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Egypt. AMH UHS Mr. Moran. Neolithic Villages were very independent Grains and animals came from Mesopotamia Bronze also came form middle east Egypt had game, fish, copper, gold, flax, papyrus Nile was divided into Kingdoms; White and Red White in the south: upper Red in the north: lower
Egypt AMH UHS Mr. Moran
Neolithic Villages were very independent Grains and animals came from Mesopotamia Bronze also came form middle east Egypt had game, fish, copper, gold, flax, papyrus Nile was divided into Kingdoms; White and Red White in the south: upper Red in the north: lower River flows north making all others wrong (to Egyptians) Story of the Scorpion King King of White Kingdom Mace shows celebration of defeating soldiers of Red Army White and Red Kingdoms are finally united by King Narmer (Menes or “Men" in some translation and stories) Hieroglyphics note him as “Raging Catfish” or more poetically “Baleful Catfish” (Bauer, 2007, 26) In the Nile
Pre-Dynastic and Old Kingdom • Narmer or Menes is considered the first King of Egypt and begins the First Dynasty • United White and Red Kingdoms • Crown combined both crowns, picture show him ruling upper and lower Egypt, and he is seen protecting the people form invaders • Memphis became Capital • Ruled for 64 years • Believed to have been killed by Hippopotamus during a Hippo Hunt • Was followed by his son and 6 other kings
OLD KINGDOM NEW KINGDOM MIDDLE KINGDOM Pharaohs organized a strong central state, were absolute rulers, and were considered gods. Egyptians built pyramids at Giza. Power struggles, crop failures, and cost of pyramids contributed to the collapse of the Old Kingdom. Large drainage project created arable farmland. Traders had contacts with Middle East and Crete. Corruption and rebellions were common. Hyksos invaded and occupied the delta region. Powerful pharaohs created a large empire that reached the Euphrates River. Hatshepsut encouraged trade. Ramses II expanded Egyptian rule to Syria. Egyptian power declined.
The Eras or Dynasties of Egypt • Pre-dynastic (5000- 2696 BCE) • 5000-4000 BCE (Badarian Period) • 4000- 3000 (Naqada Period) • 3100- 2890 (Archaic Period) • Dynasty 1 ( 3100-2890 BCE) • Menes (Narmer) • Dynasty 2 (2890-2696 BCE)
Old Kingdom (2696-2181 BCE) • Dynasty 3 (2686- 2613 BCE) • Djoser • Dynasty 4 (2613-2498 BCE) • Snefru • Khufu • Khafre • Menkaure • Dynasty 5 (2498-2345 BCE) • Dynasty 6 (2345- 2184 BCE) • First Intermediate Period • 2181-2040 BCE Dynasties 7-10) Pyramid Builders
1st Dynasty • Created a Centralized State • Established a Royal Court • Began the collection of taxes • Expansion (3rd King Djer expanded east) • A stable economy to feed people of specialization • Full time priests • Skilled workers • Scribes • Autocracy based on Religion
Religion • Main gods • Ra (Amun Ra) the creator • Osiris (ruler of the entire earth; then king of the netherworld) • Set (brother and jealous of Osiris) • Isis (Sister and wife of Osiris) • Horus (Son and husband to Isis; son of Osiris) • Feud between the gods and upper/lower Egypt. • Pharaohs were Horus on earth and provided all necessities for Egypt
Comes from Creation Story Ra, in human form, comes to impregnate the ruling Queen Thoth, the herald of Ra, announces what has happened Royal couple are now surrogate parents The myth changes and King is now Horus, son of Osiris and Isis Horus is added to the Family of Ra Horus becomes the protector of King against disorder (Seth) King is dual nature; the divine in human form Final change, Horus is King and upon death transfers to next heir. The Power of Old Kingdom Kings
Coronation ceremony is called a Kha (appearance of the sun at sunset) Given his divine name Then all the provinces would bring their local gods to venerate the new king Kings survival depended on his ability to maintaining order and tradition Any evidence would show the withdraw of gods support Kings established the Per Ao or Great House to help maintain order Administration system headed by a vizier (governor) Coronation and Purpose
As Horus, the King… Had power to control elements and destroy others Conducted rituals to show power and strength When dead, he became Osiris and Horus transferred to oldest son No written code- law and justice (ma’at) was established and maintain by the King Spoke justice So powerful people were sacrificed when the Pharaoh died They would be his servants in the after life. Pharaoh only married other deities Wives were always with in the family King
Ka (spirit of the king) was very important It was the only element that could travel to be with it’s father Ra Rituals emerge to help the Ka complete it’s journey Body of the King must be preserved Name recorded on the tomb The Ka had to be provided with all it needed for the after life Could not survive without nourishment The Ka of Kings
Originally, kings were buried in mudbrick chambers With out protection the body would be destroyed Shallow burials dried out the body Too deep, the body decayed So… Mastabas were used for protection and storage Embalming or Mummification was developed to prevent decay Early Burials
The 3rd Dynasty Brought peace and prosperity to Egypt Rituals and traditions established Rituals became fused with religion The heb-sed race Bureaucracy Changed the Pharaoh’s burial Prior to the 3rd Dynasty Pharaoh was buried in tombs called mastabas Djoser changed traditions by increasing the use statues as displays of power More statues and temples were built to show strength and power Old Kingdom
Djoser put Imhotep in charge of his burial tomb It is believed the mastaba was just as before, but in an effort to copy the ziggurats, smaller chambers were added above. Used hew stone Increase of trade and prosperity led to competition between Kings Sekhemkhet did not complete his step pyramid Was suppose to be 7 steps Khaba was also not completed Huni (last Pharaoh of 3rd Dynasty) also tried to build but failed (would have been 8 steps) Collapsed due to bad architecture Pyramids
