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Web Server Administration

Web Server Administration. Chapter 7 Installing and Testing a Programming Environment. Overview. Understand the need for programming languages Understand database management systems (DBMSs) Install and test DBMSs Understand the Web-based programming environment Program with databases.

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Web Server Administration

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  1. Web Server Administration Chapter 7 Installing and Testing a Programming Environment

  2. Overview • Understand the need for programming languages • Understand database management systems (DBMSs) • Install and test DBMSs • Understand the Web-based programming environment • Program with databases

  3. The Need for Programming Languages • Web pages with just HTML statements are static pages • Pages that contain programming statements allow changes and they are called dynamic pages • Programming languages can also be used to update databases and communicate with other systems

  4. Database Management Systems (DBMSs) • The purpose of a DBMS is to store data in an organized manner for further processing • Why use a database? Why not keep the data in a big spreadsheet? • Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language used to define and manipulate the data • Most databases are relational and organize data into tables • What tables would you expect to find in an E-Commerce site?

  5. Database Tables • A primary key uniquely defines a row of data • SSN in the Employee table and Department number in the Department table • A foreign key is a column in a table that is related to a primary key • Department number in the Employee table

  6. Relational database • Why not just store the department name and manager’s SSN in each employee’s record in the employee table? • Huge waste of disk space • Many employees need updated if manager or dept name changes • Relational database automates the process of retrieving the dept name and manager’s SSN when looking at an employee record, making it appear as if the data is stored there, even though it isn’t. • The link is provided by a “foreign key”.

  7. Three Categories of SQL • Data Manipulation Language (DML) • Used for programming and to insert, update, delete, and retrieve data • Data Definition Language (DDL) • Used to create tables and other related structures in a database • Data Control Language (DCL) • Allows you to control access to tables

  8. Installing and Testing SQL Server • As with other applications, a wizard guides you through the installation • By default, it uses the user name you logged on as (typically administrator) to gain access to the system • This should be changed to "Use the Local System account" for single server systems • If SQL Server needs to communicate with other servers, create a special domain account

  9. Installing and Testing SQL Server-Authentication Mode • The Windows Authentication Mode controls access to the database based on Windows users • The Mixed Mode allows for SQL Server Authentication • This is more appropriate for Web-based systems • The sa (systems administrator) account is a SQL Server user that has complete control over the databases

  10. Installing and Testing SQL Server-Creating Tables • The GUI interface is similar to Access in creating a table

  11. Installing and Testing SQL Server-Filling Tables with Data • Although SQL statements are often used to manipulate data, you can use something similar to a spreadsheet

  12. Create Tables and Insert Data • The following script creates the employee table and adds three employees create table employee ( ssn char(9) primary key, firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(30), deptno char(2), salary numeric(6)); insert into employee values('553879098','Lynn','Gweeny',10,55000); insert into employee values('623827368','Elark','Kaboom',10,60000); insert into employee values('756838998','John','Doh',20,45000);

  13. Web-based Programming Environment • Cookie • Text that a Web site stores on your disk • Common Gateway Interface (CGI) • A protocol that allows the operating system to interact with the Web server • Practical extraction and reporting language (Perl) • First popular language for Web servers • Java Server Pages (JSP) • Language similar to Java

  14. Web-based Programming Environment • Active Server Pages (ASP) • Script-based environment available on all IIS Web servers • ASP.NET • Compiled programs operate under .NET Framework • .NET Framework is an integral part of Windows Server 2003 and can be installed on Windows 2000 • PHP Hypertext Protocol (PHP) • Popular language available on most platforms • The structure of JSP, ASP, and PHP are similar

  15. Using Forms • The following HTML produces a form • When the submit button is pressed, the data in the form is sent to the file designated as filename

  16. Browsing the form

  17. Using ASP to Process a Form • The following file displays the information from the form • Notice how the items such as "first" match the text names on the form • ASP uses <% and %> for opening and closing tags • <%=request()%> is one way to retrieve data from the form

  18. ASP.NET • ASP.NET is one of the many languages available under the .NET Framework that can be used for the Web • The programming model of ASP.NET is superior to that of ASP • Has modules for data validation that differentiates between browsers • Producing sophisticated reports is much easier

  19. ASP.NET Program that Combines Form and Output

  20. Programming with Databases • Microsoft uses two methods to bridge the gap between programming languages and databases • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) • The original standard • Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLEDB) • Current standard which is faster and more flexible • Linux often uses Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) • You can also have a direct connection between the language (such as PHP) and the database (such as MySQL)

  21. Producing a Report • Connect to the database • Execute a SQL select statement to retrieve data from a table • Put the data in a recordset • Also known as a resultset, depending on the environment • Loop through the recordset and display the contents

  22. A Report in ASP

  23. Using Data Source Names (DSNs) • DNSs are connections to databases that an administrator creates on the server • They encapsulate the information on the previous slide concerning the connection information • The Data Sources (ODBC) wizard is in the Control Panel • Once it is created, you can create a connection withConn.open "DSN=humanresources;uid=sa"

  24. Programming with ASP.NET • Although there is a connection and you send it a SQL select statement, the DataGrid component creates the report

  25. Programming with PHP • Note the similarity between ASP and PHP, and how different they are from ASP.NET

  26. Summary • Programming languages process data, allow you to create dynamic Web pages, and can produce other features • Database management systems organize data for processing

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