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The Future Technology & Schools

The Future Technology & Schools. Open Source Web 2.0 $100 Laptop Podcasting. Open Source Software. Open source software refers to computer software available with its source code and under an open source license to study, change, and improve its design.

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The Future Technology & Schools

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  1. The FutureTechnology & Schools • Open Source • Web 2.0 • $100 Laptop • Podcasting

  2. Open Source Software • Open source software refers to computer software available with its source code and under an open source license to study, change, and improve its design. • What does it mean for schools, teachers, students...?

  3. Firefox. On Oct. 19, Firefox, the open-source browser, had its 100 millionth download, just 344 days after the release of version 1.0. Now in version 1.5, it protects against viruses, spyware and pop-ups, and it works well with blogging software.

  4. The release of Open Office 2.0. Cormier says this application might pose the biggest threat to Microsoft's control of the desktop market. "It allows for full compatibility to everything that anyone uses," he says. While desktop applications like Microsoft Office Suite are exclusive, Open Office 2.0 "has a different vision, representative of the inclusivity of the open-source movement in general." For many schools and students, Open Office provides new software equity.

  5. The browser-based application. Cormier points to programs like Writely www.writely.com, the Web word processor, and Odeo http://odeo.com/ for recording and sharing audio. He says "the desktop-based application may soon become a thing of the specialist and the uncool. We may soon be looking back on 2005 and saying, 'Man, I was still using applications ... what a pain.' "

  6. Moodle The open-source virtual learning environment is supporting online learning at a growing number of universities. Cormier predicts it will help K-12, too. Moodle now offers wikis, word processing, a grading system, and logged chat rooms.

  7. Open Source Examples United Nations Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) www.unesco.org open source examples

  8. Wikipedia's newsreporting...says the tsunami marked the rise of Wikipedia and on-the-spot Web reporting. "As the cable news reporters were becoming more embedded and centralized, Wikipedia filled the need for immediate, personalized news." It may not make the grade as academic research, he says, but millions produce and use its content.

  9. Web 2.0, or the read/write Web. The terms refer to what many people see as a second phase in Web development, where the Web itself is a computing platform, not just a read-only platform for visitors. "With Web 1.0, the creator of the Web site controls the content; with Web 2.0, the visitors control the content. Few Web sites now do not at least give you the chance to play with their themes, if not create content."

  10. http://laptop.media.mit.edu/ The $100 laptop. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced the idea of a $100 laptop last January to help address the digital divide for developing nations.

  11. iPOD Podcasting! Over the last year, I've been listening to amazing Web broadcasts: the speeches I wanted to hear at the conferences I couldn't attend, and podcasts of student work, including that of Bob Sprankle and his class, Room 208 (http://bobsprankle.com/blog/).

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