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Legend of the Dragon

Legend of the Dragon. Wawel dragon.

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Legend of the Dragon

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  1. Legend of the Dragon

  2. Wawel dragon In Krakow, the Wawel Castle, atthefoot of thecaveis a dragon, from time to time, breathesfire, but youneed not fearit - the dragon can not move, nor do youharm - it'sjust a sculpture, but itresembles a real Wawel Dragon, which long, long ago livedcavitybelowthecastle on Wawel Hill, whereyou'll be inKrakow, be sure to go to the Wawel Castle, seethebeautiful Royal Castle and Wawel Cathedral, and then go to thedragon's Den - seethereign of King Krak, thefounder of Krakowcastlelived a dragon, uninvitedguest, whocamehere no one knowswhen, and increasinglyturned to horror and dismayamongthesubjects of Krak ...

  3. King Krak was a good king, wellliked by thetownspeople, made ​​surethatthe city grew, and itsinhabitantslivedprosperous - so it was, but for some time could be heardinthetownbelowthecastle, more and morecomplaints, peoplewereafraid to drive out thecattle to fertilemeadowsaroundthe Vistula, whichmovesomeoneshoutedthatkilled his cow, sheep, or ram. Something, maybesomeone was spreadinghavocinflocks, poorpeople, afraid of theunknown enemy, whoinsistedthatdisrupttheirlives. Many startedgrowinglouder to complain of the king, thevoices of thoseweremore and more, and finallycould be heardalso on the Wawel Hill.

  4. One of thedaughters of the king, who was often on theMainSquare and hearwhattheysay and floristsreported kramarki fatherthatsomethingbadis happening inthe city - should do somethingaboutit, becausepeoplearewilling to agitateagainstniemu.Krak was a wise king , just and reasonable - hehad no intention to ignorethevoice of his people, sent to the city of his courtiers, and thosereturning to thecastleconfirmedeverythingshesaidbeforetheking'sdaughter. Peopleclearlyafraid of something, somethoughtthathewhosteals a sheepfrompasturesneaksup on themfromthecastle.

  5. Thisisallthemoreimpressedthe king - thematter was serious, Krak decided to send his guardsinthevicinity of Wawel - theyhad to hide under thehillin a grove, and for everythingthathappens, especiallyinthemorning, keep an eye, a fewdayslonger so devotedthemselves to watch, and nothingdisturbingdid not notice, and finally one dayinthemorning, almostanythinginthenightbegan to rustlethroughthetrees, likecreep, like a walk, and stąpnięcia thesewerebecomingclearer and heavier, theking'sguardsquietlyapproachedthe place wheresomethinghashappened ... and quickly to repent, whatappearedbeforetheireyes was terrifying, in front of yousawthe great feet, and on them set squat, great body of the dragon, fortunately, thedarknessdid not see his awfulhead, but I knewwherethe dragon is to face, withthissitecould be seen, for shootingstreams of fire, creptstealthily near the terrible beasts and quickly, as fast as my legshadfled to the Wawel Hill, to thecastle, intothepresence of the king. King Krak hadgiventhempermission to viewbeforehimatany time of dayornight, whentheyseesomethingthatdisturbsthem - now and guards, and the king knewverywell - theyhave a verydifficult enemy to overcome, so far heardaboutdragonsonlyinthestories and thestoriesthemselvesmade ​​theknight mężnemu sometimesevenhairbristledwith horror on thehead ... Nowthehorridreptilesneakedinjustbeforethe royal seat and do dealwithsuch a distinguishedneighborhoodis not doing - withimpunitysteal and eatthesheep, worse , so daring, thathebegan to kidnaptheyoung girls.

  6. There was nothing - onlythe dragon challenge to a duel! Whohaddonethis, however? Whocould show suchaudacity? Daughter of the king surrendered Krak idea - the king agreed and senthimwiththeinformation to theflagella of neighboringkingdoms, as informed? He pledged to givethehand of his daughterthisaudaciousscheme to defeatthe dragon!

  7. IncreasinglycrowdedCracowknightsbegan to arrive, and amongthemwerethe sons of the king, seeing no one but the dragon did not dare to evenmovein his direction, the king hadbegun to losehopethattheever dragon isdefeated, but fortunatelyhe was wrong. Failed to recognizethedifferentweapons - cunning and stratagem, which show offtheCracowcobbler, Szewczyk Dratewka called. He hadneitherarmor nor beautifulhorse, nor a knight, orsaber, but hebelievedinhimself and his judgment. Szewczyk thoughtthatthestupid, mindlessbeastcan not be strongerthanhumanthought and ... inventedtheway to the dragon.

  8. He won thesheepskin, stuffeditwithsulfur, placed on artificiallegs, and so cleverlydoneitall, thattheillusion of a live ram was like ... It was not long to wait for the dragon, whichlured a view of a fat ram and threwhim on the spot to eat. It was his end - thebeastbegan to burnsulfur and inside was a realfire, time after time zionął fire, he ran towardsthe Vistula, drank, drank, drank - somesaythathedrankwater as the Vistula up for sevenyears, inflatedlike a balloon , was becoming a bigger and bigger, finally - broke, and thusfreedKrakowfromeachother!

  9. Dratewka ... And, as promised a royal princessmarried and livedhappilyeverafter.

  10. TheEnd TheAuthors: Magdalena Mucha Michał Kukla Rafał Kosturkiewicz

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