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2. Training Overview. BackgroundContext of the Initial Evaluation of Full Service PartnersFull Service Partnership Outcomes AssessmentFSP Forms
California Department of Mental Health
Performance Outcomes & Quality Improvement
2. 2 Training Overview Background
Context of the Initial Evaluation of Full Service Partners
Full Service Partnership Outcomes Assessment
FSP Forms & Methodology
County “Certification”
DMH Staff Contact Information Points to remember:
Introductions for POQI staff
Check to be sure everyone has training materialsPoints to remember:
Introductions for POQI staff
Check to be sure everyone has training materials
3. 3 Purpose is to provide a little background to how the system for evaluation was developedPurpose is to provide a little background to how the system for evaluation was developed
4. 4 Full Service Partnership Outcomes Assessment Background Current outcomes are also guided by previous legislation and reporting requirements such as Realignment, Children’s System of Care, Medi-Cal and the Federal Block Grant.
In addition, Recovery-based system transformational agendas such as the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health report “Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America” was also influential. The goal here is to emphasize that this was a statewide effort and is also mandated in legislation
PMAC consists of culturally and regionally diverse experts including family members, clients, providers and administrators from all over the state
The goal here is to emphasize that this was a statewide effort and is also mandated in legislation
PMAC consists of culturally and regionally diverse experts including family members, clients, providers and administrators from all over the state
5. 5 Full Service Partnership Outcomes Assessment Background With its emphasis on Accountability, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) greatly expands our need for data at multiple levels
In response to these increased demands, DMH convened the Performance Measurement Advisory Committee (PMAC)
DMH and the PMAC developed methods to measure the impact of MHSA services on individuals modeled after the successful AB2034 Program
What we will discuss today is the first component of a comprehensive statewide system being developed to measure outcomes at the Individual, System and Public/Community impact levels as they relate to the MHSA The goal here is to emphasize that this was a statewide effort and is also mandated in legislation
PMAC consists of culturally and regionally diverse experts including family members, clients, providers and administrators from all over the state
The goal here is to emphasize that this was a statewide effort and is also mandated in legislation
PMAC consists of culturally and regionally diverse experts including family members, clients, providers and administrators from all over the state
6. 6 Talk about the outcomes development process within the paradigm above.
Give examples of outcomes at the system and public/community level.
Point out that the model is not hierarchical in that the public/community impact level is no more important that any other level
That we are starting at the individual client level and that this is what we will focus our training on todayTalk about the outcomes development process within the paradigm above.
Give examples of outcomes at the system and public/community level.
Point out that the model is not hierarchical in that the public/community impact level is no more important that any other level
That we are starting at the individual client level and that this is what we will focus our training on today
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8. 8 Separate forms developed for each of the four age groupings Each set of forms is tailored for the particular age group we are assessing in that there are some questions that are included for older adults that are not Each set of forms is tailored for the particular age group we are assessing in that there are some questions that are included for older adults that are not
10. 10 PARTNERSHIP ASSESSMENT FORMCollects baseline and historical data about:
11. 11 KEY EVENT TRACKING FORMCompleted when there are changes in any of the following key areas:
12. 12 Education: Assesses current attendance level and grades, and whether the partner is currently receiving any type of special education
Sources of Financial Support: Assesses current sources of financial support
Legal Issues/Designations: Assesses current custody arrangements for children of the partner
Health Status: Assesses current access to a primary care physician
Substance Abuse: Assesses whether the partner is currently considered to have a co-occurring mental illness and substance use problem and whether the partner is current receiving substance abuse services
ADL / IADL – Older Adults Only: Assesses current level of functioning in certain key areas QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT FORMCompleted every 3 months to assess:
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14. 14 Partnership Assessment Form
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21. 21 The DCR System Phase 1: Available January 1, 2006
Allows data submission and batched data return
Provides basic HTML interface with some error checking and validation functionality
Phase 2: Available Spring 2007
Allows editing of submitted data
Allows query and reporting capability
Performs County Client Number verification against CSI data
Provides real time data download capability
Performs stringent data validations during data entry
Provides user friendly interface
Allows XML schema based integration
Provides “tickler” mechanism to track when reviews/assessments are due
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24. 24 County Certification Requirements Attend Full Service Partnership (FSP) Outcomes Assessment Training (2-3 hours)
FSP Program ID Code Assignment (1/2 hour)
County Director identifies Approver Designee
Approver Designees receive training (1-2 hours)
All training is conducted via conference call. More training information, including scheduling, is located at:http://www.dmh.ca.gov/POQI/trainingMHSA.asp
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26. 26 DMH Performance Outcomes ContactsPOQI Support: POQI.Support@dmh.ca.gov Candace Cross-Drew, Research Program SpecialistPhone: (916) 653-4582Email: Candace.Cross-Drew@dmh.ca.gov
Traci Fujita Sauer, Research Program
SpecialistPhone: (916) 653-3300Email: Traci.Fujita@dmh.ca.gov
Brenda Golladay Grealish, Research Program SpecialistPhone: (916) 654-3291Email: Brenda.Golladay@dmh.ca.gov
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