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Game Theory

Game Theory. “ Necessity Never Made a Good Bargain . ” - Benjamin Franklin Mike Shor Lecture 11. The Bargaining Problem. If an owner of some object values it less than a potential buyer, there are gains from trade  A surplus is created

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Game Theory

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  1. Game Theory “Necessity Never Made a Good Bargain.” - Benjamin Franklin Mike Shor Lecture 11

  2. The Bargaining Problem • If an owner of some object values it less than a potential buyer, there are gains from trade A surplus is created • Example: I value a car that I own at $1000. If you value the same car at $1500, there is a $500 gain from trade • Well-established market prices often control the division of surplus • If such cars are priced at $1200: $200 to the seller $300 to the buyer Game Theory - Mike Shor

  3. The Bargaining Problem In the absence of markets  bargaining • Bargaining Problem Determining the actual sale price or surplus distribution in the absence of markets • Home sales “Comps” are rarely truly comparable • Labor/management negotiations Surplus comes from production Game Theory - Mike Shor

  4. The Bargaining Problem • Importance of rules: The structure of the game determines the outcome • Diminishing pies The importance of patience • Screening and bargaining Game Theory - Mike Shor

  5. Take-it-or-leave-it Offers • Consider the following bargaining game for the used car: • I name a take-it-or-leave-it price. • If you accept, we trade • If you reject, we walk away • Under perfect information, there is a simple rollback equilibrium Game Theory - Mike Shor

  6. Take-it-or-leave-it Offers p-1000 , 1500-p accept p reject 0 , 0 Game Theory - Mike Shor

  7. Rollback • Consider the subgame: • Accept: p-1000 , 1500-p • Reject: 0 , 0 • You will reject if p>1500, accept otherwise • Rollback: I will offer highest acceptable price of 1500 • What if you make the take-it-or-leave-it offer? Game Theory - Mike Shor

  8. Take-it-or-leave-it Offers • Simple to solve • Unique outcome • Unrealistic • Ignore “real” bargaining • Assume perfect information • We do not necessarily know each other’s values for the car • Not credible • If you reject my offer, will I really just walk away? Game Theory - Mike Shor

  9. Counteroffers and Diminishing Pies • In general, bargaining takes on a “take-it-or-counteroffer” procedure • Multiple-round bargaining games • If time has value, both parties prefer trade earlier to trade later • E.g. Labor negotiations – later agreements come at a price of strikes, work stoppages, etc. Game Theory - Mike Shor

  10. Two-stage Bargaining • Value of car: $1000 me, $1500 you • I make an offer in period 1 • You can accept the offer or reject it • If you reject, you can make a counteroffer in the second period. • Payoffs • In first period: p-1000,1500-p • In second period: (p-1000) , (1500-p) Game Theory - Mike Shor

  11. Rollback • What happens in period 2? • In the final period, this is just like a leave-it-or-take-it offer: You will offer me the lowest price that I will accept, p=1000 • This leaves you with 500 • (1500-p)= (1500-1000) and leaves me with 0 • What do I do in the first period? Game Theory - Mike Shor

  12. Rollback • Give you at least as much surplus • Your surplus if you accept in the first period is 1500-p • Accept if: Your surplus in first period  Your surplus in second period 1500-p  500  p  1500-500 • p = 1500-500 • Note: the more that you value the future, the less you pay now! Game Theory - Mike Shor

  13. Example • If =4/5 • Period 2: You offer a price of 1000 • You get (4/5) (1500-1000) = 400 • I get 0 = 0 • In the first period, I offer 1100 • You get (1500-1100) = 400 • I get (1100-1000) = 100 Game Theory - Mike Shor

  14. First or Second Mover Advantage? • In the previous example, second mover gets more surplus • What if =2/5? • Period 2: You offer a price of 1000 • You get (2/5)(1500-1000) = 200 • I get 0 = 0 • In the first period, I offer 1300 • You get (1500-1300) = 200 • I get (1300-1000) = 300 Game Theory - Mike Shor

  15. First or Second Mover Advantage? • Who has the advantage? • Depends on the value of the future! • If players are patient: • Second mover is better off! • Power to counteroffer is stronger than power to offer • If players are impatient • First mover is better off! • Power to offer is stronger than power to counteroffer Game Theory - Mike Shor

