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BOBI Infinite Possibility Branding Equilibrium Cultural Codex

Explore the world of branding and business visions, measuring personal empowerment, and designing engagement programs for meaningful change. Understand cultural and communication codes for sustainable business and brand equity.

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BOBI Infinite Possibility Branding Equilibrium Cultural Codex

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  1. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Albert Einstein Anthropology in the commercial world 2013

  2. Introducing BOBI INFINITE POSSIBILITY BRANDING EQUILIBRIUM CULTURAL CODEX Developing business & brand visions, measuring personal empowerment & designing engagement programmes to ensure meaningful change Understanding the cultural and communication codes of brands, categories & consumers A sustainable approach to developing, managing & measuring business & brand equity

  3. What is an Insight? Insight n. • The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of something. An understanding of this kind. (Oxford) • The ability to perceive clearly or deeply; penetration (Collins) • A penetrating and often sudden understanding, as of a complex situation or problem (Collins) • The immediate understanding of the significance of an event or action The spark that unlocks a truly great idea!

  4. “We had better spend some timing thinking about the future, as that is where we are going to live.” Joel Barker Exploring the Future 2013

  5. What is innovation? An idea driven by an insight. …that happens!

  6. Innovation is a 360°Practice New markets New channels New ways of doing things INNOVATION = GROWTH New processes New range extensions New services New communication New packaging

  7. JEEP? Live your own adventure! CODEX? • CODEX™ aims to uncover the cultural & communication codes of a particular market, consumer segment or brand, to ensure that all business and marketing efforts are relevant and effective. • It also helps to assess where a brand is now vs where it should be heading, identifying cultural and communication clues to the future. SOURCE: The Culture Code – Clotaire Rapaille

  8. How does CODEX work? • An exhaustive analysis is undertaken: CULTURE COMMUNICATION • Participant Observation • Discovery Workshops • Desk Research • Stimulus (Ornico) • TV/Film Ads • Radio Ads • Print Ads • Outdoor Ads • Semiotic Analysis

  9. Strong hair = HEALTHY hair Mom’s do the buying From Old Irish to New Africa (Michael Power) What are the benefits? • Am I on code? • Am I off code? • Is this a new code?


  11. Brand Innovation

  12. Brand Reinvention

  13. Past ’94+ Present ’06+ Future? • Africa = rural vs modern • Trying to find our way (our own culture) • Birth of Kwaito • Want you to take me seriously • USA = Cool but all pervasive (resent this) • UK/Europe = Independence • African Pride & authenticity • African Network • Growing confidence on global stage but still catching up • West = ignorant • Integrated • Harmonious • Grounded identity • Sense of knowing • Feel under threat • Focus on specialisation and become a niche operator to survive NEW AFRICA CONFLICTED NOVEAU CONFIDENCE MARGINALISATION The Youth Codes of Identity ‘06

  14. Stoned Cherrie NY Fashion Week ‘09

  15. “The desk is a very dangerous place from which to view the world.” John Le Carré Understanding Markets 2013

  16. YPO SEGMENTATION Hired Guns Entrepreneurs Lucky Sperm Club What is Market Segmentation? • Market segmentation is the process of dividing consumers into different groups or segments, with similar characteristics and needs. • If you can clearly target consumer groups, you will: • Increase their usage of your products and services • Increase customer satisfaction and centricity • Increase loyalty and decrease churn • Increase brand preference for your offerings

  17. Segmentation Objectives • The ultimate goal of all marketing efforts is to grow demand and therefore profits for your business and brand. • A segmentation enables you to: • Develop the most effective communications approach to influence and change consumer behaviour. • Focus your resources (money, time, people) behind the most profitable segments, and structure the remainder accordingly. • Develop relevant product and service innovations that are based on sound consumer insights (and that are therefore relevant and useful to their lives). A practical tool that can be used every day in your business workings, to drive growth for your brand

  18. Developing a Segmentation Hypothesis • Building a map of how choices are made within your market: WHO WHAT HOW Consumer Typology Brand Repertoire Brand Rituals & Usage Behaviour Purchase & Consumption Need-states Purchase & Consumption Occasions Purchase & Consumption Channels WHY WHEN WHERE

  19. “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein Understanding Organisational Culture 2013

