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ETC-ICM contributors: Kari Austnes and Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA Lidija Globevnik, IWRS,

Ecological status/potential and pressures of European rivers and lakes as reported in RBMPs/ WFD database - draft figures for discussion. ETC-ICM contributors: Kari Austnes and Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA Lidija Globevnik, IWRS, Hana Prchalova and Anita Künitzer, Cenia,. Outline.

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ETC-ICM contributors: Kari Austnes and Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA Lidija Globevnik, IWRS,

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  1. Ecological status/potential and pressures of European rivers and lakes as reported in RBMPs/ WFD database - draft figures for discussion ETC-ICM contributors: Kari Austnes and Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA Lidija Globevnik, IWRS, Hana Prchalova and Anita Künitzer, Cenia, Advisory Group meeting on European Waters 2012 Report, Date: 27.-28.04.2011, Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  2. Outline • Data available • General European picture • Regional overviews - ideas • Hot spots (i.e. water bodies in ≤ moderate status) • Which BQEs determine the status class? • Preliminary key messages on status/potential • Pressure analyses • Ideas for combining pressures and status Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  3. Data available • WFD database version v3 March 2011 based on data reported in the RBMPs: http://water.eionet.europa.eu/schemas/dir200060ec/resources/ • 13 countries available: • AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, EL, FI, FR, LT, NL, SE, SK, UK • Total number of water bodies: 69861 • River water bodies: 57858 • Lake water bodies: 12003 Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  4. General European picture 20% P+B 9% H 43% H+G 58% < G Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  5. General European picture RIVERS LAKES Lakes better than rivers because most lakes are in the North where pressures are low Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  6. Natural vs HMWBs + AWBs Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  7. WISE interactive maps on WFD viewer (P. Ronen and H. Prchalova, Cenia)http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/interactive/soe-wfd/wfd-surface Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  8. Country plot of rivers and lakes Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  9. Country plot: Basis for classification Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  10. RBD plots (from L. Globevnik, IWRS 2010) Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  11. Regional overviews: Ideas • Aggregate best countries together (SE, FI, AT, Scotland) and less good countries together (the rest) • Grouping RBDs according to pressure level (high, medium, low) • pop.dens., % agriculture, % HMWBs & AWBs • Types: • difficult on wider regional level due to mismatch between national and common types (only 190 of 870 national types can be linked to common types) • But country specific examples can be shown (next slides) Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  12. Lake types: Sweden Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  13. River types: Germany Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  14. Hot spots: RBD level Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  15. Rivers < G: Which BQEs are determining the status class? Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  16. Lakes < G: Which BQEs are determining the status class? Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  17. Conclusions on ecological status/potential • > 50% of freshwaters in Europe are currently < good • Worst countries are DE, NL, BE • Best countries are SE, FI, SK(?) • Quality of classification highly variable across Europe • 5 of 13 countries use mainly non-BQEs for classification • Classification systems not completed in many countries, but will be better after this year (2011) • For water bodies < G status: The BQEs determining status class most often are: • For rivers: Fish and macroinvertebrates • For lakes: Phytoplankton Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  18. Nutrient pressures • 10 countries reported data • AT, BE, BG, DE, ES, FR, LV, LT, NL, SK • N and P loads for point and diffuse sources • BOD (COD) data only from 3 countries (not shown here) Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  19. N-loads point and diffuse (H. Prchalova, Cenia) • Low-intermediate N-loads mainly from point sources in Southern Europe (+LT) • High N-loads (>25000 t/year/RBD), mainly from diffuse sources in Central Europe Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  20. Further ideas on pressures • Similar plot for P loads • May supplement WFD nutrient load data with data from other sources (SoE or E-PRTR, UWWTD) • Hydromorphological pressures: • Hydropower • River continuity • Hazardous substances (chemicals) Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  21. Ideas to combine pressures and status/potential • Maps on RBD level showing P-loads (colours) and Ecological status / potential (pies or bars for each RBD) for rivers and for lakes • Same as above for N-loads. This can also be combined with ecological status/potential for transitional and coastal waters • Same as above combining single BQEs (e.g. phytobenthos or macroinvertebrates in rivers, and phytoplankton or macrophytes in lakes) • Same as above combining with physico-chemical QEs • HyMo pressures and ecological status of fish in rivers Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

  22. Example of combining the ecological status and nutrient pressuresH. Prchalova, Cenia • Ecological status (Pies) and N-loads (coloured RBDs) Event/ date: Workshop European Waters 2012 Report, 25.01.2011 Author: Anne Lyche Solheim

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