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Distinguishing Infinite Graphs

Discrete Mathematics Days 2009 May 23, 2009. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University. Dedicated to the memory of Michael Albertson 1946 - 2009. Solution. f(139) = 2 rephrase the question…

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Distinguishing Infinite Graphs

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  1. Discrete Mathematics Days 2009 May 23, 2009 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato Ryerson University Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  2. Dedicated to the memory of Michael Albertson 1946 - 2009 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  3. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  4. Solution • f(139) = 2 • rephrase the question… • find the minimum number of colours on the vertices of the n-cycle Cn so that no automorphism preserves the colours Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  5. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  6. Distinguishing number • letGbe a graph with n vertices • a d-distinguishing labelling of G is a vertex colouring (not necessarily proper) with d colours so that no automorphism of G preserves the colours • always a n-distinguishing labelling • the minimum d such that G is has a d-distinguishing labelling is the distinguishing number of G, written D(G) Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  7. 5-cycle • D(C5) ≤ 3 • D(C5) > 2 by direct checking Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  8. 6-cycle • D(C6) = 2 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  9. Infinite 2-way path, P D(P) = 2 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  10. Asymmetric graphs • asymmetric graphs:no non-trivial automorphisms • G asymmetric D(G) = 1 • the distinguishing number is a measure of asymmetry Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  11. Distinguishing finite graphs • (Albertson, Collins, 96): • If Aut(G) is abelian, then D(G) ≤ 2 • If Aut(G) is dihedral, then D(G) ≤ 3 • (Russell, Sundaram, 98): complexity of computing D(G) in the class AM (= Arthur-Merlin) • (Bogstad, Cowen, 04): D(Qn) = 2 if n ≥ 4, otherwise = 3 • (Klavžar, Wong, Zhu, 05): D(G) ≤ Δ(G) unless G is a clique, regular biclique, or C5, where D(G) ≤ Δ(G) + 1 • (Cheng, 06): computing D(G) is O(nlogn) if G is acylic • (Albertson, Boutin, 07): Kneser graphs are 2-distinguishable Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  12. Application: robotics • (Lynch, 01) robotic manipulation, such as throwing, catching, and controlling the orientation of a rolling ball Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  13. G(n,p)(Erdős, Rényi, 63) • n a positive integer, p = p(n) in (0,1) • G(n,p): probability space on graphs with nodes {1,…,n}, two nodes joined independently and with probability p 4 1 2 3 5 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  14. Random graphs are rigid • an event A holds in G(n,p)asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) if A holds with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞ Theorem (Erdős, Rényi, 63) If 1- ln n/n ≥ p ≥ ln n/n, then a.a.s. G(n,p) is asymmetric (i.e. D(G(n,p)) = 1) Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  15. The infinite random graph Theorem (Erdős,Rényi, 63): With probability 1, any two graphs sampled from G(N,p) are isomorphic. • isotype R unique with the e.c. property: B For all finite A there exists z Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  16. R as a limit graph • fix R0a finite graph • suppose Rtis defined • to form Rt+1, for each finite set S in Rt, add a vertex zs joined to each vertex of S and to no other vertices of Rt • the limit graph is e.c. so isomorphic to R Rt S zs Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  17. Homogeneity • R is homogeneous: isomorphism between finite induced subgraphs extend to automorphism • R is vertex-transitive, edge-transitive, … • R plays a prominent role in the (Lachlan, Woodrow, 80) classification of the countable homogeneous graphs • so D(R) > 1 … but what is it? Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  18. Structures • signatureS = (si: i in N): sequence of positive integers • structureG with signature S: nonempty set V(S), along with relations of arity si on V(G) • examples • graphs, digraphs, orders • hypergraphs • unary predicates Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  19. Structures, continued • induced substructures, isomorphisms, homogeneity, distinguishing number, etc generalize naturally from graphs to structures • given a structure S, its graph, written G(S), has vertices V(S), with x and y joined if x and y are in some relation of S Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  20. Ages and free amalgamation • age(G): set of isotypes of finite induced substructures • age(R) = all finite graphs • age(P) = unions of finite paths • age(G) has Free Amalgamation Property (FAP): class is closed under unions • age(R) is closed under unions, but age(P) is not Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  21. The infinite case • (Imrich, Klavžar, Trofimov, 07): • D(R) = 2 • D(Qk) = 2 if k is an infinite cardinal • D(G) ≤ Δ(G) • (Watkins, Zhou, 07): if G is alocally finite treewith no end-vertices, then D(G) = 2 • (Laflamme, Van Thé, Sauer, 09): • if G is a homogeneous structure whose age(G) has FAP, then D(G) = 2 Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  22. Conjecture • a structure G is primitive if there is no non-trivial equivalence relation on V(G) preserved by Aut(G) • eg, R is primitive, as is an infinite clique Conjecture(Laflamme, Van Thé, Sauer, 09) If G is a primitive structure, then D(G) is 2 or infinite. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  23. Proving D(R)=2 • (Imrich, Klavžar, Trofimov, 07): ad hoc argument • (Laflamme, Van Thé, Sauer, 09): properties of permutation groups; fixing types • we develop a unified combinatorial approach via an adjacency property Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  24. Weak e.c. property • a graph G that is not a clique is weak-e.c. if for each pair x, y of (possibly equal) non-joined vertices and a finite set T of vertices, there is a vertex z joined to x and y but not joined nor equal to a vertex in T: y x T z • a structure S is weak e.c. iff its graph G(S) is weak e.c. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  25. Examples of weak e.c. structures • R, homogeneous Kn-free graphs, Henson digraphs, homogenous k-uniform hypergraphs, ARO, … • (B, Delić, 04) There are 2א0many non-isomorphic weak e.c. undirected graphs. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  26. D = 2 is ubiquitous Theorem (B, Delić, 09) If a countable relational structure S has the weak e.c. property, then D(S) ≤ 2. • gives alternative proof that D(R) = 2 (Imrich et al) and covers most cases of homogeneous graphs and digraphs (Laflamme et al) Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  27. Sketch of proof of theorem • let G = G(S) • G satisfies property (♣): there is an induced one-way path Z such that for all x,y not in Z, there is a z in Z joined to exactly one of x,y x y R B Z Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  28. Proof continued • if f is an automorphism of G, then • f fixes B (one-way rays are asymmetric) • if f(x) = y for x,yred, then contradiction by (♣) • remainder of the proof: show weak e.c. implies (♣) • Aut(S,R,B) is isomorphic to a subgroup of Aut(G(S),R,B) Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  29. Proof continued • process inductively all pairs {xi, yi} of vertices from V(G) • all pairs initially unprocessed • induction-step n+1: consider {xn+1, yn+1} • delete zn+1 from unprocessed pairs and relabel yn+1 xn+1 Zn by weak e.c. zn+1 zn Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  30. FAP Corollary (BD, 09) If G is a countable homogeneous structure whose age(G) has FAP, then D(G) = 2. • recovers (Laflamme et al, 09) result for homogenous structures with FAP Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  31. Directions • infinite structures G with D(G) = 2? • Urysohn space • distinguishing chromatic number of infinite graphs? • d-distinguishing labelling must be a proper colouring • i-local distinguishing number of infinite graphs? • minimum number of colours needed so no two vertices have isomorphic ith neighbourhoods preserving colours • determine D(G(n,p)) for all p = p(n) Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  32. Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

  33. preprints, reprints, contact: Google: “Anthony Bonato” Distinguishing Infinite Graphs Anthony Bonato

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