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Drugs and their effects

Drugs and their effects. A Presentation By. Stephen Hounsom Drug & Alcohol Information & Prevention Officer. STIMULANTS!. Amphetamine. The Effects. Amphetamine is a Stimulant Gives you a intense rush of energy Can last for up to 6hrs Causes loss of appetite

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Drugs and their effects

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  1. Drugs and their effects

  2. A Presentation By Stephen Hounsom Drug & Alcohol Information & Prevention Officer


  4. Amphetamine

  5. The Effects • Amphetamine is a Stimulant • Gives you a intense rush of energy • Can last for up to 6hrs • Causes loss of appetite • Can cause gurning (tightening of jaw muscles) • Dry Mouth

  6. Can cause paranoid feelings Can be cut with various substances that can be harmful A wrap of speed will only contain about 5-10% of actual Amphetamine Tolerance can build up quite quickly Prepared-for-injection can cause vein damage, ulcers and gangrene (deadening or decaying of body tissue especially the digits and limbs) and especially with dirty needles. Taking a lot of speed can give your immune system a battering. You could get more colds, flu and sore throats if you use it a lot. The Risks

  7. The Law • Amphetamine is a Class B Drug • Possession can get you up to five years in jail and an unlimited fine. Supplying someone else, including your friends, can get you up to 14 years and an unlimited fine. • If prepared for injection it becomes class A.

  8. Street Names Speed Whiz Sulph Paste Phet Billy Base

  9. Methamphetamine

  10. The Effects • Methylamphetamine can bring on a feeling of exhilaration and produces increased arousal and activity levels. • It also reduces tiredness and suppresses appetite. • Other acute effects reported include agitation, paranoia, confusion and violence. • Smoking the purer crystalline form (also known as 'crystal meth' or 'ice') produces very intense 'rush' similar to that produced by crack but longer-lasting - between 4 and 12 hours. .

  11. The Risks • Methylamphetamine-induced psychosis has been widely reported. • In cases of overdose, stroke, pulmonary, renal & gastrointestinal disorders are also seen, coma & death can occur. • Methylamphetamine use can be associated with injecting drug use and sharing of paraphernalia. • Using the drug may also increase libido and risky sexual behaviour and thereby increasing the risk of blood born virus transmission in some.

  12. The Risks (Continued) • Can also cause skin sores - Methamphetamine.ppt • A feeling that your are covered in bugs – causing people to scratch at their skin • Rots the gums & causes serious dental problems - Meth Mouth.ppt • It causes a rapid heart rate and a rise in blood pressure. The higher the dose the greater these effects.

  13. The Law • Methamphetamine – is often referred to as Crystal Meth - & was reclassified as a Class A drug on 18th January 2007. • It is illegal to have, give away or sell. • Possession of a Class A drug can get you up to seven years in jail and/or an unlimited fine. • Supplying someone else, even your friends, can get you life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

  14. Street Names Christine Ice Tina Yaba Glass Crazy Medicine Snot Crystal Meth

  15. Cocaine

  16. The Effects • Makes users feel confident and on top of the world • Increases energy levels • Raises body temperature • Increases heart rate • Suppresses appetite

  17. Alcohol and cocaine can be a deadly combination Risk of death from overdose Can cause heart attacks and fits Quick hit so a habit can quickly become expensive Addictive The Risks

  18. The Law • Class A Drug • Possession carries a seven year jail term and unlimited fine • Supply carries a life sentence and unlimited fine

  19. Street Names Coke Charlie C White Percy Snow Toot

  20. Crack

  21. The Effects • Crack has the same short lived effects as cocaine but much stronger. • The effects are immediate, peak for about two minutes and last for about 10 minutes. • Crack makes users feel alive, exhilarated, confident and wide awake. • It kills all feelings of pain, tiredness and hunger

  22. After 20 minute high a long, low crash often leading to cravings for more. Can give hallucinations, mood swings and paranoia. Some people get aggressive or violent The crash makes people feel sick, tired and depressed. Regular users look excited but nervous. The Risks

  23. The Risks (Continued) • Heavy users have trouble sleeping and feel sick quite a lot and may take heroin to dull the cravings, increasing risks. • Using a lot can bring on a seizure or a fit. • Smoking crack can cause breathing problems and pains in the chest. • Smoking anything damages the lungs.

