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How to Access Health and Safety Publications using OHSIS. This slide show will move on automatically. Alternatively, you can click on the arrow buttons in the bottom right-hand corner to move forwards or backwards through the slides.
This slide show will move on automatically. Alternatively, you can click on the arrow buttons in the bottom right-hand corner to move forwards or backwards through the slides. On the last slide, the right arrow button allows you to return to the start.
The following is a working example of how to find a publication using the Occupational Health and Safety Information System - OHSIS.
The procedure starts from the Health and Safety Office home page at http://www.dur.ac.uk/healthandsafety/
The example worked through is to find the Health and Safety Executive publication 'Successful Health and Safety Management' which has the HSE reference number HSG65.
Access has been configured to avoid the need for you to enter user names or passwords. This will only work however if you access OHSIS from a durham.ac.uk address.
Durham University's subscription to OHSIS is funded by the Health and Safety Office and is a free service to Durham University staff and students.
If you have any problems please contact Libby Cansino in the Health and Safety Office.Internal Extension 42660
Go to Health and Safety Office Home Page Scroll down Click on this link
This brings up the Technical Indexes Login Page Click on "Submit" button
This is the standard Search Page. You can search using any or all of these fields, e.g. if you did not have the doc. no., you could type 'Management' in the Title field. In this case we are looking for the book with doc. no. HSG65 You can search for publications by specific organisations, e.g. HSE Click "Search"
Relevant documents are listed Click this document icon to view latest edition of HSG65
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