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The Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board (AQFAB) promotes, monitors, and maintains the AQF, ensuring national quality education. Functions include revising qualifications criteria, monitoring operations, and providing advice to relevant parties.
Australian Qualifications Framework Implementing the AQF 1995-2005
Two Ministerial CouncilsState/Territory/Federal • one VET-only Council • one schools/VET/HE-MCEETYA
AQFAB Ministerial Charter- Role of AQFAB The Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board (AQFAB) is established by the agreement of and with the authority of MCEETYA. The object of the Board is to promote, monitor and maintain the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), the national system of qualifications in post-compulsory education and training. To achieve this goal AQFAB operates as a high-level cross-sectoral forum, inclusive of the industry parties, for negotiation and re-thinking about qualifications, as an authoritative source of public information on the AQF and of advice to MCEETYA on outstanding issues, and will monitor the operation of the AQF to ensure that it supports a national commitment to quality education and lifelong learning.
AQFAB Ministerial Charter-Functions of AQFAB AQFAB is responsible to MCEETYA to: Review and revise AQF qualifications criteria and guidelines; Monitor the operation of the AQF with particular emphasis on the cross-sectoral interface and national policy implications and undertake related research; Promote the quality assurance processes; Maintain registers of bodies authorised by governments to accredit courses, recognise providers and issue qualifications; Monitor international movements; Maintain an electronic infrastructure; Provide relevant advice on the AQF to all interested parties; Maintain liaison with all relevant agencies with an interest in the AQF; Advise MCEETYA on the operation of the AQF, including compliance, and recommend any appropriate changes to the Framework and its operation. Note - This is an edited version of the functions section of the AQFAB Ministerial Charter 2000-2005.
Governance Structures • MCEETYA • AQF Advisory Board • ANTA (Federal DEST) • AVCC • ACACA • ACCI/ACTU • ALA • Federal DEST • New Zealand QA
VET MINCO • 1993-2005 ANTA (now Federal DEST) • National Quality Council • National Industry Training Boards/Skills Councils
Implementing VET • State/Territory govt depts ed and trg • - recognition agencies/regulators • -registration of providers (RTOs) • -only AQF VET qualifications (plus approved selections of units/short courses) • - AQTF: QA standards for RTOs/ recognition agencies
Achieving a national VET system • National Training Packages (replace State/Territory accredited courses) • Sets of industry competency units (assessment instrument) • Supported by training materials
Promoting Cross-Sectoral Pathways • VET-in-schools – MCEETYA policy • Articulation & Credit Transfer (AQF guidelines 2002 • Federal DEST/MCEETYA 2005
VET in Schools • Increase school retention rates • Incorporate VET Certs I, II, III into SSCE (including university entrance) • Issues: adequate workplace experience • Wide variation in ‘demand’ across industries eg automotive engineering / warehouse &storage • New Federal initiative: Technical colleges/SSCE (skills shortages)
VET-HE pathways • Vision: institutional partnerships- ‘equal playing field’ • Issues: -competency-based learning model cf academic learning model; • Resource-intensive ( even in dual sector unis); • Funding models a disincentive
VET ‘graduate’ pathway • Vocational graduate certificate • Vocational graduate diploma • Offering difference – work-based training and assessment • Opportunity/challenge: professional recognition; access to higher degrees
Australian Quality Training Framework (audit of government authorities/ providers) National Protocols for Higher Education Approval Processes Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) (auditing universities’ QA processes; government authorities)
National Guidelines on Cross-Sector Qualifications Linkages National Guidelines on Recognition of Prior Learning
Review of AQF Guidelines for the Bachelor Degree and the Postgraduate Qualifications Review of the AQF Guidelines for the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Review of the AQF Guidelines for Certificate I-IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma