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Overview. The Math
1. Mathematics & Statistics at ODU:Foundational, Yet on the Move Decanal Review Presentation2000-2001
2. Overview The Math & Stat Department is involved in all three aspects of the university mission in a vital way:
the learning process, with large and diverse enrollments
the discovery process, with significant publication and grant activity
community engagement, with prominent service functions to the university, the profession, and citizens
3. Overview Applied mathematics (modeling and algorithms) is instrumental to the growth of the College in the fastest-growing modality of science: simulation
theory and experiment are centuries old and grow incrementally
simulation is nascent and is growing by leaps
Mathematics and statistics are instrumental in all intellectual domains spanned by the College
prerequisites for other scientific endeavors
often determinative for success in scientific endeavors
4. Math & Stat in the ODU Strategic Plan SI #1 (distinctive undergraduate programs)
well-rated teaching faculty and service courses
curricular innovation in calculus teaching
attention to retention at the transition to calculus
participation in learning communities (CS, ENGR)
strong secondary education majors track (CAP aspect)
SI #2 (excellent graduate programs)
one of relatively few applied math (only) doctoral programs in the country
53 doctoral alumni since 1984 (avg. 3.3/yr.)
5. Math & Stat in the ODU Strategic Plan SI #4 (develop areas of national prominence)
well-poised to contribute to HPC/CS&E
interactions with many local and federal organizations
proven ability to recruit top new faculty prospects
need attention to graduate student recruitment
SI #5 (distance education)
Teletechnet participation on “as requested” basis
8 courses in current 5-semester window (see later slide)
live Virginia Beach Center offerings
2 courses on site in current 5-semester window
6. Math & Stat in the ODU Strategic Plan SI #6 (international programs)
mathematics & statistics are universal subjects
department draws students internationally
some departmental faculty travel internationally with regularity
SI #7 (information technology ready)
computer-based calculus sequence
asynchronous web learning pages
two departmental NSF proposals for innovative IT use in classroom during calendar 2000, so far
7. Math & Stat in the ODU Strategic Plan SI #9 (inclusive environment)
department has above national average percentages of female majors at undergraduate and graduate levels
legacy of respect for diversity in the department (absence of strife or actions that are diversity-related)
SI #10 (co-ops and partnerships)
strong potential for applied math, stat, and biostat faculty to consult and students to intern with private and governmental organizations
strong research partnerships with EVMS, NASA
teaching enrichment for local high school faculty
8. Math & Stat in National Strategic Plans Variety of recent federal reports highlight need for mathematicians in interdisciplinary teams with scientists and technologists
March 1998 Senior Assessment Panel for U.S. Mathematical Sciences (Odum report)
August 1998 President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee
November 1998 Workshop on Advanced Scientific Computing
Current federal and state elections focus on need for better mathematically trained K-12 teachers
As needs increase, national mathematics Ph.D. production barely holds steady, and undergraduate major production declines
9. ODU’s Math & Stat in Perspective The ODU Math & Stat faculty represents 1/250th of the nation’s doctoral institution math faculty and 1/25th of the university’s faculty
With applied orientations, we are relatively rare — applied mathematics is notoriously marginalized by majority pure mathematicians on most campuses
Applied mathematicians are, almost by definition, conversant in the application domains of faculty in other academic departments — a healthy applied math department is a major institutional resource
10. Importance of Applied Mathematicians
11. Faculty Demographics 28 full-time faculty
11 professors (two “eminent”, one “university”)
11 associate professors
4 assistant professors
1 senior lecturer
1 instructor
4-6 adjunct faculty, from semester to semester
1999-2000 “Computational Sciences” recruiting
Cynthia Spade (Northwestern), advanced materials
Michael Wagner (Cornell), optimization
12. Staff Demographics Office Staff
Barbara Jeffrey (AMP-3, new classification)
Gayle Tarkelson (AMP-2, new classification)
Computer Consultant
Jonathan Locke (UG major, hourly employee)
13. 1999 Student Demographics Gender distribution
Undergraduate: 71% women (vs. 44% nationally)
Graduate: 35% women (vs. 31% nationally)
Nationality distribution
United States: 58% (vs. 53% nationally)
Internationals drawn from 13 countries, presently:
Bangladesh, China, Denmark, Greece, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Thailand, U.K.
