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Learn why teens use alcohol, its harmful effects, and positive ways to handle emotions. Understand the dangers of underage drinking and how to cope with difficult emotions.
Chapter 9 Alcohol Lesson 3 Alcohol Use and Teens Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 9 Assessment Next >> Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation.
Having several drinks in a short period of time • binge drinking A person under the age of adult rights andresponsibilities • minor
In this lesson, you will be able to • describereasons why some teens may choose to use alcohol. • explainwhy alcohol is harmful to teens. • demonstratepositive ways to handle difficult emotions.
Predicting Look at the main headings, figures, and captions before you read this lesson. Predict the kinds of information you might learn from this lesson. Write down three items you think might be covered in this lesson. Main Headings in this Lesson • Why Do Some Teens Use Alcohol? • Why Is Alcohol Harmful to Teens?
Curiosity They think it willmake thempopular They think it willmake them morerelaxed They think it willmake them moreadult They seek relieffrom painful orconfusing emotions Why Do Some Teens Use Alcohol?
Alcohol in the Media In television commercials or movies, using alcohol is often made to look fun and exciting. Because of media images of alcohol use, many teens feel that drinking alcohol is okay.
Peer Pressure Some teens may choose to drink in order to fit in or to not be embarrassed in front of their friends. It is not always easy to say no, but negative peer pressure is not a good reason to accept alcohol.
Peer Pressure Binge drinking can cause breathing to stop, a dangerous lowering of heartbeat, and death. binge drinking Having several drinks in a short period of time
Why Is Alcohol Harmful to Teens? Peer pressure Damage tohealth Alcohol Strong emotions Make handlingemotions and peer pressure harder
Teens Are Still Growing When teens use alcohol, their bodies and brains do not develop properly. They also run the risk of damaging their nervous systems.
Alcohol Can Affect Emotions Alcohol can not solve the problem of emotional swings, boredom, sadness, or other emotions. Because alcohol will cause more problems, it is better to talk to an adult they trust and find effective strategies for managing stress.
Underage Drinking Is Illegal It is illegal for a minor to use alcohol. minor A person under the age of adult rights and responsibilities Minors found buying or having alcohol can be arrested and fined.
Lesson 3 Review What I Learned VocabularyDefine minor.
Lesson 3 Review What I Learned ListName two reasons why some teens choose to use alcohol.
Lesson 3 Review What I Learned ExplainWhy is using alcohol an unhealthful way todeal with difficult emotions?
Lesson 3 Review What I Learned DescribeWhat can happen to a minor who gets caughtusing alcohol?
Lesson 3 Review Thinking Critically ApplyWhat’s a healthful way for you to deal withyour emotions? Give an example of a situation in whichyou would use this strategy to cope with a difficultemotion.
Lesson 3 Review Thinking Critically PredictHow can using alcohol affect a teen’sdevelopment?
End of Chapter 9 Alcohol Lesson 3 Alcohol Use and Teens Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 9 Assessment