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OCEANS GOVERNANCE AND THE WCPO TUNA FISHERIES. By Les Clark. Introduction. The Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and WCPO Ocean Governance as an outcome of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement Advances Shortfalls and Reform Needs A broader ocean governance framework
Introduction The Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and WCPO Ocean Governance as an outcome of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement • Advances • Shortfalls and Reform Needs • A broader ocean governance framework • Rebalancing RFMO participation
Recall the Background • UNCLOS left unfinished business with respect to high seas fishing • Led to UNCED calling for a solution to problem of overfishing in the high seas • And to The UN Fish Stocks Agreement in 1995 • Strengthening RFMOs, especially regarding high seas monitoring and compliance • Updating fishery management principles • Oversight of the exercise of flag state control
WCPO Advances • A new WCPFC Commission • Emerging high seas compliance and enforcement regime - Straight out of the UN Fish Stocks agreement • Initial though still inadequate set of measures capping catch or effort in all the major fisheries, and mitigating impacts on vulnerable bycatch consistent with JPOI targets • High quality data and science programme Measures largely based on extending and leveraging coastal state (largely Pacific Island) in-zone measures to the high seas (not that these states are perfect) And often in spite of the efforts of high seas fishing states
Substantial shortfalls • Gaps, lags and shortfalls in high seas monitoring, compliance & enforcement (e.g. VMS, observers, data provision and sharing) • Lack of linkages and broader understanding (e.g. science and high seas monitoring)
Responses - Now • Heightening market consciousness • Broader awareness raising • Increasing understanding • Direct action – Greenpeace style • External RFMO review • Developing Country Capacity Building
Long Term Reform Needs • Nesting oceanic fisheries management within a broader framework of ocean governance • E.g. the Benguela Current commission • UNEP Regional Seas/SPREP/PI Regional Oceans Policy • Strengthened role for the global community in high seas custodianship, including participation in RFMOs
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