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Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells

Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells. ግልብጥ እርከን ( ዘቅዛቃ ወይንም ደልዳላ እርከን ). እርከን / ካብ ( ዘቅዛቃ ወይንም ደልዳላ እርከን ). 1. 2.2012. 2. 2.2012. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells. የጠረጴዛ ­ እርከን. የህዳግ እር a. 3. 2.2012. 4. 2.2012. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells.

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Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells ግልብጥእርከን(ዘቅዛቃወይንምደልዳላእርከን) እርከን/ካብ(ዘቅዛቃወይንምደልዳላእርከን) 1 2.2012 2 2.2012

  2. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells የጠረጴዛ ­እርከን የህዳግእርa 3 2.2012 4 2.2012

  3. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells የጋራላይእርከን(በቦይ/ያለቦይ) የሳርሰርጥ 5 2.2012 6 2.2012

  4. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells Hand-dug wells የንፋስወፍÄ በእግርየሚንቀሳቀስየውሃመሳቢያ 7 2.2012 8 2.2012

  5. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all በነዳጅየሚሰራየውሃመሳቢያ የጠብታመስኖ 9 2.2012 10 2.2012

  6. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all ጎርፍመቀልበa(የማጥለቅለቅመስኖ) ወንዝንመጥለፍ 11 2.2012 12 2.2012

  7. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all ከመሬትበታችየሚገነባየአ`ዋግድብ ከመሬትበታችየሚገነባየዝናብናየጎርፍውሀማጠራቀሚያ 13 2.2012 14 2.2012

  8. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells በእጅየሚሰራጥልቅያልሆነ ጉድ¹ድ ኩሬ 15 2.2012 16 2.2012

  9. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all የጣራውሃማሰባሰብ አነስተኛግድብግንባታ 17 2.2012 18 2.2012

  10. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all የውሃማስረጊያ ጉድ¹ድ ጎርፍንማሰር 19 2.2012 20 2.2012

  11. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all ዛይየተከላ ጉድ¹ድ ግማb ¾ረቃ እርከን 21 2.2012 22 2.2012

  12. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells ክትር የውሃማፋሰaቦይ/የጎርፍመቀልበaቦይ 23 2.2012 24 2.2012

  13. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells ሰብልንመሰረትያደረገየአፈርንጥረነገርአያያዝ (የጥራጥሬተክል፣ ማቀላቀል፤ማፈራረቅ) የተaaEየአፈርማዳበሪያግብአት (የተፈጥሮእናሰውሰራbማዳበሪያ) 25 2.2012 26 2.2012

  14. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells የማንጎተክል የዛፍማባŸቦታ 27 2.2012 28 2.2012

  15. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells የቅንድብእርከን ግማbየአልማዝቅርÒእርከን 29 2.2012 30 2.2012

  16. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells ድንበርላይመትከል የውሃማስረጊያትልቅዝግቦይ 31 2.2012 32 2.2012

  17. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells ጥቃቅንእርከን የፖምተክል 33 2.2012 34 2.2012

  18. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all የተaaEየእንስሳዝርያ አብዝቶመትከል/ከላይመዝራት 35 2.2012 36 2.2012

  19. Hand dug shallow well Practice Group: Wells all ውስንየእንስሳትእንቅስቃሴ ጥብቅ/ክልክልቦታ 37 2.2012 38 2.2012

  20. _________________ ከተጠቀሰውውጪአሰፈላጊየምትሉትንጥቀሱ _________________ ከተጠቀሰውውጪአሰፈላጊየምትሉትንጥቀሱ

  21. የመፍትሄካርድ (ቴክኖሎጂዎች) • ___________________________ • ከተጠቀሰውውጪአሰፈላጊየምትሉትን • ጥቀሱ • ዝርዝርመፍትሄዎቸ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • ለምንያሰፈልጋሉ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • የመፍትሄካርድ (ቴክኖሎጂዎች) • ___________________________ • ከተጠቀሰውውጪአሰፈላጊየምትሉትን • ጥቀሱ • ዝርዝርመፍትሄዎቸ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • ለምንያሰፈልጋሉ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________

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