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Amerigo Vespucci

Amerigo Vespucci. By: Venessa Yeung, Rishi Vaswani, and Zane Feder. Background Information. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian navigator born in Florence, Italy in 1454 his uncle educated him and Amerigo became a businessman; this is how he became so familiar with boats.

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Amerigo Vespucci

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  1. Amerigo Vespucci By: Venessa Yeung, Rishi Vaswani, and Zane Feder

  2. Background Information • Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian navigator • born in Florence, Italy in 1454 • his uncle educated him and Amerigo became a businessman; this is how he became so familiar with boats • Died February 22,1512

  3. Journey/Route • He made three known voyages to the New World • during his first voyage, Vespucci travelled along the coast of Venezuela and then north to the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola • Vespucci explored southern coast of Brazil during his second and third exploration

  4. Purpose of Exploration

  5. Hardships Faced

  6. Other Notable Occurrences • Vespucci was made Chief Royal Pilot of Spain in 1508 • he wrote popular books about his travels • claimed that he had explored the American mainland in 1497 and thought that he’d reached the “New World” , though scholars found a small amount of evidence supporting this claim

  7. Historical Contributions • Vespucci was the first to realize that America was a new continent , instead of being part of China • they named America after him

  8. Bibliography Books: • Matthews, Rupert. Explorer. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co, 1991.Print. • Owen, Ann-Maureen and Yealland, Jane. The Kids Book of Canadian Exploration. Toronto: Kids Can Press Ltd, 2004.Print. Websites: • www.worldbookonline.com Images: • nndb.com • library.thinkquest.org

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