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Step By Step: Old Testament 2 Lesson 11: Psalms. Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Spring 2013. Psalms. General Information
Step By Step: Old Testament 2Lesson 11: Psalms Rev. Christopher J. RespassAntioch Bible InstituteSpring 2013
Psalms • General Information A. The name “Psalms” or “Psalter” comes from the Septuagint (LXX) name for the book “Psalmoi” and means “a song accompanied by string instruments.” The traditional Hebrew title “tehellim” means “praises.”
Psalms B. The Psalms are like an OT hymnal and is divided into 5 Books 1. Book 1 (Psalm 1-41) 2. Book 2 (Psalm 42-72) 3. Book 3 (Psalm 73-89) 4. Book 4 (Psalm 90-106) 5. Book 5 (Psalm 107-150)
Psalms C. Authorship. There are seven named authors of Psalms and a group of psalms that are anonymous. Here’s a breakdown: 1. David, 73 6. Heman, 1 2. Solomon, 2 7. Ethan, 1 3. Asaph, 12 8. Anonymous, 50 4. Sons of Korah, 11 5. Moses, 1
Types of Psalms • Penitential Psalms—the psalmist confesses sin and seeks to be restored to divine favor. Examples are (Pss. 6, 32, 51, 102, 130, 143). Read Psalm 32. • Hallel Psalms— “Praise the Lord” is an essential feature in this set of psalms (e.g., Pss. 113-118). Read Psalm 113.
Types of Psalms • Songs of Ascent—psalms of this type seem to have been written for the occasion of going up to Jerusalem during the time of any of the yearly festivals. Examples are Pss. 120-134. Read Psalm 121.
Types of Psalms 4. Wisdom Psalms—these psalms contemplate life and have elements to those in Proverbs.Some examples are Pss. 1, 37, 49, 73, 111-112, 127, 128). Read Psalm 1. 5. Messianic Psalms—these anticipate the ideal annointed King and point to Jesus Christ (e.g., Psalm 2, 110). Read Ps. 110.
Types of Psalms 6. Imprecatory Psalms. These psalms call upon God to judge the enemies of God and God’s people. These psalms are difficult to reconcile, especially for the NT believer, but we must remember that a call to God to bring justice is not personal vengeance, but a turning all vengeance over to the Lord. Examples include Pss. 35:4-8, 58:6-9, 69:22-28, 109:6-20, 137. Read Psalm 137.
Types of Psalms 7. Lament (Complaint) Psalms—here the psalmist finds himself in a predicament where his defeat or destruction is imminent. He then cries out to God for help. Examples include (Pss. 3, 7, 12, 13, 22, 26, 28, 54-57, 88). Read Psalm 55.
Types of Psalms 8. Declarative Praise/Thanksgiving Psalms—these psalms spell out the deliverance God brought and give full credit and praise to God for answering Prayer. Examples are Pss. 18, 30, 32, 34, 107, 116, 138). Read Psalm 32.
Types of Psalms 9. Hymn (Descriptive Praise) Psalm—these psalms are devoted to praising God for what he is like and what he always does. It praises God’s personhood. Some examples are: Pss. 103, 113, 117, 135, 146, 147. Read Psalm 146.
Theology of the Psalms The Psalms are theological music that affirms a God-centered perspective and worldview. This \ view affirms: 1. Life is conducted in relation to a Creator-King—God is in total control. 2. God is the Redeemer—God delivers. 3. The Presence of God—God is involved. 4. The Life of Faith—God is worthy regardless. 5. The Covenants
Resources Baylis, Albert H. From Creation to the Cross. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.