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Proposition. 1. “The Bible teaches that if a man puts away his scriptural (faithful) wife for a reason other than fornication , and then commits fornication , the original wife may not remarry.” J. T. Smith – Affirms Tim Haile - Denies. Definition of Proposition. 2.
Proposition 1 “The Bible teaches that if a man puts away his scriptural (faithful) wife for a reason other than fornication, and thencommits fornication, the original wife may not remarry.” J. T. Smith – Affirms Tim Haile - Denies
Definition of Proposition 2 The Bible – The 66 books of the Bible – especially the New Testament. Teaches – by statement, command, approved example and necessary implication.
Definition of Proposition 3 If a man “puts away” – “apoluo involves departing, dismissing, releasing (whether from sins, captivity or company), letting go, loosing, sending away, setting free, liberating, departing or leaving.”
Definition of Proposition 4 His scriptural – she is his wife in harmony with God’s law (faithful) wife – not an adulterer For a reason other than fornication – She has not committed sexual immorality.
Definition of Proposition 5 And then commits fornication – After divorcing his original wife, he either commits adultery with or without marrying another woman . The original wife may not remarry without committing sin.
Proposition 6 “The Bible teaches that if a man puts away his scriptural (faithful) wife for a reason other than fornication, and then commits fornication, the original wife may not remarry.” Jesus states my proposition almost word for word.
The Scriptures 7 I say: “Whoever puts away his wife without a cause and marries another woman is committing adultery.” Jesus said:Luke 16:18a“Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery:
The Scriptures 8 I say: After he has divorced his wife without a scriptural cause, the original wife may not remarry without committing sin. Jesus said: Luke 16:18b“and whosoever marrieth her that is putaway from her husband committeth adultery.”
9 Matthew 19:4-5 “And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?”
10 I Corinthians 6:16 “Or know ye not that he that is joined to a harlot is one body? for, The twain, saith he, shall become one flesh.”
11 I Corinthians 6:16“Joinedto a harlot” Matthew 19:5 “Cleaveto his wife Kollao -“In the NT kollao, meaning “to glue or join together,” occurs only in the middle or passive …. A specific sense of kollasthai is for sexual intercourse; cf. Mt. 19:5 (quoting Gen. 2:24); Eph. 5:31 (quoting Gen. 2:24 more literally with proskollthesetai); 1 Cor. 6:16 (where the opposite is union with the Lord, v. 17).” -Theological Dictionary of the N.T.
12 Matthew 19:6 – Mark 10:9“What God hasjoined together” “34.73:suzeugnumi: to join two persons in a marriage relationship - `to cause to be married, to join in marriage.' `therefore what God has joined together in marriage, man should not separate' #Matt 19:6.” -Louw & Nida Lexicon Found in only these two passages
13 Ephesians 5:22-31 The wife is to be in subjection to and fear her husband as he is to love her, tending to her needs. It is based on “man shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh” (vs. 31) and refers to themarriage. relationship.
14 Separate verb transitive 1 a : to set or keep apart : disconnect, sever b : to make a distinction between : discriminate, distinguish c : sort <separate mail> d : to disperse in space or time : scatter 2 archaic : to set aside for a special purpose : choose, give
15 Separate 3 : to part by a legal separation: a : to sever conjugal ties with b : to sever contractual relations with : discharge <separated from the army> 4 : to block off : segregate 5 a : to isolate from a mixture : extract <separate cream from milk> b : to divide into constituent parts 6 : to dislocate (as a shoulder) esp. in sports.
