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Bienfaits du loisir Benefits of Leisure. Benefits O leisure. Forum québécois du LOISIR October 1st, 20 03. LOISIR. Bienfaits du loisir Benefits of Leisure. Overview of Presentation : Genesis and Evolution of the Benefits Movement
Bienfaits du loisir Benefits of Leisure Benefits O leisure Forum québécois du LOISIR October 1st, 2003 LOISIR Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Bienfaits du loisir Benefits of Leisure • Overview of Presentation: • Genesis and Evolution of the Benefits Movement • Definition of Critical Concepts and Strategies • Tools and Strategies for Implementation • Myths and Realities Related to the Value and Benefit of Leisure • “What Impact does recreation have on the creation of positive change over time in the lives of Canadians” Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
GENESIS OF THE BENEFITS MOVEMENT The movement began in response to: • Changing economic conditions • Increased competition for diminishing resources • Emphasis on economic accountability • Lack of empirical evidence - measures of intangible benefits • Need for strategies to set priorities and assess program merit • Archaic program centered recreation planning model • Emerging partnerships and changing organizational structure • A maturing and evolving field Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Rationale for Benefit Initiative "People Spend their time, money and energy resources with the expectation of receiving benefits, not for the delivery of services themselves. Citizens don't buy programs or services, they buy the expectation of benefits." (Crompton & Lamb, 1986.) Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Rationale for Benefit Initiative "We Know the Cost of Everything and the Value of Nothing." (John Farina, 1986) Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
EVOLUTION OF THE BENEFITS MOVEMENT 1. Johnston PERC Priority Rating System (Johnston, B.L. (1976) .”Perc priority rating system”, Recreation Research Review, 5-1, p.53) 2. Crompton / Beres Basic Services Model (PERC, (1981), Leduc Master Plan) 3. Harper/ Balmer Benefit Index - A Typology of Benefits (Harper, J. Balmer .K.(1988). “The perceived benefit of public leisure services”Loisir & Society, 12-1, p.171) 4. Godbey National Benefit Study in the U.S. (Godbey, G, et.al.(1992) The benefits of local government recreation and parks services, NRPA.) 5. Balmer- Benefit Catelogue (Balmer, K. (1992).benefit Catelogue. Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario) 6. Harper/Godbey/ Neider- Canadian Benefits Study (Harper, J., et.al. (1996) The use and benefits of local government recreation and parks services in Canada.) 7. Balmer Benefit Catelogue II 8. The Benefit Tool Kit, CPRA- A Work in Progress Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Typology of Benefits Personal Benefits •Achieving Our potential Social Benefits •Building Strong Communities Economic Benefits • Contributes to Sustainable Communities & Renewal Environmental Benefits • Stewardship of Resources Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Benefit Typology- Personal Benefits Achieving our Potential: • Improved Health and Fitness • Stress Management • Improved Self-esteem / Self-Image • Balanced Lives • Growth and Development • Personal Satisfaction • Improved Quality of Life Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Benefit Typology- Social Benefits Building Strong Communities: • Contributes to Community Pride • Promotes Integrated Accessible Leisure • Promotes Partnerships & Cooperation • Reduces Social Problems • Strengthens Families • Reduces Marginalization • Promotes Multiculturalism Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Benefit Typology- Environmental Benefits Stewardship of Resources: • Environmental Protection &Rehabilitation • Environment Quality and Health • Aesthetic Quality of Environments • Livable Communities Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Benefit Typology- Economic Benefits Sustainable Communities & Renewal: • Reduced Health Care Costs • Attracts Business Relocation • Increases Property Values • Reduces Cost due to Crime and Vandalism • Workplace Productivity Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Contribution of Benefits Initiative Joffre Dumazedier Would Approve! Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: People don’t think recreation and leisure are very important. Reality: Two thirds of North Americans say leisure is of equal or more importance to them than work. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: People don’t have any free time for recreation and parks Reality: North Americans average 40 hours of free time per week. About 20 hours is devoted to TV viewing. (Robinson, Godbey) Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: Local Government is becoming a less important provider of recreation. Reality: About four out of five North Americans report using local government recreation and park services. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: Recreation and park services are just for kids. Reality: Use of local government recreation and parks services continues across the lifecycle. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: Women get excluded from local government recreation and park services. Reality: North American women are as likely to use local government recreation and parks services as men. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: Local Government recreation and park services are provided to ensure equitable access for low income persons. Reality: Low income persons are substantially less likely to use local government recreation and parks services than middle and high income earners. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
Myths and Realities Myth: Most people aren’t willing to pay for parks and recreation services. Reality: Both user and non-users agree (75%) the recreation and parks services are worth as much or more than they currently pay. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Question “What Impact does recreation have on the creation of positive change over time in the lives of Canadians” Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Question WHAT IF ? Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Challenge Accountability: Program outcomes deliver predicted benefits: “Any program that receives a participant whole and sends them back damaged in self-respect, self-esteem, or relationships with others is not a recreation program.” (Greben and Gray) Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Challenge The role of leisure service professionals is to ensure recreation continues to be viewed as an essential service that contributes to positively to health, social development, economic growth, improved quality of life and livable communities. Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Answer How To ? • Adopt the 24 Benefit Messages in the benefit catalogue as a goal, (Balmer) • Advocate for compliance • Design and deliver programs and services that focus on benefits • Performance measures and outcomes on the basis of benefits received • Monitor to ensure delivery on promises • Become an agent of change Benefits of Leisure and Recreation
The Answer • Recreation is an Essential Service • The Public Gets it • Recreation is an Investment Evidence Indicates: “Recreation has a significant impact on the creation of positive change over time in the lives of Canadians” Benefits of Leisure and Recreation