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Preparing Your School’s CELLA Test Materials For Return Student Achievement Our Number One Priority. Research, Evaluation and Accountability. As You Receive CELLA TEST MATERIALS from The Test Administrators, Do The Following:.
Preparing Your School’s CELLA Test Materials For Return StudentAchievement Our Number One Priority Research, Evaluation and Accountability
As You Receive CELLA TEST MATERIALS from The Test Administrators, Do The Following: 1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Make a copy for your files. Place the original copy in the District Coordinator ONLY Box. 2. Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned. Notify the district coordinator immediately if any secure materials are missing and complete the necessary investigation. 3. Verify that your Security Log has been completed correctly. Make a copy for your files. 4. If a test is TO-BE-SCORED, verify that the DNS bubble has not been gridded. If a DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake, erase the DNS bubble and grid the corresponding UNDO bubble. 5. If a test is NOT-TO-BE-SCORED, verify that the corresponding DNS bubble is gridded. 6. Organize your materials into three (3) groups according to the list below: Group your TO-BE-SCORED materials by GRADE. (To-Be-Scored materials include those with DNS bubbles gridded.) TO-BE-SCORED materials will be separated by grade level banded together with the grade and document count written on the paper band.
As You Receive CELLA TEST MATERIALS from The Test Administrators, Do The Following: Grades K-2, Used Level A Test Books/Answer Sheets (including test books for students who took the large-print version of the test, and test books with gridded DNS bubbles) Grades 3-12, Used Levels B, C, and D Answer Sheets (including test books for students who took the large-print version of the test, and test books with gridded DNS bubbles) NOT TO BE SCORED materials, include: Unused Level A Test Books/Answer Sheets, Unused Levels B, C, and D Answer Sheets, Level A One-on-One Prompt Book, Levels B, C, and D Listening & Speaking test books, Levels B, C, and D Reading & Writing test books, Levels A, B, C, and D Training CD’s for Speaking, Levels A1 & B1 and Levels C1 and D1 Listening CD’s and Directions for Administration. (continued on next slide)
As You Receive CELLA TEST MATERIALS from The Test Administrators, Do The Following: District Coordinator ONLY Box 2010 CELLA Administration and Security Agreement, CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist, Security Logs, Seating Charts, Pre-Id Roster, Unused Student PreId Labels, Record of Attendance, Record of Invalidation, Train-the-Trainer Manuals, Train-the-Trainer CDs, Copy of the Document Count Form, and a Copy of the School Return Summary Form. 7. Go to http://www.fldoe.org /aala/CELLA.asp and click on the 2010 CELLA Customer Satisfaction Survey. Please provide feedback that will be meaningful to FDOE and Questar. If you have comments pertinent to school/district procedures, please contact your School Coordinator.
Materials Handling “TO-BE-SCORED” Due May 20, 2010
You Will Be Preparing The Following ThreeTypes Of Boxes For Return To The District Coordinator: *In order to ensure that student scores are reported in a timely manner, package all materials according to the instructions below. Errors in the return of materials could delay reporting of student results. CHERRY RETURN LABELS TO-BE-SCORED Test Materials GOLDENROD RETURN LABELS NOT-TO-BE-SCORED Test Materials DISTRICT COORDINATOR ONLY BOX Create a Label addressed to REA: Nereida Gonzalez
Prepare Your School’s TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return Process your school’s TO-BE-SCORED documents as described below: DOCUMENT COUNT FORM BY GRADE (PURPLE) Schools will receive both preidentified and blank overage CELLA Document Count Forms. The following information is pre-printed on the form: • District Name and School Name (Box 1) • District Number (Box 2) • School Number (Box 3) School Coordinators will need to complete Boxes 4, 5, and 6 on the Document Count Form. • Verify that you have gathered all the appropriate documents before you complete the form. 2. Complete the CELLA Document Count Form by following the instructions on the form. • Complete a separate form for each grade level. Do not combine documents for more than one grade level under the same Document Count Form. Do not copy blank Document Count Forms; however; once the forms are completed, you may copy them for your records. If you need additional count forms, contact Nereida Gonzalez.
Prepare Your School’s TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return • Documents with DNS bubbles gridded must be included in the counts provided. Include DNS bubbled tests at the bottom of each group. • Place each completed Document Count Form under the paper band on top bundle of corresponding documents for each grade level. It is recommended that you make a copy of the Document Count Form before including them with the To-Be-Scored Materials. It is critical that the counts are accurate and gridded correctly. Do notreturn any blank or unused Level A Test Books/Answer Sheets or Levels B, C, and D Answer Sheets with your To-Be-Scored materials or they will be scored. Package the To-Be-Scored materials in the boxes in which materials were received. If more than one box is required, be sure to place the School Summary Form in Box 1.