16 Separate verb intransitive 1 : to become divided or detached 2 a : to sever an association : withdraw b : to cease to live together as a married couple 3 : to go in different directions 4 : to become isolated from a mixture
17 Separate-Sever-Dissolve-Depart From “63.29: chorizo {a} : to separate objects by introducing considerable space or isolation - `to separate, to isolate one from another.‘” -Louw & Nida Lexicon “to put apart, separate,” -Vine, p. 296
18 Chorizo There are only 12 verses containing Chorizo Matthew 19:6 – “not put asunder” Mark 10:9 – “not put asunder” Acts 4:1 – “not to depart from” Acts 18:1-2 – “depart from” Romans 8:35, 39 – “separate from” I Corinthians 7:10-11,15 – “depart” Philemon 15 – “parted from” Hebrews 7:26 – “separated from”
19 An Inspired Translation Deuteronomy 24:1“…send out of his house.” Requires intention to end marriage • Requires action Requires physical separation – “out of house” Matthew 19:8– Jesus used apoluo to express “send out of his house.”
Apoluo (put away) Means Action 20 • “The spouse that puts away, or repudiates, his mate looses him, or severs him, from acceptance in marriage. This is the meaning of Apoluo. • “He explicitly declares to the mate that he no longer wills to live in marriage with the mate. He releases her; he declares her repudiated. That’s not merely mental / thought process; that’s action! . . . The two spouses are separated (unmarried--not living together).” Bill Reeves 285, 288
21 “Put Away” “Split The Blanket” Separated - (Unmarried – Not living together -br) Repudi ated Marriage is Dissolved “Put Asun der” Physical Relationship Destroyed
Romans 7:2-3 22 “For the woman which hath an husband isbound by the lawto her husbandso long as he liveth;but if thehusband be dead, she isloosed from the law of her husband.3So then if, while her husband liveth, she bemarried to another man, she shall becalledan adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she isfree from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.”
LAW BINDS 23 Tim Haile Teaches … LOOSES GOD’S MARRIAGE WOMAN MAN Man can put away his wife, sunder the marriage. But a subsequent putting away of God’s BOND!
24 Tim Haile Teaches … LAW BINDS MARY LOOSED HERSELF LOOSES GOD’S MARRIAGE JOHN MARY “Can Mary ‘loose herself’ from her bond to John because of his fornication, even after he had won the civil court procedure? Yes, she can!” Man can put away his wife, sunder the marriage.
25 Two Positions Haile and Company add: The Lord said: WITHOUT CAUSE FORNICATION PUT AWAY “PUT AWAY” THEN MAY UNMARRIED UNBOUND ? Matthew 19:9 SCRIPTURE
Definitions 27 puts away – “apoluo involves departing, dismissing, releasing (whether from sins, captivity or company), letting go, loosing, sending away, setting free, liberating, departing or leaving.”
28 Apoluo As Used in New Testament Matthew 19:5-6 “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man putasunder.” Once one of the spouses has “apoluoed” the marriage, (put it asunder, divided it) there is no longer a marriage.”
1 2 Without Cause Cause Fornication Commits Adultery No Adultery 29 Two Cases Matthew 19:9 Woman – Whosoever – Man MAN PutsAway His Wife Marries Another Wife A single wordcannothave two meanings in the same sentence. (Hermeneutics by D.R. Dungan, Rule 1, Page 184) Puts Away and Marries have the same meaning in both cases!
The Scriptures 30 Matthew 5:31, 32 “It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: 32But I say unto you, Thatwhoso-evershallput awayhis wife,saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commitadultery: andwhosoevershall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.”
The Scriptures 31 Matthew 19:9 “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”
The Scriptures 32 Mark 10:11-12“And he saith unto them, Whosoever shallput awayhis wife, and marry another,committeth adulteryagainst her.12And if a woman shall putaway herhusband, and be married to another,she committeth adultery.”
The Scriptures 33 Luke 16:18“Whosoeverputteth awayhis wife,and marrieth another,committeth adultery: and whosoevermarrieth herthat isput awayfrom her husbandcommit-teth adultery.”
The Scriptures 34 I Corinthians 7:10-11 “And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.”
