • Builds vocabulary and background knowledge • DYNAMIC Adapted from www.readworks.org
Before Reading: • Preview the book and practice reading it with fluency and expression. • Plan an introduction—find links to personal experiences. • Introduce the title, author, and illustrator. • Introduce any information that may be necessary to facilitate understanding of the story. • Set a purpose for listening to the story (e.g., “I wonder” statements, such as I wonder what the wolf wants to do with the pigs, provide us focus for listening). Jamison Rog, Lori (2002). Early Literacy Instruction in Kindergarten. Interactive Storybook Reading: Making the Classroom Read-Aloud Program a Meaningful Experience, 6, 49-55.
During Reading: • Read fluently and expressively. • Hold the books so your child can see the illustrations. • Try to establish frequent eye contact with your child. • Draw attention to the illustrations and features of the text. • Pause occasionally to revisit predictions, express curiosity, or comment on something interesting. • Invite your child to question and comment but keep it focused on the story. • Explain words and ideas you think your child might not understand. Jamison Rog, Lori (2002). Early Literacy Instruction in Kindergarten. Interactive Storybook Reading: Making the Classroom Read-Aloud Program a Meaningful Experience, 6, 49-55.