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Parsha Chayei Sarah. Sarah’s Life – Genesis 23:1-25:18 Haftorah – 1 Kings 1:1-31 B’rit ChaDashah – Heb. 11:11-16. Genesis ( Beresheet ) 23:1 - 2. Sarah lived to be 127 years old; these were the years of Sarah's life.
ParshaChayeiSarah Sarah’s Life – Genesis 23:1-25:18 Haftorah – 1 Kings 1:1-31 B’ritChaDashah – Heb. 11:11-16
Genesis (Beresheet) 23:1 - 2 • Sarah lived to be 127 years old; these were the years of Sarah's life. • Sarah died in Kiryat-Arba, also known as Hevron, in the land of Kena'an; and Avraham came to mourn Sarah and weep for her.
Genesis (Beresheet) 23:3 - 4 • Then he got up from his dead one and said to the sons of Het, • "I am a foreigner living as an alien with you; let me have a burial site with you, so that I can bury my dead wife."
Genesis (Beresheet) 23:5 - 6 • The sons of Het answered Avraham, • "Listen to us, my lord. You are a prince of God among us, so choose any of our tombs to bury your dead - not one of us would refuse you his tomb for burying your dead."
Genesis (Beresheet) 23:7 - 8 • Avraham got up, bowed before the people of the land, the sons of Het, • and spoke with them. "If it is your desire to help me bury my dead, then listen to me: ask 'Efron the son of Tzochar
Genesis (Beresheet) 23:9 • …to give me the cave of Makhpelah, which he owns, the one at the end of his field. He should sell it to me in your presence at its full value; then I will have a burial site of my own."
Outline of This Week’s Parashah • 23:1 Sarah Dies and Abraham Purchases a Burial Site • 24:1 The Mission to Find a Wife for Isaac • 24:11 Eliezer’s Prayer and Test
Outline of This Week’s Parashah • 24:17 Rebecca Passes the Test • 24:28 Eliezer Meets Laban; Eliezer Invited to Laban’s Home • 24:34 Eliezer Retells His Story
Outline of This Week’s Parashah • 24:62 Isaac and Rebecca Meet • 25:1 Abraham Remarries; The Death of Abraham • 25:12 Ishmael’s Genealogy
Sarah: Her Character Qualities • She was very beautiful in character and physical appearance. • She was co-equal in the covenantal promises. • She protected the spiritual atmosphere of her home. Saraherw
Sarah: Her Character Qualities • She respected her husband’s authority. • Like her husband Abraham, Sarah possessed great faith in the Word and promises of Elohim. Saraherw
Abraham & The Children of Heth • According to the covenantal promises of YHVH, Abraham was the rightful owner of the land of Canaan, not the Children of Heth (the Hittites), yet Abraham treated the ruling Canaanite “squatters” with honor & respect…
Abraham & The Children of Heth • 1 Peter 2:13-17 • 13 For the sake of the Lord, submit yourselves to every human authority - whether to the emperor as being supreme, • 14 or to governors as being sent by him to punish wrongdoers and praise those who do what is good.
Abraham & The Children of Heth • 1 Peter 2:13-17 • 15 For it is God's will that your doing good should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. • 16 Submit as people who are free, but not letting your freedom serve as an excuse for evil; rather, submit as God's slaves.
Abraham & The Children of Heth • 1 Peter 2:13-17 • 17 Be respectful to all - keep loving the brotherhood, fearing God and honoring the emperor.
Four Hundred Shekels of Silver • Genesis (B'resheet) 23:15 • "My lord, listen to me. A plot of land worth 400 silver shekels - what is that between me and you? Just bury your dead."
Four Hundred Shekels of Silver • In Gen. 23:15 Abraham paid a full and even inflated price for the cave of Machpelah without balking. • In so doing, he no doubt maintained a good reputation among the heathen.
Four Hundred Shekels of Silver • Matthew Henry states, “The religion of the Bible enjoins [us] to pay due respect to all in authority, without flattering their persons, or countenancing their crimes if they are unworthy characters.”
Four Hundred Shekels of Silver • 1 Tim. 3:7Furthermore, he must be well regarded by outsiders, so that he won't fall into disgrace and into the Adversary's trap.
Four Hundred Shekels of Silver • Do we have a good reputation with those who are outside the body of believers? • Do we treat them with honor and respect, especially in our community and place of work?
Good Things of His Master's Hand
Genesis (B'resheet) 24:10 • Then the servant took ten camels from the camels of his master, and set out with a variety of good things of his master's in his hand; and he arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor.
The God of Help • Eliezerאליעזר)) literally means "God of Help." • As Eliezer goes forth to procure a bride for Isaac, he relies on the God of Help to assist him.
The God of Help • When we set out to do the work of God, we also must rely on Him for help. • As we go forth, we must bring with us many good things from the realm of God.
The God of Help • What are these good things from the realm of God… • Acts of loving-kindness • Forgiveness • Wholeness • Peace
The God of Help • Eliezer brought the gifts of his master's household with him in order to establish credibility. • We also, in order to be credible to those around us must evidence the fruit of our faith…
The God of Help • What are the good things of our Master's house that we can offer to others to establish credibility? • Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…
Galatians 5:22-23 • 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things
Galatians 5:24 • 24 Moreover, those who belong to the Messiah Yeshua have put their old nature to death on the stake, along with its passions and desires.
Galatians 5:25 • 25 Since it is through the Spirit that we have Life, let it also be through the Spirit that we order our lives day by day.
Genesis (B'resheet) 24:6, 8 • 24:6 Avraham said to him, "See to it that you don't bring my son back there. • 24:8 But if the woman is unwilling to follow you, then you are released from your obligation under my oath. Just don't bring my son back there."
Looking for Yitzhak’s Wife… • In looking for a wife for him Avraham was insistent that Yitzhak not be exposed to Babylon. • YHVH had led Avraham out of the spiritual filth of Babylon.
Looking for Yitzhak’s Wife… • In no way did he want Yitzhak to go back to what he had left behind.
Looking for I Yitzhak’s Wife… • Are we investing the necessary time and energy into our children to insure that they do not return to the spiritual Babylon from which we fled prior to our conversion?
I Will Go – Rivka (Rebecca) • Genesis (B'resheet) 24:58 • They called Rivkah and asked her, "Will you go with this man?" and she replied, "I will."
I Will Go – Rivka (Rebecca) • Rebecca demonstrated unusual faith. • She, like her Uncle Abraham and Aunt Sarah before her, was willing to leave the comforts and security of Babylon and to go with a stranger to a strange place and to live as a nomad.
I Will Go – Rivka (Rebecca) • When asked, “Will you go with this man?” she replied quickly and to the point, “I will go.” • Do we have such unreserved devotion to Yeshua, the Lover of our soul, that we will go WHEREVER he leads no matter how difficult or uncomfortable the way?
I Will Go – Rivka (Rebecca) • Or have we placed restrictions and qualifications on him? • Can we ask ourselves how our faith compares on a scale of one to ten with that of Abraham, Eliezer and Rebecca.
Rivka’s Qualities • She was modest and had a servant’s heart; she was selfless and kind. • She was modest, dignified, and possessed savoir-faire.
Rivka’s Qualities • She was a praying woman. • She was a discerner of character. • Patriarchs were incomplete without matriarchs.
Isaac ReceivesThe Blessing • Only after Isaac married Rebecca did Abraham give him ‘everything’ he had, which included all his blessings.
Believers ReceiveThe Blessing! • So too, only after we come into agreement with our divine destiny can Yahveh give us all His blessings.