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“ Insure ” the Future of Your French Program AATF in Montreal, July 7, 2011. Margot M. Steinhart Northwestern University, IL Eileen Walvoord Niles North & West High Schools, Skokie, IL Samantha Godden-Chmielowicz
“Insure” the Future of Your French ProgramAATF in Montreal, July 7, 2011 Margot M. Steinhart Northwestern University, IL Eileen Walvoord Niles North & West High Schools, Skokie, IL Samantha Godden-Chmielowicz Carl Schurz High School, Chicago, IL Randa Duvick Valparaiso University, IN
Introducing the Session Margot M. Steinhart
Do you know the signs that a French program may be in danger? • What are your resources to sustain your French program? • Whom can you identify and cultivate as allies for your program? • How do you mobilize supporters to advocate for the French program? Questions for Reflection
Recognizing the signs that a French program may be vulnerable • Cultivating allies to enrich the French program • Focusing on promotion of French and its visibility in the classroom, school, and community Organization of Presentation
Mobilizing allies to support and advocate for the French program • Identifying human and material resources for promotion and advocacy • Initiating a plan of action to make your French program more visible • Comments, Questions Organization of the Presentation (2)
Recognizing the Signs that a French Program may be Vulnerable Margot M. Steinhart
Insufficient budgets • Other language priorities • Call for program review • Politics of unsupportive decision-makers Potential Signs of a Vulnerable French Program K-12
Ignorance of importance of French or Indifference • Invisibility of French program • Retirement or frequent Resignations • Inadequate teacher preparation Potential Signs of a Vulnerable French Program K-12
Insufficient Finances • Unawareness of the Numbers Game • Lack of Institutional Support Potential Signs of a Vulnerable French Program - Higher Ed
Indifference or Unfavorable Perception by Others • Academic Reorganization • Invisibility of French Faculty Potential Signs of a Vulnerable French Program - Higher Ed
Ignorance, Indifference & Invisibility contribute to the demise of French programs. • ________________________________________________ • Sources: • Robert (Tennessee Bob) Peckham, http://www.utm.edu/staff/globeg/advofr.shtml • Robert (Tennessee Bob) Peckham. ”Before they just disappear—Danger Signs for College Foreign Language Programs” Part of C243: French No Exit: Call for Post-Secondary Advocacy, at the July 2010 AATF Convention in Philadelphia
Cultivating Allies to Sustain the French Program Samantha Godden-Chmielowcz
Allies: WHY do we need them?Because, when French is in danger... decisions may come suddenly teacher feels abandoned, isolated
Allies: WHY do we need them?Because, if French is in danger... • decision-makers listen to voters and /or funders • teacher may not have a voice • allies can work as a team for success
Allies: WHO? Students & Former StudentsParentsColleagues & CounselorsAdministratorsBoard MembersCommunity Members
Allies: WHAT can they do? Communicate Educate Alert the media Organize opposition Defend French
But only if... we have shown them reasons tovalue their French program, will they be ready to defend it.
Allies: HOW do we get their support? Create interest!Create excitement! Create a buzz! Spread the word!
Doing what we've always done... Engaging Classroom Activities High Interest Projects Field Trips Travel & Exchange Programs National French Contest French Club National French Week National French Honor Society Outstanding Senior Award Immersion Day
PLUS... Visibility and Involvement
Focusing on Promotion throughVisibility & Involvement Eileen Walvoord
Visibility & Involvement Students Bulletin Boards Video Announcements Electronic Signs & Screens School Newspaper & Yearbook School Website Teacher Website Testimonials
Visibility & Involvement FORMER STUDENTS Stay in Touch Invite as Speakers Use as Classroom Resources Send Info to Alumni News Request Testimonials
Visibilty & Involvement PARENTS September Parent Booklet Newsletter "Bonjour" Letter Parent Interview Family Tree Project
Visibility & Involvement PARENTS Parent/Grandparent Activities Class Speakers Field Trip Chaperons Fifteen Ways To Compliment Films to Watch At Home
Visibility & Involvement PARENTS Activities to do With Your Child Study Strategies For French Celebrities Who Speak French Maps of the Francophone World French Companies in the USA Ten Reasons to Study French
VISIBILITY & INVOLVEMENT Visibility & Involvement PARENTS Parent-Teacher Night Open House Progress Reports Phone Contact Parents as Resources Testimonials
Visibility & Involvement COLLEAGUES Collaboration Guest Speaker Colleagues Survey Bell-ringers INVITE AS GUEST SPEAKER BELLRINGERS
Visibility & Involvement COUNSELORS Letter for Spanish-speaking parents 10 Reasons to Study French in Spanish Colleagues Survey Invitation to French Class or Club Events Contest Judges INVITE AS GUEST SPEAKER BELLRINGERS
Visibility & Involvement SCHOOL COMMUNITY CREATE ANNUAL IN-SCHOOL EVENTS: National French Week Crêpe Sale Mardi Gras Mask Contest Bûches Contest T-shirt Contest National French Contest
Visibility & Involvement SCHOOL COMMUNITY PARTICIPATE IN ALL-SCHOOL EVENTS: Homecoming International Night Relay For Life Spirit Days
Visibility & Involvement SCHOOL COMMUNITY PARTICIPATE IN LARGER SCHOOL LIFE French Club National French Honor Society
Visibility & Involvement ADMINISTRATORS Invite to French Events Ask to Judge Events Send Samples of Food !
Visibility & Involvement BOARD MEMBERS Greet at All-School Events Invite to French Events Ask to Be Contest Judges Use Colleague Survey Thank Them for Their Support Report on Trips & Exchanges Send Valentines!
Visibility & Involvement COMMUNITY Invite Local Speakers Volunteer in Local Institutions Collaborate With Local Institutions
Visibility & Involvement PUBLICITY Posters School Flat Screen Video Announcements Local Newspapers Local TV & Radio Community Websites School Website
Moving from Promotion and Visibility to Advocacy Margot M. Steinhart Randa Duvick
Mobilizing Allies and Supporters to Advocate for the French Program K-12 Margot M. Steinhart MMS
QuestionsYou Should Ask Yourself How does your community see itself? What is your community’s world–view? Why would your community make a decision to cut French instruction?
Building Support Find allies Cultivate them Include them in French activities Motivate them to lead Allies who believe in the program will support it
How do I get others involved? Identify allies and target key parents Facilitate a network of parents Provide parent–allies with arguments and talking points AATF website The World Speaks French website French Language Advocacy Wiki
When Mounting a CampaignThink About… Who can storm the barricades— Yourself Parents Students (past and present) Colleagues and community members
When Mounting a CampaignThink About… What YOU could do—and what you should not do… What can others do? Parents Current and former students Colleagues and community members
The World Speaks French Meet Communicate! Mobilize Message Leaflet Petition
Alert the Medi@ E-mail education-beat journalists Organize meetings to attract press coverage Write letters to the editor Contact local TV public affairs departments Call-in on local talk–radio shows
Educate the School Board! Meet informally with one or two members Write–and call–BOE members Submit petitions Get on the Agenda at BOE meetings Be politely persistent