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Make informed decisions on compulsory and elective GCSE subjects with this university-focused guideline to improve your future prospects.
Year 10 St Louis Grammar Level 2 Subject Options GCSE,BTEC,OCN/OCR 2019
Compulsory Subjects • English Language • Mathematics • Religious Studies (GCSE/OCN Level 2 in consultation with teacher) • Science SA/DA
Pathways • Pathway 3 - 10 GCSEs English Literature will be studied.Option to take Double Award Science • Pathway 2 – 9 GCSEs Single Award Science only • Pathway 1 – 7 GCSEs *Single Award Science only *Option to take Occupational Subjects
Subject Options • Subjects related to Career ideas/aspirations • Select subjects you enjoy and have an interest • Further Mathematics at GCSE is an option. It is useful but not essential for those who wish to have a professional career in engineering(mechanical/aerospace/electronic). • Decisions on this option should be performance related and discussed with your Mathematics teacher.
BTEC/OCR/OCN Course Options • Students hoping to study Medicine/Veterinary Science/Dentistry/Actuarial Science should not take a BTEC/OCN/OCR Level 2 option. • Students considering future degree courses in ROI, the South of Ireland, may consider one BTEC/ROI option provided they have 6 other GCSE subjects.
GCSE ProfileThe foundation for your future It is important to choose subjects wisely and vital that you set out on a two year GCSE course with a determination to work consistently hard to reach your full potential.
What do universities want at GCSE level? Queen’s University, Belfast. Engineering: Applicants for this programme must have achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE passes at grade B and one grade A. Grade A in Mathematics. Business Management: offersare normally made to applicants who have achieved a minimum 4 A grades and 2 B grades at GCSE. Computer Science: Applicants should offer a minimum of 6 B grades at GCSE.
GCSE Subject Scoring Medicine/Dentistry Best 9 GCSE grades (with additional points from UKCAT/BMAT selection tests) A* = 4 A = 3 B = 2 C = 1 QUB Medicine 34-38 points *extra places from 2020 QUB *Dentistry 29-34 points
GCSE Scoring at SRC GCSE Grades Point Score A* 6 A 5 B 4 C 3 D 2 E-G 1 GCSE Grade Mathematics and English Language only Point Score A* 7 A 6 B 5 C 4 A minimum of 15 points to include a pass in GCSE English and Maths is need to progress to a Further Education Course at a Regional College. * Achieving lower points than this will mean than you must begin a course at level 2 – the same level as GCSE.
Modern Foreign Languages (French, Irish and Spanish) • It is recommended that students take a minimum of one modern language subject at GCSE. • Universities in Republic of Ireland expect applicants to present a modern foreign language at GCSE level. *exemptions apply DCU (Dublin City University) and DKIT (Dundalk Institute of Technology) do not require a GCSE Foreign language.
Allied Health Careers • Radiography/Radiotherapy, Optometry, Physiotherapy and Dietetics require GCSE Double Award Science • Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy will accept Single Award Science at GCSE but St Louis strongly advise a student to take Double Award.
Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science • Students considering a career in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science must take Double Award Science and aim to achieve A*A* (medicine and dentistry) / A A(Veterinary Science).
Nursing • QUB and Ulster University will accept applicants to Nursing who offer GCSE Single Award Science • we advise students who wish to study Nursing at Trinity/Cork to take Double Award Science and thereafter study A level Biology. We advise students considering Children’s Nursing in Russell Group Universities in England to take Double Award Science.
Engineering • Degree courses in Mechanical, Structural, Aeronautical, Chemical and Software Engineering require you to have a B grade and in some cases an A grade in GCSE Maths • Double Award Science is required for Engineering degree courses. • Technology, Construction and Engineering are excellent supporting subjects for a future Engineering degree course or apprenticeship. • Software Engineering and Computing degree courses look for high level ICT skills. A GCSE in Digital Technologies (Computing) is desirable.
Teaching A GCSE in Science is required to gain entry to any Teacher Training Course (Primary or Secondary). If you are not intending to teach Science/Maths a GCSE Single Award is acceptable.
Architecture – Think Art! • Many universities state that GCSE Art is essential others say highly desirable. • An Art portfolio will be required from all students applying to Architecture. This is not scale drawings or building plans but is to be a reflection of creative and artistic ability. • Design Technology and Construction are good supporting subjects.
Main Considerations • Research GCSE subject content and method of assessment carefully – think about your own learning style. • Check that you have the correct subject combinations for future career options • Thinks about your skills and abilities and play to your strengths • Seek advice from teachers and talk with your parents and careers advisors. Informed choices are good choices
Option Morning Monday 28th January 9:30am-12:15pm • Discuss with teachers the nature and content of the GCSE courses you are considering. • Review the subject pages of the KS4 online Option Booklet • Engage in Careers Research using the Careers Web Addresses advised and University or Further Education institution websites.