  16. Bargaining Games With Diminishing Pies • More periods with diminishing pies • Suppose the same player makes an offer in each period • Infinite number of periods • Same point: if players are fully informed, a deal should occur in the first round! Game Theory - Mike Shor

  17. Information • Why doesn’t this happen? • “Time has no meaning” • Lack of information about values! • Reputation-building in repeated settings! COMMANDMENT In any bargaining setting, strike a deal as early as possible! Game Theory - Mike Shor

  18. Examples • British Pubs and American Bars • Civil Lawsuits • If both parties can predict the future jury award, can settle for same outcome and save litigation fees and time • If both parties are sufficiently optimistic, they do not envision gains from trade Game Theory - Mike Shor

  19. Uncertainty I:Civil Trial • Plaintiff sues defendant for $1M • Legal fees cost each side $100,000 • If each agrees that the chance of the plaintiff winning is ½: • Plaintiff: $500K-$100K = $ 400K • Defendant: -$500K-$100K = $-600K • If simply agree on the expected winnings, $500K, each is better off Game Theory - Mike Shor

  20. Civil Trial • What if both parties are too optimistic? • Each thinks that their side has a ¾ chance of winning: • Plaintiff: $750K-$100K = $ 650K • Defendant: -$250K-$100K = $-350K • No way to agree on a settlement! • “Delicate Disclosure Game” Game Theory - Mike Shor

  21. Uncertainty II:Non-monetary Utility • Labor negotiations are often a simple game of splitting a known surplus • Company will profit $200K – how much of this goes to labor? • Rules of the bargaining game uniquely determine the outcome if money is the only consideration Game Theory - Mike Shor

  22. Non-monetary Utility • Each side has a reservation price • Like in civil suit: expectation of winning • The reservation price is unknown • One must: • Consider non-monetary payoffs • Probabilistically determine best offer • But – probability implies a chance that no bargain will be made Game Theory - Mike Shor

  23. Example: Uncertain Company Value • Company annual profits are either $150K or $200K per employee • Two types of bargaining: • Union makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer • Union makes an offer today. If it is rejected, the Union strikes, then makes another offer • A strike costs the company 20% of annual profits Game Theory - Mike Shor

  24. Take-it-or-leave-it Offer • Probability that the company is “highly profitable,” i.e. $200K is p • If offer wage of $150 • Definitely accepted • Expected wage = $150K • If offer wage of $200K • Accepted with probability p • Expected wage = $200K(p) Game Theory - Mike Shor

  25. Take-it-or-leave-it OfferExample I • p=9/10 • 90% chance company is highly profitable • Best offer: Ask for $200K wage • Expected value of offer: (.9)$200K = $180K • But: 10% chance of No Deal! Game Theory - Mike Shor

  26. Take-it-or-leave-it OfferExample II • p=1/10 • 10% chance company is highly profitable • Best offer: Ask for $150K wage • If ask for $200K Expected value of offer: (.1)$200K = $20K • If ask for $150K, get $150K Game Theory - Mike Shor

  27. Two-period Bargaining • If first-period offer is rejected: A strike costs the company 20% of annual profits • Note: strike costs a high-value company more than a low-value company! • Use this fact to screen! • Assume (for simplicity): A strike doesn’t cost the Union anything Game Theory - Mike Shor

  28. Screening in Bargaining • What if the Union asks for $170K in the first period? • Low-profit firm ($150K) rejects • High-profit firm must guess what will happen if it rejects: • Best case – Union strikes and then asks for only $150K • In the mean time – Strike cost the company $20K • High-profit firm accepts Game Theory - Mike Shor

  29. Separating Equilibrium • Only high-profit firms accept in the first period • If offer is rejected, Union knows that it is facing a low-profit firm • Ask for $150K in second period • Expected Wage: • $170K (p) + $150K (1-p) Game Theory - Mike Shor

  30. What’s Happening • Union lowers price after a rejection • Looks like “Giving in” • Looks like Negotiating • Actually, the Union is screening its bargaining partner • Different “types” of firms have different values for the future • Use these different values to screen • Time is used as a screening device Game Theory - Mike Shor

  31. Lessons • Rules of the game uniquely determine the bargaining outcome • Which rules are better for you depends on patience, information • Delays are always less profitable • But may be necessary to screen Game Theory - Mike Shor

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