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Overcoming Prejudice: One Blood, One Race - Selected Scriptures

Explore the biblical perspective on race and prejudice, understanding that all humans are of one blood and one race. Discover God's solution to overcome prejudice and promote unity.

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Overcoming Prejudice: One Blood, One Race - Selected Scriptures

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. One Blood, One Race - Overcoming Prejudice - Selected Scriptures While there are great improvements since the 1960's, racial tensions are worse in some ways than then We are required to declare our “race” for many, many things in which ethnic heritage has no relevance

  3. One Blood, One Race - Overcoming Prejudice - Selected Scriptures Currently, there are unbiblical ideas being promoted in evangelical churches in regard to race Our goal is to Glorify God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ - including conforming culture to Christ

  4. Creation – Day One Day 1 God Created: *The heavens *The earth *Light *He separated light & darkness Genesis 1:1-5

  5. Day 2 God makes an expanse in the midst of the waters. He separates the waters above & below the expanse He called the expanse Heaven Genesis 1:6-8

  6. Day 3a - Genesis 1:9-13 Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear”

  7. Day 3b - Genesis 1:11-13 Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind”

  8. Day 4 Genesis 1:14-19 God makes the sunfor the day andthe moon for the night.He also makes the starsin the sky

  9. Day 5– Genesis 1:20-23 God creates all the living creatures of the sea God creates all the birds of the air

  10. Day 6 – Genesis 1:24-31 God creates all the land animals & man

  11. Day 7God rests from all His work.He blesses the seventh day and makes it holy.Genesis 2:1–3

  12. CreationGenesis 1 Ignoring or neglecting God as creator removes man’s accountability to God & allows for evolutionary ideas

  13. Sin – Genesis 3 Eve was deceived by the serpent. Adam also ate & mankind fell into sin

  14. Cain murdered Abel

  15. Adam to Noah (Age at death) The Fall ADAM (930) SETH (912) ENOSH (905) KENAN (910) MAHALALEL (895) JARED (962) ENOCH (365–God took him) METHUSELAH (969) LAMECH (777) NOAH The Flood

  16. The Genesis Flood - Genesis 6-9 Man became so evil God destroyed the world by a flood Water source: The Fountains of the deep & Floodgates of the sky Rain falls for forty days.

  17. A World-Wide Flood Noah & his family found grace in eyes of God, so they built the Ark for themselves and animals to survive

  18. After Departure from the ArkGenesis 8:21-22 Noah offered burnt offerings (vs 20) God promised no future flood & rainbow is the sign of the promise

  19. The Tower of BabelGenesis 11:1-9 Man disobeyed God by settling together to build a city & tower & name

  20. The Tower of BabelGenesis 11:1-9 God confused their language causing them to spread out over the earth as commanded

  21. The Descendents of ShemGenesis 10:21-31 Shem Lud Eber Ashur Aram Elam Diklah Ophir Havilah Abimael Arpachshad Shalaph Sheba Havilah Hazarmaveth Obal

  22. Descendants of Ham = Ham Africans are Hamites, but not cursed Canaanites Put Canaan Cush Mizraim Raamah Sheba Dedan Cush

  23. Descendants of Japheth = Japheth Meshech Gomer Tarshish Magog Riphath Tubal Tiras Javan Ashkenaz Togarmah Kittim  Madai

  24. Genesis 9:18-19 The Bible recognizes that there are different peoples, tribes and nations – all of one blood

  25. PREJUDICE Small gene pools allow for the expression of recessive traits - the great morphological diversity now seen

  26. Human Height Differences

  27. Skin Tones-Nat Geo 01769 Skin color is complex, but all people are simply different shades of brown due to amount of melanin

  28. Human Hair Colors

  29. Human Hair Types

  30. Human Eye Colors

  31. Human Eye Shapes

  32. Human Hands & Feet Shapes

  33. Human Ear & Nose Shapes

  34. PREJUDICE Sin, selfishness and pride result in the common idea that those similar to yourself must be better Common familial history can create strong bonds of loyalty as well as hatred of enemies

  35. PREJUDICE Darwin’s thesis advanced the idea of competing races which fueled prejudice and bigotry between groups Webster: Race - distinct group that share certain inherited physical characteristics

  36. PREJUDICE Biology / evolution: Race = “subdivision of a species” / genetic group competing for dominance

  37. Evolutionists believed races evolved from ancestral types so that some races are “primitive”

  38. Ota Benga

  39. PREJUDICE Evolutionary racism has been used to justify exploitation, oppression and genocide

  40. Man’s SolutionsMulticulturalism Fails because: 1) Not all cultures are equal. 2) Hyphenated-American creates more conflict

  41. Man’s SolutionsWar Fails because: Annihilates the enemy or Forces assimilation - which if not total, creates breeding ground of revenge

  42. Man’s SolutionsSegregation Fails because: Reduces conflict by physical separation, but breeds animosity and resentment

  43. Man’s SolutionsDesegregation Good if law changes allow it voluntarily Causes resentment when forced

  44. Man’s SolutionsAffirmative Action Fails because: Only changes who is discriminated against creating new injustices

  45. God’s Solution 1) All humans are descended from the same two parents - we are all one blood, one race - the human race The Bible exposes the lie of evolutionary history, and good science demonstrates it to be a hoax

  46. God’s Solution God made man in His image giving man inherent worth The bondage of sin has been broken by Jesus Christ - Christians are to be slaves of righteousness, not sin Our identity is bound up in Christ, not self or ancestors (Galatians 2:20)

  47. God’s Solution 5) Christians are to be humble servants of one another - Philippians 2:3-4 It will take time for a new Christian to mature, but all Christians are being conformed to the image of Christ

  48. God’s Solution 6) The barriers between nations, tribes, class & gender are broken in Christ - Eph. 2:19; Gal. 3:29; Col. 3:11 Ephesians 2:11-22 - Jesus broke the wall separating Jew & Gentile so Gentiles can receive God’s grace

  49. It is wrong for Christians to group themselves by ethnic heritage, skin shade or any other genetic factor God is glorified in a multiethnic, multicultural church for only He can bring about such harmony

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