4 international students in statistics are here with full support from their own countries
14. Learning Overview Undergraduate and graduate programs
Enrollment statistics
Teletechnet participation
Learning Community participation
Applied Math program curricular highlight
Statistics program curricular highlight
Richard F. Barry Colloquium
Student ratings of the department
Proposed curricular innovations
15. Undergraduate Programs Three tracks:
Applied Mathematics
Secondary Mathematics Education
Departmental ranking in national senior undergraduate assessment (major field exams): 75th percentile (April 2000)
16. Graduate Programs Two tracks:
Computational and Applied Mathematics
53 doctorates in the 16 years of the program
Contributing to ODU’s new top Carnegie ranking
60% in education
UPenn, Tulane, Hampton, NSU, etc.
28% in industry/medicine
UBS-Warburg, SAIC, Smith-Kline-Beecham, EDS, etc.
11% in government laboratories
21. Fall 1999 vs.Fall 2000 Enrollments
22. Fall 2000Large Enrollment Service Courses
23. Math Faculty Carrying Large Enrollment Courses, Fall 2000
24. Teletechnet Courses, Fall 99 - Spring 01
25. Math & Stat in Service to ODU Only approximately 12% of all Math & Stat course enrollments are in upper-level electives for majors or graduate students
Remainder are in lower-level “service courses”
142 courses in 24 departments throughout the ODU catalog have Math & Stat prerequisites
Large majority of Math & Stat staffing is service course-oriented
New “Interdepartmental Relations Committee” launched in Fall 1999 to become client-friendly
26. Learning Community Participation Department participates every semester
This fall, there are six Learning Communities (LC) enrolled in various math classes:
Math 102 Comp Sc LC (9) Doviak
Math 162 Engr LC (18)(21) Atiyah (2)
Math 163 Engr LC (15) Crumpler
Math 163 Engr LC (12) Hutchinson
Math 211 Engr LC (10) Kroll
27. Mathematics Program Highlight: Undergraduate Computer Laboratory History
1991 “Development of a Computer-based Calculus Curriculum” submitted to SCHEV (Melrose, Bogacki, Wohl)
1992 $135,750 grant awarded through Funds For Excellence program
1993 Ed 128 & Ed 126 converted to an Electronic classroom & Computer Lab
1993 First sections of computer-based Calculus I and Calculus II taught
28. Undergraduate Computer Laboratory History
1995 Ed 131 converted to Electronic Classroom
1995 All sections of Calculus I, II and III are taught “computer-based”.
1999-2000 Upgrade of hardware to all Pentium class machines. Software upgraded to Windows NT and Mathcad 2000 Professional
29. Undergraduate Computer Laboratory Courses taught
Math 211, Calculus I - Typically 5 sections
Math 212, Calculus II - Typically 4 sections
Math 312, Calculus III - Typically 2 sections
Math 302, Geometry
Math 316, Applied Linear Algebra
Math 408, Applied Numerical Methods
Math 621, Adv. Numerical Analysis I
Stat 405, SAS-Intro to Data Handling
30. Lab Schedule - Spring 2001
31. Resources for Success in Calculus Help Sessions (26 hours/week, Fall 2000)
5pm - 8pm Tuesday
10am-10pm Wednesday
1pm - 3pm Thursday
6pm -10pm Thursday
11am -4pm Friday
Open Lab (14 hours/week, Fall 2000)
5pm-10pm Tuesday
9am-10pm Wednesday
9am-10pm Thursday
9am - 4pm Friday
32. Manpower Requirements Fall 2000
11 Lab Assistants (3 GTA’s, 8 undergrads)
118 hours
33. Mathcad Demo [Minimise Powerpoint and do demo of Mathcad examples]
34. Undergraduate program
Integrates technology
Adventures in Statistics
Teletechnet presence
Graduate program
Majority of current doctoral students
Excellent U.S. and international recruitment
Professional continuing education for Public Health, Engineering Management, EVMS, NASA
39. Richard F. Barry Colloquium Regular colloquium a priority recommendation of most recent Math & Stat external review
In its second year
29 seminars in first 15 months
Supported by new R. F. Barry Chair endowment
Embraced by faculty
9 have spoken in it, plus one alumnus
Diverse affiliations of speakers
university, industry, government laboratories
5 from abroad
40. Richard F. Barry Colloquium Diverse subject matter
Modeling of physical phenomena
Numerical analysis/computational science
aids research and collaborations
raises external visibility
important exposure for graduate students
important for recruiting future graduate students
41. Richard F. Barry Colloquium Future plans
greater university and external publicity for seminar
long-term planning to insure diversity of content while also accommodating departmental recruiting
improved facilities
additional track for “in the family” seminars for graduate students
43. Proposed Curricular Innovations Computational Science & Engineering
draft of new certificate program on-line at http://www.siam.org/world/compsci/cplsci.htm
participation with CS and Biology in university budget initiative for 2000-2001
participation in Dean’s Lecture Series, Spring 2001
Financial Mathematics
to be explored by four ODU math faculty at new NSF math institute (IPAM) at UCLA, January 2001
44. Discovery Overview Publication profile
Presentation profile
Grant and contract profile
External research collaborations
45. Research Productivity Profile Of 26 permanent members of the faculty in 1999:
21 published at least one scholarly paper
20 gave at least one scholarly presentation
12 had at least one doctoral student under active supervision
9 had current external funding support
This 35% external support rate is identical to the national average for fulltime mathematical sciences faculty at U.S. doctoral institutions (versus 67% in the physical sciences and 69% in the biological sciences) according to the 1998 Odum report for the National Science Foundation.
