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Unit One Bellwork. Updated Every Friday. About Bellwork … . You are responsible for making up missed work. . Turn in the past week’s bellwork every Monday . Each entry is worth three points. The week’s prompts will be uploaded to the website every Friday.
Unit One Bellwork Updated Every Friday
About Bellwork… You are responsible for making up missed work. • Turn in the past week’s bellwork every Monday . • Each entry is worth three points. • The week’s prompts will be uploaded to the website every Friday. • Prompts will also be available in the class binder on the back table.
August 20-24 4 BellworkExercizes
Tuesday, August 21 Bellwork • Write a journal entry [you will not be asked to share] that answers some or all of these questions: • What do you like about writing? • What is the best thing you ever wrote? What was so good about it? • What is difficult about writing? • How do you overcome obstacles to writing? • Under what circumstances do you write best? (i.e., in total silence, at the library, when I’m angry, etc.) • If you could write anything, what would you write and why? • What writing skill would you most like to improve on this year? You have 4 minutes
Wednesday, August 22 Bellwork • Make a list of things that you believe are true. • Need some ideas? Consider these questions: • What do you believe about friendship? • about family? • about learning? • about enemies? • about teenagers? • about America? • about the internet? • about the human race? • about our planet? • about war? • about love? You have 4 minutes
;The Semicolon; 8/23 • Most commonly, semicolons join sentences that could stand on their own and serve to cement a relationship between the two thoughts. • Semicolons are underdogs; I find them endearing. • Godzilla is a misunderstood creature; beneath his raging desire to set people on fire and eat them lies a gentle giant who just wants to cuddle. • It’s wrong to use semicolons to join sentences that aren’t related in some way. • Semicolons are underdogs; I ate chicken for lunch.(wrong) Write 4 of your own sentences with semicolons You have 4 minutes adapted from The Grammar Devotional and theoatmeal.com
Friday, August 24 Bellwork • Turn these simple sentences into meaningful sentences by adding another clause that contains a definition or an explanation. • My first week at FHS has been an adventure. • Some of my classes will be challenging. • I believe in weekends. • Semicolon or Comma? (fill in the blanks) • Everyone should read Touching Spirit Bear___ it is a beautiful story of survival and restoration. • Cole Matthews___ our protagonist___ is the only human on an Alaskan Island___ but he is not quite alone.
Monday, August 27 Bellwork • Let’s celebrate the rain with another cinquain! • Line One: your favorite kind of rain (drizzle, shower, monsoon, etc.) • Line Two: Two adjectives describing the rain • Line Three: Three “-ing” verbs that the rain does • Line Four: a thought about the rain • Line Five: a synonym for the rain
Tuesday, August 28 Bellwork • Each sentence contains one mistake in punctuation, grammar, or capitalization. Rewrite the sentences, correcting the mistakes. (Remember that there are several ways to correct each mistake). • Your writing can be powerful, writing can let you express your feelings, or get your message out. • A well-rounded argument uses all the elements of FREPA; Using this method will help you cover all your bases. • You should choose your experts carefully; because students often quote people who are not authorities on the topic. • When students use examples; they should make sure that the examples put a “face” on the topic. You have 4 minutes
Wednesday, August 29 Bellwork • Many things are beyond your control, but you still make dozens of positive choices every single day. What are some of the choices that you consciously make, either because you think it’s the right thing to do, or because you simply like to do these things? • Here’s my own (partial) list: • I eat a healthy breakfast. • I walk to school… usually. • I smile and say “hi” to people. • I exercise… but not as often as I mean to. :( • I never ever everever get into a car with a drunk driver. • I read. • Make your own list! You have 4 minutes
Friday, August 31 Bellwork • Take out your FREPA Letter rough draft and re-read it. What part of your writing would you most like help with? • If you’re not sure what you need help with, you might consider these suggestions: • Writing a clearer thesis statement. • Choosing an appropriate audience. • Using an element of FREPA. (which one?) • Using a rhetorical device. • Organizing the letter. • Punctuation, grammar, or spelling. • Making my letter longer (or shorter). • Improving my letter’s tone. You have 4 minutes
Tuesday, September 04 Bellwork • Write a journal entry about the past weekend. [You will not be asked to share.] • Need help thinking of something to write about? Consider these topics: • Would you be willing to go to school through June, in exchange for two 3-day weekends per month? Why or why not? • Does your family have any special traditions for celebrating Labor Day? • What does “September” mean to you? You Have 5 Minutes
Anticipation Guide ReflectionWednesday, Sept. 05 Bellwork • Choose one item from the anticipation guide about which to write a short reflection. • Write the item at the top of the page, and then explain your point of view. You should also consider these questions: • Did your classmates disagree with you? Why? • How do you know you are right? • Can you think of any stories in which this proves to be the case? • Total: 6-10 sentences
Thursday, September 06 Bellwork • Joe walks into the room. By describing only the reactions of others in the room, let us know something about him. You Have 4 Minutes
Friday, September 07 Bellwork • Why is the swamp an appropriate setting for Tom to meet the Devil? • Use quotations from the story to support your answer. • You have 4 minutes
Monday, September 10 Bellwork • Brainstorm with a partner to complete this table: You have 6 min.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 • What is the most beautiful sight you ever saw in nature? • Describe it, using at least three of the senses. • You have 4 minutes
Wednesday, September 12 Bellwork • William ___________ over the hillsides in a ___________ mood, thinking about his loneliness and _____________. Suddenly, he came upon a host of golden daffodils. Seeing these ___________ flowers filled him with happiness and made him feel. Sprightly Solitude Jocund Wandered Pensive
Monday, September 17 Bellwork • Reflect on your S.T.A.R.L.I.T. analysis project. • I did (more work than/less work than/the same amount as) my group-mates, because __________________________________________. • I learned____________________________________________. • I still need help understanding________________________________. • Other thoughts/ideas? You have 4 minutes
Tuesday, September 18 Bellwork • How will analyzing song lyrics be similar to analyzing a poem? • How will it be different? • What elements of S.T.A.R.L.I.T. will be affected the most? • You have 3 minutes to write
Wednesday, Sept. 19 Bellwork • What is the topic of your song? • In other words, what is it mostly about? • You have 3 minutes to write.
Thursday, September 20 Bellwork • Tell the story of your best OR worst picture day ever. • YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES • IF YOU MAKE SOMETHING UP, I’LL NEVER KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
Friday, September 21 Bellwork • Reflect on the poetry unit: • What is the most important thing you’ve learned about poetry in the past two weeks? • Which activity or assignment did you learn the most from? • What did you learn while analyzing your song that you would not have learned from just listening to it? • What part of your poetry analysis are you most proud of? • YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES