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Causes and Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors: The Theory of Triadic Influence

Causes and Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors: The Theory of Triadic Influence. Brian R. Flay, D.Phil. Department of Public Health Oregon State University. Presentation for NIH meeting on “Science of Behavior Change”.

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Causes and Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors: The Theory of Triadic Influence

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  1. Causes and Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors: The Theory of Triadic Influence Brian R. Flay, D.Phil. Department of Public Health Oregon State University Presentation for NIH meeting on “Science of Behavior Change”

  2. A Matrix of Theories(Petraitis, Flay & Miller, Psychological Bulletin, 1995) Note: Some of these theories cross cells, particularly the sociological theories. Some explicitly integrative theories cross many cells (e.g., Brooks, Elliott, Jessor). 2

  3. The Theory of Triadic Influence ENVIRONMENT GENETICS IntraPersonal Environment Social Situation Attitudes Toward Behavior Self-Efficacy Social Normative Beliefs Intentions/Decision BEHAVIOR 3

  4. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 4

  5. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sense of Information/ Interpersonal Others’ Social Interactions w/ Self/Control Opportunities Bonding Beh & Atts Competence Social Instit’s 7 8 9 10 11 12 l Self Skills: Motivation Perceived Values/ Knowledge/ Determination Social+General to Comply Norms Evaluations Expectancies 13 14 15 16 17 18 ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL 19 20 21 22 23 Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 5

  6. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE Levels of Causation Ultimate CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ Causes ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Social/ Personal Nexus Sense of Information/ Interpersonal Others’ Social Interactions w/ Self/Control Opportunities Bonding Beh & Atts Competence Social Instit’s Distal Influences 7 8 9 10 11 12 l Expectancies & Evaluations Self Skills: Motivation Perceived Values/ Knowledge/ Determination Social+General to Comply Norms Evaluations Expectancies 13 14 15 16 17 18 ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY Affect and Cognitions TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL Proximal 19 20 21 Predictors Decisions 22 Experiences 23 Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 6

  7. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE Levels of Causation Ultimate CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ Causes ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 a f Social/ Personal Nexus c d e b Sense of Information/ Interpersonal Others’ Social Interactions w/ Self/Control Opportunities Bonding Beh & Atts Competence Social Instit’s Distal Influences 7 8 9 10 11 12 g r p i q h k n m l j o Expectancies & Evaluations Self Skills: Motivation Perceived Values/ Knowledge/ Determination Social+General to Comply Norms Evaluations Expectancies 13 14 15 16 17 18 s x ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY u w v t Affect and Cognitions TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL Proximal 19 20 21 Predictors Decisions 22 Experiences 23 Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 7

  8. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE Levels of Causation Ultimate CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ Causes ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 a f Social/ Personal Nexus c d e b Sense of Information/ Interpersonal Others’ Social Interactions w/ Self/Control Opportunities Bonding Beh & Atts Competence Social Instit’s Distal Influences 7 8 9 10 11 12 g r p i q h k n m l j o Expectancies & Evaluations Self Skills: Motivation Perceived Values/ Knowledge/ Determination Social+General to Comply Norms Evaluations Expectancies 13 14 15 16 17 18 s x ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY u w v t Affect and Cognitions TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL Proximal 19 20 21 Predictors Decisions A G B H C I D E F 22 Experiences 23 Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 8

  9. THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE Levels of Causation Ultimate CULTURAL SOCIAL BIOLOGY/ Causes ENVIRONMENT SITUATION PERSONALITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 a f Social/ Personal Nexus c d e b Sense of Information/ Interpersonal Others’ Social Interactions w/ Self/Control Opportunities Bonding Beh & Atts Competence Social Instit’s Distal Influences 7 8 9 10 11 12 g r p i q h k n m l j o Expectancies & Evaluations Self Skills: Motivation Perceived Values/ Knowledge/ Determination Social+General to Comply Norms Evaluations Expectancies 13 14 15 16 17 18 s x ATTITUDES SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY u w v t Affect and Cognitions TOWARD THE NORMATIVE BEHAVIORAL BEHAVIOR BELIEFS CONTROL Proximal 19 20 21 Predictors Decisions A G B H C I D E F 22 K Experiences 23 Related Behaviors J Intrapersonal Stream Social/Normative Stream Cultural/Attitudinal Stream Biological/Nature Nurture/Cultural DECISIONS/INTENTIONS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological 9

  10. The TTI Developmental-Ecological System ENVIRONMENT Situation E E Person P P S S Values Environment Knowledge Environment P S E Value Social Bonds Role Models Know Self- Control Com- petence Cognitive/Competence Substreams Affective/Control Substreams Exp Eval Mc NB Will + Skill Att Att SNB Self Efficacy SNB Intentions Behavior DEVELOPMENT & TIME Levels of Causation Ultimate Underlying Causes Distal Predisposing Influences Proximal Immediate Predictors 10

  11. Causes, Reasons, and Strategies for Contextual and Behavioral Change 11

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