MARRIAGE Physical Relationship 37 God’s Law ONE MATE FOR LIFE ONE MATE FOR LIFE BOUND BOUND Obligations Restraints VOW VOW MAN WOMAN
Restrains Obligates Man from going beyond God’s Word Man to do God’s Will Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46; James 1:21 II John 9; Galatians 1:6-9 38 God’s Law
39 God’s Law “Joins” (Yokes Together) Matthew 19-4-6 Obligates Leave & Cleave et. al. Restrains From Sexual Relations With Another Romans 7:2-3
40 God’s Law “Joins” (Yokes Together) Matthew 19:4-6 Obligates Leave & Cleave et. al. Restrains From Sexual Relations With Another – Romans 7:2-3
How Is One “Loosed”? God’s LawBinds-Romans 7:2 GodLoosesFrom His Law -Romans 7:3 GodLoosesThe Innocent Who Puts Away His Spousefor Fornication - Matthew 5:32; Matthew 19:9 GodLoosesOne WhoseSpouseHasDied - Romans 7:3 The single person is free to remarryanother single person Or One Whom God Has Loosed – 1 Cor. 7:28 41
Four Bible Positions on “Bound” 42 1. “Bound” and Scripturally Married – Matthew 19:5 2. “Bound” and Unmarried – I Cor. 7:10-11 3. One mate “Bound” while being unscripturally married to another – Mark 6:16-17; Romans 7:2-3 4. One mate “bound” though unmarried while the other mate is free – Matt. 19:9 Remember, “bound” means, “Obligation, namely to law” (Thayer, Page 131, # 2b)
43 Mark 16:16 Baptists say: Believe Saved Baptized Jesus Said: Believe Baptized Saved
44 Matthew 19:9 My Opponent say: Put Away Then Fornication is committed Put Away (Repudiate) (Rejects) Jesus Said: Fornication Innocent may Put Away Guilty Innocent May Remarry
For fornication Puts Away wife whoever May Marry Another whoever 45 Matthew 19:9 Marries her Commits Adultery
Puts Away wife whoever Marries her Marries Another whoever 46 Luke 16:18 Commits Adultery Commits Adultery
Opponent says Wife may NOW Puts him away Wife Puts Away whoever Marries Another Marries Another Without Sin Matthew 19:9 47 Commits Adultery Scripture Please
Puts Away wife whoever Marries her Commits Adultery whoever 48 Luke 16:18 Repents for Putting Away His Wife may Then Put Away his adulterous wife and Remarry without sin. Scripture Please
49 Marriage and Bound Marriage Physical Relationship Becoming One Flesh • Matthew 19:6 “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Bound • Malachi 2:14 “Yet you say, ‘For what reason?’ Because the LORD has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant.
A Sad Situation - Indeed 51 “Here is an innocent, moral, covenant-keeping, godly and faithful wife whose husband turns out to be a sorry, cheating, fornicating, immoral, ungodly man. He repudiates and divorces his “lawful” wife, marries his paramour, and then his true, lawful and godly ex-wife is doomed to a life of loneliness, celibacy, and rejection because her immoral, fornicating husband decided to divorce her and beat her to the lawyer, judge, and court to get a civil divorce. [They] say she will be an adulteress if she remarries, no matter how pure and godly she really is or has been!” Taken from an article in Gospel Truths by Bill Cavender
A Sad Situation - Indeed 51 n innocent, moral, covenant-keeping, godly and faithful wifewhoseturns out to be a sorry, cheating, fornicating, immoral, ungodly man. He repudiates and“lawful” and then his true, lawful and godly is doomed to a life of loneliness, celibacy, and rejection because her immoral, fornicating husband decided to divorce her and beat her to the lawyer, judge, and court to get a civil divorce. no matter how pure and godly she really is or has been!“ Taken from an article in Gospel Truths by Bill Cavender husband divorceshis Wife, marries his paramour, Here is a ex-wife [They] say she will be an adulteressif she remarries,
A Sad Situation - Indeed 52 But In Accord With Scripture “Here is a husband who divorces his wife and marries another. [They] say the ex-wife cannot remarry. She will be an adulteress if she remarries.” [They] must include Jesus who said: “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.” (Luke 16:18NKJV)