1. Connecting Community through the AEDI An initiative of the Midland Early Years Action Group
2. Midland Early Years Action Group
3. Midland Early Years Action Group
4. AEDI Local Champions Program
5. AEDI Local Champions Program
6. Partnerships
7. Target areas
8. AEDI’s in target areas
9. MEYAG and the AEDI
10. Connecting the Community
11. AEDI Brain Boxes
12. Ultimately MEYAG aim to achieve positive and sustainable outcomes for children and families as identified by the AEDI and other social indicators.
MEYAG hold a planning day every two years to help the group identify its priorities and action areas. The day involves:
Bringing MEYAG members and others together to review evidence such as AEDI and ABS data.
To brainstorm issues affecting families and young children in the Midland area and;
To discuss in detail strategies that could be undertaken to:
Enhance the health and wellbeing of young children and;
Enhance parent empowerment and capacity
13. MEYAG Early Years Projects Some of the recent MEYAG initiatives that have been a result of planning days in 2008 and 2010 include:
Speech and Language Professional Development (2009)
Play and Story-time Sessions (2009)
Fun Around Books (FAB) subgroup (2010-current)
Playgroups on school sites (2010-current)
Connecting Community through the AEDI aims to generate a community response to the AEDI.
MEYAG will work alongside communities to assist the development and implementation of new projects.
14. Speech & Language Professional Development
15. Working in the Early Years The MEYAG early years projects rely on committed and passionate people....willing to go outside their core business to drive and progress the above listed initiatives plus more. Partnerships between agencies are crucial, and have developed through networking at meetings and planning days. Planning days have been important in affirming the MEYAG’s role and its priorities, creating a united and leading body for early years in Midland.
The MEYAG early years projects rely on committed and passionate people....willing to go outside their core business to drive and progress the above listed initiatives plus more. Partnerships between agencies are crucial, and have developed through networking at meetings and planning days. Planning days have been important in affirming the MEYAG’s role and its priorities, creating a united and leading body for early years in Midland.
16. Jacinta EllisCommunity Planning & Policy Officer – Early YearsCity of SwanT: 9278 9672M: 0424 040 485jacinta.ellis@swan.wa.gov.au