1. Community Presentation Local Schools, Local Decisions
2. The factsheets Attention to the five fact sheets that form the Next Steps. They are divided into :
Managing Resources
Staff In Our Schools
Working Locally
Reducing Red Tape
Making Decisions.
Attention to the five fact sheets that form the Next Steps. They are divided into :
Managing Resources
Staff In Our Schools
Working Locally
Reducing Red Tape
Making Decisions.
3. LSLD is about:
Working with communities
Being responsive to the needs of our students
Making local decisions for the students in our schools.
Principals and staff will use their professional judgement on the allocation of resources to address the needs of students.
All decisions will be student-centred
The resources that will be allocated to schools will be 70% of the total education budget.
Greater authority will be given to schools as they are accountable for the outcomes of the students.
The whole change in our schools will be a gradual transition.
Some things will happen soon
Others will happen now
You cn be assured that the students are at the heart of the educational reforms in all of our NSW state schools.
LSLD is about:
Working with communities
Being responsive to the needs of our students
Making local decisions for the students in our schools.
Principals and staff will use their professional judgement on the allocation of resources to address the needs of students.
All decisions will be student-centred
The resources that will be allocated to schools will be 70% of the total education budget.
Greater authority will be given to schools as they are accountable for the outcomes of the students.
The whole change in our schools will be a gradual transition.
Some things will happen soon
Others will happen now
You cn be assured that the students are at the heart of the educational reforms in all of our NSW state schools.
These reforms respond to the needs of students.
They place students at the centre of all decisions.
We recognise that it is the people working in our schools with their communities who can make the best decisions to ensure students get what they need
There are some key messages for these reforms that communities need to be aware of to fully understand them.
A lot of conversations with principals, staff and parents have highlighted that schools need to be more responsive to the needs of students and the only way that this can be done is if schools have the resources closer to them. Schools will have more than 70% of the total education budget and will be able to be more responsive to the needs of their students.
Schools are about students and the decisions that are being made need to be in their best interests.
These reforms recognise that our school communities, our parents and our carers have a great deal to offer schools as part of the greater decision making that will be required.There are some key messages for these reforms that communities need to be aware of to fully understand them.
A lot of conversations with principals, staff and parents have highlighted that schools need to be more responsive to the needs of students and the only way that this can be done is if schools have the resources closer to them. Schools will have more than 70% of the total education budget and will be able to be more responsive to the needs of their students.
Schools are about students and the decisions that are being made need to be in their best interests.
These reforms recognise that our school communities, our parents and our carers have a great deal to offer schools as part of the greater decision making that will be required.
5. There is significant research to support that quality teaching is the most significant in-school factor influencing student outcomes and that empowered communities make a positive difference to their schools.There is significant research to support that quality teaching is the most significant in-school factor influencing student outcomes and that empowered communities make a positive difference to their schools.
Schools will have more say over the mix and selection of their staff.
Schools will choose how they fill at least every second vacancy once incentive transfers and Aboriginal employment applicants are placed.
7. There will be a streamlined performance management process for all staff.
There will be clear role statements linked to professional standards and expectations.
Principal salary and school classification will be linked to school complexity and student numbers.
There will be one comprehensive school plan.
The annual report will report on the achievement of school targets and student learning outcomes.
8. Leaders will be better prepared with professional learning and leadership credentials before they apply for leadership positions.
There will be an increased capacity to share teaching, administrative and leadership positions across schools.
There will be a reduced number of returns – a range of data can will be gathered directly.
10. Is Local Schools, Local Decisions and Empowering Local Schools the same?
Local Schools, Local Decisions is a state government commitment for educational reform in all public schools.
The Empowering Local Schools National Partnership is a federally funded program that required schools to apply for participation. It empowers schools to make more local decisions and gives each school a grant of between $40, 000 and $50,000 to assist with the transition.
11. In addition, the schools will be part of a new Learning Management and Business Reform (LMBR) initiative which will provide schools with new tools to assist in planning, budgeting an reporting to maximise student learning outcomes.
This program is for two years and schools will have to participate in a national evaluation.
12. Communication – what is on the website? Website contains updated, relevant information including FAQshttp://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/news/lsld/
13. Dr Michele Bruniges AM, Director-General
“We’re putting our principals and teachers back in the driving seat – allowing them to exercise their professional judgement.”