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Legend says a dragon traced the course of the Great Wall

Legend says a dragon traced the course of the Great Wall.

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Legend says a dragon traced the course of the Great Wall

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  1. Legend says a dragon traced the course of the Great Wall

  2. The Great Wall was originally built to keep out the Mongolian attacks from the northern border. Although they had no trouble invading China. The wall was started during the 7th century BCE. It was continually rebuilt from the 6th to the 16 century.

  3. Facts about the wall • The Great Wall is a series of segmented walls • The most famous section was built between 220 BCE and 200 BCE by Qin Shi Huang • The current most popular section was built during the Ming dynasty 1368 CE • The Wall is 4000 miles long or 6400 km • The wheel barrow was invented and used to build the wall

  4. Wall of Qin Shi Huang • The Wall of Qin Shi Huang is not longer standing • Built to separate cities and fields • Shi Huang’s wall was built of mud and stone • The later wall used rice flour as mortar

  5. Largest man-made structure in the world In 1987 the Great Wall was placed on the Greatest national and historical most amazing sites

  6. Over 1 million people died building the wall. It is often referred to as the largest cemetery in history. They died of disease, hunger, exhaustion and were often buried in the wall itself.

  7. Watch Towers • Watch Towers are 40 feet Tall • There are over 2,500 towers • Towers stored supplies for traders • Armies used watch towers for shelter

  8. The Forbidden City • The forbidden city is in the center of Beijing China • It was built in 1406 and used until the early 1900s • The Ming dynasty began construction of the palace with the intention that it would be the center of a isolated capital city of Beijing

  9. The Forbidden City is surrounded by a 26 foot wall

  10. It served as the main palace for the emperors and center for political meetings and ceremonies

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