46. Faculty Publication Profile From 26 permanent members of the faculty in 1999, there were 77 scholarly publications, including:
2 books
44 articles in archival journals
24 chapters in proceedings and books
7 other publications
47. Faculty Presentation Profile From 26 permanent members of the faculty in 1999, there were 70 external presentations, including:
10 invited talks at national/international meetings
25 invited departmental seminars (outside of ODU)
35 contributed presentations or minisymposium talks at national/international meetings
48. Externally Sponsored Projects Current Math & Stat faculty now enjoy or have had research sponsorship from:
NASA (13 different faculty)
National Science Foundation (10)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (5)
Department of Defense (5)
Department of Energy (2)
Prorated in-house research expend.,99-00: ~$750K
Direct faculty support through ICASE, in addition
Direct student scholarship support, in addition
51. Research Interests of the Statistics Faculty Applied Probability
Applied Statistics
Design of Experiments
Multivariate Analysis
Statistical Inference
52. Biostatistics Exemplary cooperation between ODU and EVMS
citation by President Koch in State-of-U addresses
Renowned research centers at EVMS
Center for Pediatric Research (CPR)
Jones Institute for Reproductive Health
Geriatric Institute
Center for Sleep Disorders
More than $400K in research funding from EVMS since 1993
53. Center for Pediatric Research (CPR) Established in 1993
active departmental engagement since inception
Thirteen of our graduate students have worked on research projects at CPR
Graduate student stipend: $13,000 to $15,500/year
Two of our graduates have been hired as faculty
Department active in CPR recruitment efforts
54. Biostatistics Consulting Center Recently established by Ram Dahiya and Michael Doviak
Provides statistical consultation to all researchers at EVMS
First-year funding of $70K
Graduate student intern: Seemit Sheth
55. Sample Research Projects in Biostatistics Survival analysis of heart transplants
Survival analysis of prostate cancer for radiation versus surgery
Prostate cancer bio-markers
Effect of breast feeding on rotavirus infection
Effect of sleep disorders on driving
Statistical analysis of vaginal bleeding
56. Masters in Public Health Joint EVMS - ODU program
ODU statistics group actively involved in development of this program
development of biostatistics and statistical software courses
John Morgan and Michael Doviak have been teaching courses for MPH
57. Research Interests of the App Math Faculty Approximation Theory
Asymptotic Analysis
Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems
Fluid Dynamics (incl. Acoustics, Astrophysics, Combustion, Geophysics, and Turbulence)
Functional Analysis
Integral Equations
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Programming
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computing
58. Sample Research Projects in Appl Math Analysis of human radiation risk abatement in spacecraft
Parallel computer algorithms for optically thick radiation transport
Dynamics of protein folding (optimal drug design)