Prepare Your School’s TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return • CELLA SCHOOL RETURN SUMMARY FOR TO-BE-SCORED MATERIALS (RED) • The School Return Summary is a summary of the To-Be-Scored material counts by grade. • 1. Complete only ONE School Return Summary Form for the school. • 2. Verify that you have all TO-BE-SCORED documents bundled with Document Count Forms for each grade level. • Follow the instructions on the School Summary Form to complete the information requested. The total number of To-Be-Scored documents for a school will be the sum of the To- Be-Scored documents returned for each material type and grade level. • Make a copy of the completed School Return Summary Form for your records. • Set aside the original School Return Summary Form for packaging and return of materials.
CELLA PAPER BANDS • Separate To-Be-Scored materials by grade, and place a paper band around each grade. You may use more than one paper band per grade level, if necessary. • Paper band the TO-BE-SCORED documents together in groups. The CELLA Document Count Form for To-Be-Scored Answer Documents must be under the paper band on top of the first grade level stack.
Package Your School’s TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return 1. Place all TO-BE-SCORED materials in the boxes in which they arrived. • If more than one box is required, be sure to place the School Return Summary Form in Box 1. • Before you seal the boxes, make a copy of the School Return Summary Form for your files, then place the original on top of the documents in Box 1 of the To-Be-Scored materials. • Seal the boxes. • Place a Return Shipping Label (CHERRY) for To-Be-Scored Materials on each box. • In the lower left corner of each CHERRY label, write the number of the box and the total number of boxes of To-Be-Scored Materials you are shipping. For example: Box 1 of X, Box 2 of X, Box 3 of X, etc. If you are shipping only one box, you write Box 1 of 1. Do not include the number of boxes of Not-To-Be-Scored materials in this total for the number of boxes. • Return the CHERRYlabeled boxes to the District Coordinator by Thursday, May 20, 2010.
Materials Handling “NOT-TO-BE SCORED” Due May 20, 2010
Prepare Your School’s NOT-TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return Group your school’s NOT-TO-BE-SCORED materials which include: CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist; Unused Level A test books/answer sheets; used and unused Levels B, C, and D test books, unused Level B, C, And D answer sheets both with and without PreID labels and defective answer sheets; Training CDs for Speaking; Listening CDs; Directions for Administration and the Training Kits. 1. Verify that all test booklets have been returned to you and that they are in security number order. 2. Verify that all security numbers are accounted for, include both Large Print and Braille in these counts. • Count the total number of Not-To-Be-Scored documents. • Paper band the Not-To-Be-Scored documents together in groups and write only the number of documents on top of that band. • Package the Not-To-Be-Scored materials in the boxes in which materials were received. (Large Print test books may be folded in half and included in these boxes) If more than one box is required, be sure to place the CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist in Box 1.
Prepare Your School’s NOT-TO-BE-SCORED Documents for Return • Before sealing the boxes, make two copies of the CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist. Place the one copy on top of the documents in Box 1 of the Not-To-Be- Scored materials. • The second copy will be retained for your records. Return the original to the District Coordinator in the district Coordinator ONLY box. • Seal the boxes using filler so the documents do not shift. • Place a GOLDENRODQuestar return Shipping Label on each box. • In the lower left corner of each GOLDENROD label, write the number of the box and the total number of boxes of Not-To-Be-Scored materials you are shipping. For example: Box 1 of X, Box 2 of X, Box 3 of X, etc. If you are shipping only one box, write Box 1 of 1. Boxes containing Large Print and /or Braille test books must be included as part of the total Not-To-Be-Scored box count. • Do not include the number of boxes of To-Be-Scored materials in the total for the number of boxes. • Make sure that To-Be-Scored materials are NOT mixed in with the Not-To-Be-Scored materials, as this could delay reporting!
District Coordinator Box Must be returned to the District Warehouse by 3 pm on Wednesday, May 26, 2010. √ Original CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist √ Original Security Logs √CELLA Administration & Security Agreement √Copy of the School Return Summary Form √Copy of the Document Count Form √ Original Seating Charts √Record of Attendance √Record of Invalidations √Student PreID Rosters √Train –the-Trainer Manuals √Train –the-Trainer CDs √Unused Student PreID Labels
NON-SECURE MATERIALS • The following materials should be destroyed or recycled at your school. • DO NOT SEND them in the District Coordinator Box: • √ 2010 Test Administration Manuals • √ Packing Slips • √ Unused CELLA Document Count Forms • √ Unused CELLA School Return Summary Forms • √Unused Paper Bands • √Unused Questar Return Labels
Last Thing To Do • Go to the CELLA website and complete the 2010 CELLA Customer Satisfaction Survey. • This feedback from Test Administrators, School Coordinators, and District Coordinators will tell us what went right and what went wrong, and help us improve the process each year. • http://www.fldoe.org/aala/CELLA.asp • Click on the 2010 CELLA Customer Satisfaction Survey
QUESTIONS Nereida Gonzalez 407-518-2902 Ext: 66158 gonzalezn@osceola.k12.fl.us