Snefru was a better leader than previous Pharaohs Finished Meydum (Maidum) Pyramid of Huni Tried a smooth surface First attempt did not work (Bent Pyramid) The angle was off Foundation would not hold weight First True Pyramid (Red Pyramid) red sandstone peeled Snefru’s son Khafre finished the Red Pyramid Also built the Great Pyramid Based on fathers concept with angel 51°52’ Khafre also had the sphinx built Very aggressive Pharaoh Khafre’s son Menkaure suffered from his father’s legacy and his Pyramid is smaller than the rest. Last pyramid built by Pepi II Snefru (4th Dynasty)
Writing • Egyptian writing is called Hieroglyphics • Began as Pictograms but later stood for syllabic sounds • Hieroglyphics was the language of royalty and divinity • Priest held the power of writing • They were guardians of the knowledge • Writing brought immortality • Worst thing that can be done is to deface a carving of a name • Hieratic script became the writing of common day events • Papyrus was used because clay was too heavy and fragile
Caused by rebellion against the authority of the King (Pepy II was last- long rule) Nomarchs increased their power/no longer needed Pharaoh to rule Organized the common people /Pharaoh and leaders lacked leadership and power Climate change Nile water level dropped Chaos and disorganization emerges Nobility working in fields People killing each other War between Nomarchs were common. Battled for resources and land Lamenting literature Elite complaining of problems (Lack of Ma’at) First Intermediate Period
½ way through the 10th Dynasty, “the princes of Thebes” increased their power Trade in the south increase and treasures are brought to that city. Take over ruling Monarchs Establish an army and ruled with standing army Menthohotep began a new Dynasty (11th) Thebes becomes capital of the Middle Kingdome Pharaohs (Menthohotep II) Make a connection to Earlier Pharaohs Pushes to establish Justice (Ma’at) Menthohotep III- united Egypt after the 1st Intermediate period/ established 11th Dynasty Middle Kingdom (2100-1800 BCE)11th and 12th Dynasties
Establishes Trade Byblos As far south as present day Sudan (3rd Cataract) Wild animals (ostriches, giraffes, tigers, lions, gold, silver, ) Quarries Goods brought to Egypt Gold from Nubia used to pay for goods and tributes. Expansion Army expanded Egyptian Imperialistic control Soldiers were non Egyptian peasants. Kings sent tributes to Egyptian Pharaohs Wives for harems Soldiers Border steles were created Accomplishments
Continue the acts of 11th Dynasty Amenemhat I took power from Believed to have been a royal Vizier (scribe or overseer) Name continued for rest of Pharaohs Need a God connection to be justified Push the God Amun Creation of Amun-Ra Temple and burial relief's reestablished Cults increase Osiris (Book of the Dead) Isis Crocodile cult 12th Dynasties
Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom do not have the “Divine Authority” as in the Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom Pharaohs are seen caring for the people (Sheepherders) Building of temples (connections to all previous gods) Need professional Bureaucracy and increase of propaganda is found Underground temples Pharaohs establish a comprehensive network of Bureaucracy Wariks controlled the Nomarchs Egypt divided into 3 areas Upper, Middle, and Lower Egypt (based on Nile flow) Pharaohs are Different
Hyksos Invasion • 2nd Intermediate Period (15-17 Dynasties) • Hyksos means “chiefs of foreign lands” • Defeat Egyptian army • Superior war technology (Chariots) • First time outsiders are in control of Egypt • People were thrown in to chaos • Egypt stayed divided into 3 regions
New Kingdom • After Ahmose I drove out the Hyksos (18th Dynasty • the Egyptian kings dedicated themselves to preventing the Hyksos disaster from ever happening again • Adopted new war technology (Chariots) • Established a strong military state • Warrior Kings • Imperialistic Power
Ahmose I unifies Egypt and begins the New Kingdom/ 18th Dynasty Great stories of battle and conquest (father revenged) Egypt became an Imperialistic Power with “Warrior Kings” Thutmose I extended Egypt rule to the Euphrates All kings went of great conquests (except Hatshepsut) New Kingdom (1570-1080 BCE)
New Kingdom created great temples to honor the Kings and their accomplishments Creation of the Valley of the Kings 62 tombs Kings were expected to build and undertake great conquests Thutmose I first to build great temple Legacies of 18th and 19th Dynasties
Strong central government Expansion and great trade Near East and Africa conquered Hatshepsut Female pharaoh Built many temples (Deir el-Bahri) Increase trade instead of starting wars Nefertiti Married Amenhotep IV (Akhanaten) Most beautiful queen Mother of Tutankhamund Cult of Aten Started by Akhenaten Monotheistic Achievements and Oddities
King Ramses I was a general from the North Gained power after death of Tutankhamun Not having royal blood Sety I (son of Ramses) established a connection with Narmer Sety I’s son becomes Ramses II from Biblical fame. Biblical Pharaoh
Ramessess II • Lived 96 years • Had 200 wives and concubines, 96 sons, and 60 daughters • Ramesses' building accomplishments are two temples at Abu Simbel, the hypostyle hall at Karnak, a mortuary complex at Abydos, the Colossus of Ramesses at Memphis, a vast tomb at Thebes, additions at the Luxor Temple, and the famous Ramesseum.
Kingdom becomes divided into many factions Caused by weaker Kings After the death of Ramsses XI, a man named Smendes, who lived in the town of Tanis, claimed the throne. From this point on, no-one was really in charge of Egypt. Nubians took control for a short while From the Near East, the ferocity of Assyrians and their king Ashurbanipal took over the Nile Regions End of New Kingdom