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Laying out the Media Plan . AMASA CAPE TOWN WORKSHOP AUG 2005. 1. INTRODUCTION Every document should have a short, concise introduction This should clearly state what the document will cover And the source of information/data used for the recommendation . 2. BACKGROUND
Laying out the Media Plan AMASA CAPE TOWN WORKSHOP AUG 2005
1. INTRODUCTION • Every document should have a short, concise introduction • This should clearly state what the document will cover • And the source of information/data used for the recommendation
2. BACKGROUND • Background information shows that you • Understand the brief • Understand the business and • Know what your competitors are doing • It is important to show that you have done your homework • Also a great opportunity to update the client on competitive media activity • And re-cap client’s activity
3. MEDIA PARAMETERS 3.1 Target Market • Client’s definition • Does this work from a media evaluation perspective? • Or does it need to be translated? • Include universe sizes, sample sizes etc. • Eg: Drivers of diesel vehicles (Consumer) • No other details given! • TIME TO PLAY PRIVATE DETECTIVE
3. MEDIA PARAMETERS (cont’d) 3.2 Timing 3.3 Budget • Is production included or excluded? • Has any of the budget been previously committed? • Does it include (in some cases) VAT/commission? 3.4 Creative Considerations • What creative have you got? • What are you basing your calculations on? e.g. 1 x DPS FC 3 x 30” radio commercials
4. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES • These are taken straight from the client’s brief or the communication strategy • It is not the Media Strategists job to set the campaign objectives • The campaign should be one of acquisition (of new users) and retention (of existing users) thereby growing the market by 5% within this fiscal. • To grow market share from 10% to 15% by 2006
5. MEDIA OBJECTIVES • What do you want to achieve? • How do you set these objectives?
Reach The number of people exposed to the advertising message. Often reflected as a percentage 25% Frequency The number of times a person within the target market should be exposed to the advertising message 25% Budget Parameter: How much money can you invest? THE CLASSIC MEDIA SQUARE Impact Ad noting that is achieved by a particular creative execution 25% Time Proposed duration of the campaign 25%
Another option – Apple Computers Launch - Superbowl 1984 Impact Frequency Time Reach
5. MEDIA OBJECTIVES • You must be able to reach your objectives – REALISTIC • We have set our reach level objective at 85% over the campaign period • With an average frequency objective of 30 OTS
6. CANDIDATE MEDIA • Details of intermedia and intramedia decisions on which your recommendation will be based intermedia?…… intramedia?……
6. CANDIDATE MEDIA • Detail the various media opportunities that are available • TV/radio stations • Print • This information will most likely be based on research: AMPS, SABRE, Radio Diaries etc • Exceptions – Technical/ad hoc • Show graphs / pictures • Much easier to understand readership, viewership, penetration etc in graphic format vs tables!
INTERMEDIA DECISIONPenetration by medium - Different target markets
6. CANDIDATE MEDIA • Another route/how the media are consumed… • DAY IN THE LIFE ……. • Baygon mom vs • Saldanha Pilchards mom
7. MEDIA SELECTION • Detail your media selection • Which medium or media types and why • What is the basis of your decision? • Research/data • Give as much substantiation as possible!
8.MEDIA STRATEGY • How you intend to achieve your objectives • How are you going to roll out the media activity? • How are you going to use these titles/ radio stations etc? • What is the time frame and for how long will you schedule the radio activity, TV burst, print?
8.MEDIA STRATEGY • Every strategy must make LOGICAL sense………. It should be a story of sorts….. • NB: Give as much info and input as possible! eg: Launch on TV, radio and outdoor simultaneously • For maximum impact • TV and radio will allow us to build reach and frequency quickly • Propose 1 follow-up burst on radio • With maintenance over the campaign period on outdoor and in magazines • Avoiding clashes with other ATL consumer activity
Radio Strategy • Use a mix of stations which perform against the target market • National and regional stations • Launch burst will overlap with TV for additional impact and frequency at this time • Follow up burst to follow 6 weeks later to reinforce the launch message before recall drops too much • Strong launch burst over 3 weeks • Average frequency per station per week of 4 on the major stations • Average frequency of 3 per week on smaller stations • 1 follow up burst of 3 weeks • Average frequency per station per week of 3
9.MEDIA FLOWPLAN • Detailed media flowplan • Detailed media schedules if applicable • PLUS projected campaign performance • Acceptable to supply the client with a flowplan only when presenting media strategy • Once the broad media strategy is approved, detailed schedules can be supplied
10.BUDGET SUMMARY • Should include the given budget • Plus broad outlines of all spend • Including production if neccessary
11.CONCLUSION • Helps to round up the entire document • Demonstrates that the media objectives will be achieved by the media proposal • Allows you to reassure your client that • You do believe that your recommendation is sound • The campaign objectives will be met • Remember we are accountable for our client’s budgets
MISCELLANEOUS • This format helps to clarify the thought processes that should go into every media recommendation – no matter how small • It may not always be necessary to include ALL this information • The more information you include the better – you may need to remember some whys and wherefores a year later – and it won’t still be fresh in your brain!