  20. Business & Brand Engagement Vision • For a brand to deliver on its promise, the people within the organisation must actively embody it. • To do this they must have an understanding of: • Where the business is going? • Their role in delivering the vision and values? • The correct behaviours & tools to do this? Mission Goals Brand Proposition Values & Behaviours Customer Expectations Employee Behaviour “The moment of truth”

  21. Measuring Engagement HIGH Champions 27% Know what the vision is and are committed to delivering it Bystanders 10% Know what they need to do but lack commitment to the business and brand vision KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING Loose Cannons 21% Passionate about the brand, but are unclear of the vision and their role in delivering it Weak Links 42% Neither understand nor believe the business and brands vision LOW HIGH PASSION & COMMITMENT

  22. Understanding the process of chanege Holding on Letting go Moving on HIGH 7. Grow & Transform 2. Denial 1. Shock 6. Testing LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE 3. Awareness 5. Understanding 4. Acceptance LOW PROCESS OF CHANGE HIGH Source: Kubler Ross’ Change Curve

  23. “What we need is more people who specialise in the impossible. Theodore Roethke The Social Sphere 2013

  24. SA’s Vulnerable Children • Over 3500 babies were abandoned or deserted in 2010, and this number appears to be increasing year on year (Child Welfare SA estimate). • It is estimated that 22% of 15-19 year olds in a sample of 10 000 were mothers (24% had been pregnant). • Although the precise number cannot be determined, there are over 2 million children who have been orphaned in South Africa. • More than 10.3 million children benefit from a child support grant, but more specifically 560,718 foster child grants are provided. • This means that at the least two and half million children may be in socially and economically vulnerable positions that require alternative care or protective arrangements to be made. • Adoptions’ are down by approximately 18% from 2010, with only 2013 adoptions taking place between 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012.

  25. National Adoption Coalition of SA

  26. 2011 Building Awareness • Campaign valued at R20million in pro-bono services and sponsored media • Website ranked no 1 on Google search for adoption, with over 500 0000 hits • Call centre fielded in excess of 1000 adoption related queries in 6 months

  27. Adoption & Ubuntu • Ubuntu, the African humanist philosophy of community and humanity, or “I am what I am because of who we all are”, states that ‘no child could be left without a family’, however, the reality is very different in modern day South Africa. • The low prevalence of marriage in SA (& vulnerability of single mothers), the weakening of the traditional extended family, urbanisation and the impact of poverty and HIV/Aids, has led to an alarming increase in abandoned babies and a preference for foster care: Common Law Adoption Legal responsibility Parental powers Permanent Inheritance Customary Law Extended family Bloodline Tribalism Ancestors & Rituals Adoption is the best possible long term outcome for orphaned and vulnerable children Adoption is in contradiction to African social norms and practices?

  28. Understanding the people involved • Within this framework 4 kinds of people exist: Champions Understand and are passionate & committed to solving the problem Spectators Understand, but don’t get emotionally involved in the outcome CHANGE SOCIO CULTURAL PERCEPTIONS KNOWLEDGE Wild Cards Passionate, but don’t understand how they can support the process Lost Souls Don’t understand and don’t care that much about it INCREASE KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING PASSION

  29. Community Engagement Plan Holding on Letting go Moving on 2. Exploring our communities and scenarios (good and bad) that could benefit from adoption Focus on Awareness 1. Visioning a sustainable community that puts its children’s needs first? 3. Exploring how these scenarios can be helped through the process of adoption and engagement Focus on Understanding & Testing 4 Exploring the Values & supporting Behaviours that will ensure more positive and proactive engagement Focus on LOVE values 7. Moving forward 2. Denial 1. Shock 6. Testing CONFIDENCE 3. Awareness 5. Understanding 4. Acceptance 5. From theory into action – What can you do to help? The Change Curve - Kubler Ross

  30. Exploring every kind of scenario • The following scenarios were explored to ensure the widest view of the adoption process in SA society:

  31. 2012 Building Awareness

  32. Empowering Communities • National Road Show planned for June to August to all 9 Provinces. • Facilitator Training at the October NAC Conference. • Partner engagement for greater reach • DSD • Other NGO’s • Community Groups • Church & Cultural organisations

  33. Social Change? • The quickest way to drive social change, is to change the way people think: FROM 1527 GUNS coupon TO1527 TREES Turning an agent of death into an agent of life Pedro Reyes - Palas por Pistolas 2008

  34. ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.’ Albert Einstein Thank you 2013

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