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This study examines the metal contents of green salad grown on soils with high metal levels, specifically in the Province of Styria, Austria. The research investigates the effects of fertilization and aqua regia content on plant composition and metal transfer.
Metal contents of green salad grown upon metalliferous soils of the Province of Styria/ Austria • P. LIEBHARD: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Abteilung Pflanzenbau • JELECEVIC: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Abteilung Pflanzenbau • M. SAGER: Bioforschung Austria, Wien • M. BONELL: Bioforschung Austria, Wien
The problem: • Soils occurring above sites geogenically enriched with metals exceed thresholds • for agricultural use • Metals might occur as original minerals, secondary minerals, or incorporated • in soil organic substances • * Thresholds refer to aqua regia digests from antropogenically contaminated sites, • and to risk assessment from ingestion and inhalation • * Not enough space to deposit those soil materials properly somewhere else. • Task: • Proof of low risk to grow crops on geogenically elevated metal level sites
Method: Pot experiment to grow green salad (lactuca sativa) at high level metal sites Effect of aqua regia content of metal levels Effect of fertilization Effect of additional contamination by addition of soluble salts Surface soils (5-25 cm) from 11 sites selected from Styria / Austria The soil pH-Wert of selected sites ranged from weak acid to weakly alkaline (pH 5,9 - 7,4) The contents in soil humics ranged very high (except for Deutschfeistritz – Arzwaldgraben (2,8 %))
Variations of fertilizationZero-addition NPK PK P K Compost (metal salt solution) (NPK + metal salt solution) (PK + metal salt solution) (Compost+metal salt solution) Deutschfeistritz-Rabenstein Deutschfeistritz-Arwaldgraben Kraubath Kraubathgraben Preg Zeltweg Oberzeiring Donawitz Radmer an der Hasel Johnsbach Pichl-Preunegg
Growth of salad after 1 week
Growth of salad after 2 weeks
Growth of salad after 2 weeks
Zero nutrient addition Deutschfeistritz-Rabenstein
Metal salt solution addition Deutschfeistritz-Rabenstein
Growth of salad PK + metal salt solution
Salad was planted as seedlings of about 5 cm and harvested after 40 days*, ready for sale. Roots and shoots were separated, washed, dried and milled, digested with nitric acid under pressure, analyzed by ICP-OES * Metal concentration in salad is maximum after 10-15 days, then dilution by growing biomass occurs Questions: Are the concentrations encountered within a typical or an elevated range Effects of soil (aqua regia) to plant transfer Effects of fertilization strategy upon general plant composition Effect of fertilization strategy upon plant metal contents Effect of metal stress upon plant composition
Green plant Dilution by plant growth Metal transfer Solubilization velocity Soil: nutrients metals water Fertilization Weathering Sorption – Mobilization Soil biota
Salad (lactuca Sativa) grown at geogenically high-metal soils Commercially available composite feeds Feeds for dairy cows: hay / grass silage / maize silage / feed cereals Salad maximum (in d.m.): K, Mg, Na, Sr, Ba, B, Cd minimum (in d.m.): Li, Cr, V Salad within usual range: As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni High levels of Zn and Cu met in composite feeds from additions Data from salad grown after addition of metal salt solution not considered within this context
Salad: addition of metal salt solution not considered Composite feeds: all Feed for dairy cows: hay, grass silage, maize silage, feed cereals Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows K Ca Salad–composite feeds–feeds for dairy cows Salad–composite feeds–feeds for dairy cows
Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows Mg P Na Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows
Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows Fe Al Mn Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows
Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows Zn Sr B Ba Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows
Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows Cd Cr Li V Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows
Salad – composite feeds – feeds for dairy cows Cu Pb Ni As Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds –feeds for dairy cows Salad– composite feeds
Salad (lactuca Sativa) grown at geogenically high-metal soils Commercially available composite feeds Feeds for dairy cows: hay / grass silage / maize silage / feed cereals Salad maximum (in d.m.): K, Mg, Na, Sr, Ba, B, Cd minimum (in d.m.): Li, Cr, V Salad within usual range: As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni High levels of Zn and Cu met in composite feeds from additions Data from salad grown after addition of metal salt solution not considered within this context, but within next series
Aqua digest is compulsory to judge quasi-total metal occurrence In particular for waste classification (better: mobile fractions) Green Salad = accumulating plant ! • Effects upon metal contents in shoots of salad ready for sale • versus aqua regia metals in soil • Addition of various fertilizers • addition of soluble metal salts • with respect to Pb - As - Cd- Cr – Cu - Ni
High Pb-uptake from added solution Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Correlations: Zero: r = 0,9442 NPK: r = 0,9934 PK: r = 0,9078 P-fertilization Lowers Pb-uptake Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Correlations: Zero: r = 0,9442 NPK: r = 0,9934 PK: r = 0,9078 P-fertilization Lowers Pb-uptake Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) As Correlations: PK: r = 0,7368 else none Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. As - aqua regia
Correlations: Zero: r = 0,7241 NPK: r = 0,8928 Effect of salt addition insignificant Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cd Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cd - aqua regia
Correlations: Zero: r = 0,7241 NPK: r = 0,8928 Effect of salt addition insignificant Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cd Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln Cd - aqua regia
Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cu Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. At top soil Cu Low Cu-uptake Cu - aqua regia
Downscale of Cu-uptake No effect of Cu-aqua regia Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cu Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cu - aqua regia
No effect of Cr-aqua regia nor fertilization nor salt addition Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cr Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cr - aqua regia
Significantly more uptake from Ni-salt solution Ni salt negative versus Ni-aqua regia Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Ni Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Ni - aqua regia
Downscale of samples grown without Ni-salt addition Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Ni Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Ni - aqua regia
Results for concentrations in salad shoots: Increase of aqua regia soluble metal contents: increase of Pb, Cd As, Cu, Cr, Ni hardly effected Addition of metal salt solution: increase of Pb, Ni As, Cd, Cr, Cu hardly effected P-fertilization lowers Pb, increases Cd; As, Cr, Cu, Ni hardly effected Do geogenic metal enrichments effect the composition of other items of the green plant ? factor analysis of main elements do factors change because of metal stress ? Metal transfer factor and level of nutrition ( %N) ? Increase of proteins – increase of binding sites / defense?
r = 0,454 (all data) Increase of N increase of As-transfer ? Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Transfer factor and nitrogen Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.
Increase of N increase of Cu-transfer ? Zero: r = 0,8729 PK: r = 0,7134 Salt: r = 0,5831 Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Transfer factor and nitrogen Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.
Only for: more transfer after metal salt solution addition Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Transfer factor and nitrogen Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.
Non rotated factor plots Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.
Rotated factor plots Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) As Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. As - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cd Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cd - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Ni Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Ni - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot NPK: r = 0,7218 Salt: r = 0,7836 Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cr Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cr - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Factor 2 lowered by As-aqua regia Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) As Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. As - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cd Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cd - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Ni Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Ni - aqua regia
Rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Cr Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Cr - aqua regia
Non rotated factor plot Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) Pb Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln. Pb - aqua regia
Non rotated factor plot Factor 1 lowered by As-aqua regia Metal uptake into salad (lactuca sativa) As Zero NPK PK P K Compost Metal salt soln. NPK+metal salt soln. PK+metal salt soln.. As - aqua regia