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Shows and Fairs Corporation S.A Free trade zone Instruction manual - Entry forms for international goods without nationalized 2019. THIS MANUAL IS ONLY FOR YOUR CUSTOMS AGENCY.
Shows and Fairs Corporation S.A Free trade zone • Instruction manual - Entry forms for international goods without nationalized 2019
THIS MANUAL IS ONLY FOR YOUR CUSTOMS AGENCY This instruction manual applies to enter international goods without nationalized, If you want to enter national and nationalized goods you need to check participation conditions numeral four and the instruction manual for national and nationalized goods.
1. Entertonextwebsite: 3. TYPE YOUR PASSWORD 2. TYPE YOUR USER ContacttoHernando Gomez (hgomez@Corferias.com), he willcreateyouruser and password CLICK ON “Entrar” Entry Forms for international goods without nationalized should be fill out only by Exhibitor’s Custom Agency in coordination with foreign trade department.
2. Click on “Cargar datos” 1. Click on “Comex”
3. Click on “Entrada” 4. Click on “Consultar” • Click on “Tipo de Formulario” • Formforgoodsfromabroadwithoutnationalized • Apply only for goods from abroad without nationalized , this goods can be nationalized to enter to our customs territory, or you can forward it again to origin country, forward it to other country or transfer it to other free trade zone once the show or event is over. • Support documents are: Commercial invoice elaborated in Spanish with goods detail description, this invoice should be elaborated for exhibitor or his representative in Colombia, packing list, and transport document (air waybill, Bill of landing, or DTA, duly consigned) you should describe tariff position.
Formforgoodsfromabroadwithoutnationalized Once goods have been transferred to CORFERIAS free trade zone, it will keep in our warehouse until your customs agency realicethe next procedure for its exhibition: - Payrights and ratestoairlineforyourairwaybill (applyonlyfor air shipment) -Pre-inspection of yourgoods. -Exhibitor’scustomsagencyshouldelaboratedtheentryform, Foreigntradedepartmentwillgivethemtheuser and password. -OurCustoms (DIAN) willcheckyourgoods - Customs agency will transfer your goods from our warehouse to pavilion.
3. Click on “Entrada” 4. Click on “consultar” • Click on “Tipo de Formulario” • Entryformforentersamples, decoration, tastingfromabroad • Apply only for goods without commercial value from abroad, consigned to Corferias, such as: brochures, catalogs, marketing material, decoration material for pavilions, products only to do demonstrations within our pavilions, this goods should be destroyed or consumed during the show or when the event is over, snacks, drinks, or food. • For this samples, decoration material, and tasting from abroad, it should be consider as samples without commercial value, the invoice should declare “ SAMPLES WITHOUT COMMERCIAL VALUE” in Spanish, also its distribution or use is free, and this goods can’t overcome quantities and values authorized by DIAN and therefore it wouldn't produce currency exchange.
Entryformforentersamples, decoration, tastingfromabroad For this entry form you should present: commercial invoice elaborated in spanish, packing list and transport document. If you want to enter drinks and food as samples without value commercial to Corferias free trade zone, you should present its legal corresponding permits from origin country, permits certify that drinks and food are appropriate for human consuming. This material should have a tag as “Samples without commercial value” and it should be consumed into Corferias
Get out procedure for goods from abroad without nationalized • -Merchandise can keep into Corferias free trade zone until two months after the event is over. • -When the fair is over, goods without nationalized should come back to free trade zone warehouse, for its final procedure (nationalized, re-shipment, or transfer). • - When the fair is over, goods can keep into Corferias six days after the event end, after six days exhibitor should pay the warehousing service, the rate for this year is: ($25 COP each day) x (kg) + (taxes) • -Exhibitor’s customs agency should elaborate and present the output forms required by Foreign trade department for each type operation, forms can be check in our website.
Output procedure for goods from abroad without nationalized -If you want to re-shipment or transfer your merchandise between free trade zones, exhibitor should hire an carrier, and require the DIAN’s authorization. -Output procedure for goods from abroad without nationalized only can be carry out with a customs agency. - Foreign trade department will deliver your merchandise only if it was nationalized previously, or authorized to re-shipment to origin country, or authorized to transfer to other free trade zone, by DIAN.
FORM 5: Transferring goods from abroad to other free trade zone Your customs agency should carry out this process with DIAN and Corferias’s foreign trade department. (keep in mind to present us a copy of your signed up contract between you and free trade zone).
FORM 7: Re-shipping goods from abroad to origin country or other country Exhibitor’s customs agency should carry out this procedure with Corferias’s foreign trade department and DIAN. Exhibitor’s customs agency should present the Air waybill from airline If your shipment is for DTA (Sea transport) or DTAC (land transport), your customs agency should present the appropriate document previously signed up by your shipper agent and authorized by DIAN.
FORM 8: Output procedure for nationalized goods within Corferias free trade zone Exhibitor’s customs agency should carry out this procedure in representation of one citizen or legal person with colombian ID, or colombian tax ID for DIAN. Output procedure for nationalized goods and documents should carry out with Corferias’s foreign trade department, hiring a customs agency, presenting all suitable documents required previously, also customs agency should fill out and present SIPLA form (Instrument to prevent and control money laundering).
SUGGESTIONS • If you want to enter food or beverages from national customs territory to Corferias free trade zone, this articles should be related in the entry form. • For samples without commercial value, for example cosmetics, food or beverages, this goods should have a tag to indicate: “this product is a sample without commercial value, besides its “COMMERCIALIZATION LICENSE” this license should be request at INVIMA ( National Institute of control and surveillance for food and medicines). • Remember it’s not allowed to carry out demonstrations without INVIMA’s authorization, in addition this goods can’t be sold if it doesn't have the appropriate sanitarian register, or commercialization license.
ENTRY FOR INTERNATIONAL GOODS AS TRAVELER According to Colombian decree 2147 of December 23th, 2016, its allowed to enter goods to Corferias as traveler into your luggage, but you should follow the next steps: first fill out Form 530 “ luggage, cash and monetary instruments customs declaration - travelers” annex 1, this Form should be delivered at DIAN office into the Dorado airport, DIAN’s officers will check this information, if all is ok, they will authorized the goods output and they will give you the form as “temporary importation” annex 2,you have to present this form at Foreign trade department into Corferias. Not forget please.
OUTPUT FOR INTERNATIONAL GOODS AS TRAVELER Exhibitor traveler have to present to customs officer at exit airport, the goods and the "output form for nationalized goods” for getting this form: exhibitor should go to foreign trade department one day before the event is over into Corferias.
CORFERIAS FOREIGN TRADE DEPARTMENT CONTACTS • MARIA PIEDAD RAMIREZ Ext. 5560 e-mail: mramirez@corferias.com • HERNANDO GOMEZ Ext. 5561 e-mail: hgomez@corferias.com • MARLEY ARAQUE Ext. 5608 e-mail: maraqueg@corferias.com • FELIPE RODRIGUEZ Ext. 5567 e-mail: arodriguez@corferias.com • DIEGO BENAVIDES Ext. 5716 e-mail: dbenavides@corferias.com