Prediction of noise from ducted fan-jet engines
Digital image compression
Stability and control of fluid flows and flames
59. Department Shared in 1999 Gordon Bell Prize!
60. NASA Application:Computational Aerodynamics
61. Algorithm: Newton-Krylov-Schwarz
62. Engagement Overview Supporting the university
Supporting the region
Supporting the profession
Supporting the nation
63. Supporting the University College committee leadership
Technology (Przemek Bogacki)
Promotion and Tenure (Stan Weinstein)
Interdepartmental Relations Committee
Computational Science & Engineering
Building planning
OCCS facilities acquisition
Strategic initiatives
64. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
65. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
66. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
67. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
68. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
69. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
70. Interdepartmental Relations Committee
71. Supporting the Region Leadership of or partnership with local educational institutions in proposal writing
Distance learning
Teacher training
Technical consulting (esp. statistics)
Creation of custom professional courses and “short courses” (esp. statistics)
72. Statistics Engagement Free statistics consulting, campus-wide and in local technical community, e.g.,
ODU Academic Affairs (Seyfrit)
Army Corps of Engineers
Press interviews on stories with statistics angles
73. Supporting the Profession Key leadership and organizational activities in professional societies
SIAM Council, IISA Board of Officers
Key editorial responsibilities
SIAM journal editorial board
Springer CS&E editorial board
other journal boards, extensive refereeing
Professional meeting organization
scientific committees
minisymposium organization
74. Supporting the Nation Key alliances with major research agencies
Tri-lab ASCI Level-2 partnership (one of 14 nationally)
ISCR Directorship at Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Radiation Physics Branch, NASA Langley
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division, NASA Langley
ICASE Fellow and Consultants (5 faculty presently)
75. Departmental Administration Chair: David Keyes
Assistant Chair: Mark Dorrepaal
Statistics Program Director: Rao Chaganty
Graduate Program Director: Glenn Lasseigne
Chief Departmental Advisor: Richard Noren
“Computer Czar,” Lab Manager: Przemek Bogacki
Executive Committee (elected)
Tenure and Promotion (elected)
76. Standing Departmental Committees Assessment
Bulletin Board
External Relations (professional societies)
Human Subjects
Interdepartmental Relations
Technological Scholarships
77. Departmental Governance Tenure and Promotion Committee
Five members elected from tenured faculty
Evaluates teaching portfolios
Recommends on tenure and promotion to associate professor
All full professors constitute “Promotion Committee” for recommendations on full professor
78. Departmental Governance Objectives of recently drafted guidelines
Reward scholarly activities (publications and presentations)
Reward effective teaching (using new technologies, developing new curriculum, as well as classical lectures)
Encourage external funding
Encourage community and professional services
79. Departmental Governance Executive Committee
Three members elected through a proportional representation scheme
Currently Wu Li, John Morgan, and Stan Weinstein
Assists the chair (when necessary) in making decisions that might be controversial
Serves as anonymous “eyes and ears” for chair on issues important to or sensitive for faculty
80. Departmental Governance Sample model work load assignment
81. Departmental Governance Sample model work load assignment
82. Departmental Governance Sample model work load assignment
83. Departmental Challenges Increasingly poorly prepared incoming classes
Increasingly predatory environment for the most “marketable” faculty and students
Growing programs
in fixed space, with fixed office staff
Administrative software infrastructure
“Short fuse” requests of department
Maintaining adequate computing support
networking, hardware, and personal consulting
Frustrations with facilities (lock-outs, overbookings)
84. Departmental Needs Faculty hiring
numbers for undergraduate teaching mandate
new areas for graduate research opportunities
freedom to employ adjuncts without accounting penalties
for research (esp. graduate student offices)
for mathematics teaching (large blackboards)
for community (informal meetings, journals, coffee)
Graduate stipend support
85. Departmental Opportunities Statistics
small, highly rated faculty in high demand
staff special offerings for client departments
assist in applied research
assemble short courses for NASA (Windtunnel University)
appear as “popular” speakers in ODU bus tours, high schools
graduates in high demand
specialists in biostatistics, bioinformatics, computational statistics
Applied Mathematics
support university initiatives in CS&E
curricular and research
86. Take-home Messages ODU Math & Stat plays an important role locally in the training of mathematicians and statisticians, and also scientists, engineers, MBAs, health professionals, criminologists, teachers, etc.
ODU Math & Stat serves the region and the nation through research advances in the methods of applied and computational analysis and optimization
ODU Math & Stat faculty and students are in no “ivory tower,” but are immersed in the language and the community of applications
While Math & Stat will always a service department, at minimum, the university can get much more out of it with investments that leverage external opportunities
87. Follow-up URLs This talk
Departmental home page
Course offerings