  24. The Law • Crack is a Class A drug i.e. illegal to have, give away or sell. • Possessing crack can get you up to 7 years in jail. • Supplying someone else with it can get you life and an unlimited fine

  25. Street Names Rocks Wash Stones Pebbles Base Freebase Curry & Rice (if mixed with Heroin – Speed Ball)

  26. Tobacco

  27. The Effects • Smoking any drug gets it to the brain quickly. When a smoker inhales, the nicotine reaches the brain in around 8 seconds. • Speeds up the heart rate and increases blood pressure • Regular smokers say it helps them relax, feel less hungry and concentrate

  28. Cancer Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Respiratory problems such as Bronchitis etc Pregnant women risk having low weight/premature babies There are approximately 120,000 smoking related deaths in the UK each year The Risks

  29. The Law • Legal to buy if over 16 yrs of age • As of March 2006 illegal to smoke in public buildings, pubs, restaurants etc. • There may be a change in the law regarding the age for purchase – from 16 to 18 years

  30. Street Names Fags Rollies Smokes Ciggies Tabs

  31. Poppers

  32. The Effects • An initial head rush that lasts a couple of minutes. • Sniffing poppers during sex can make orgasms feel like they last longer, some men say it enhances their erections. • May help relax anal sphincter muscles. • Poppers aren't physically or psychologically addictive.

  33. The Risks • Effects don't last long & can leave people feeling sick, faint & weak. Especially if taken while dancing. • Can give you an extreme headache. • Can give you a rash around the mouth. • Can kill you if you swallow them • Dangerous to take if you have chest or heart problems, anaemia or glaucoma (an eye disease). • Can burn your skin on contact

  34. The Law Amyl nitrite is rarely used in medicine these days but is controlled under the Medicines Act. Possession is not illegal but supply can be an offence. There have been cases where the Medicines Act was used to fine shops for selling them, but they're still sold as Room Aromas or Deodorisers in sex shops and some clubs. Taken from the Frank website

  35. Street Names Ram Thrust Rock Hard Kix TNT Liquid Gold (official name – Alkyl Nitrites. Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite & Isobutyl Nitrite)

  36. Ecstasy

  37. Effects • Increased heart rate • Increased blood pressure • Increased energy levels • Pupils dilate, jaw muscles tighten • Make users feel more alert and in tune with their surroundings • People feel less inhibited and more chatty • Can also be termed as Hallucinogen

  38. The Risks • Risk of overheating and dehydration • Links to kidney and liver problems • Can leave you feeling depressed and low for days • Impossible to know what a pill is until you’ve taken it

  39. The Law • Class A drug • Up to seven years in jail for possession • Supplying can get you an unlimited fine and life in jail

  40. Street Names Pills Brownies Burgers Disco Biscuits Hug Drug Mitsubishi's Rolex's Dolphin's XTC M&Ms. E


  42. Magic Mushrooms

  43. The Effects • Distort colours, sound and objects • Time can appear to slow down or speed up • Make you feel more emotionally sensitive • Can make you talk nonsense and unable to hold intelligent conversation • A trip can last anything from 4 to 10 hours with the after effects lasting up to 6 hours

  44. Eating the wrong kind of mushroom can make you seriously ill or even kill you Can aggravate any mental health problems which may be present A bad trip is a very unpleasant experience Whilst they can grow abundantly in Moray, The council regularly spray them with poisons to kill them The Risks

  45. The Law • They are a class A drug • As of July 2005 it is illegal possess magic mushrooms either prepared or unprepared • Possession carries a seven year sentence and unlimited fine and supply can be up to life imprisonment and an unlimited fine

  46. Street Names Liberties Magics Mushies Shrooms.

  47. LSD

  48. The Effects • Can distort and change perception of time space, objects etc • Enhances the mood your in i.e. happy mood ‘good trip’ depressed ‘bad trip’ • ‘Trip’ can last up to 12 hours • Can cause vivid hallucinations • Things can seem far more funny than they actually are

  49. Can make any mental health problems worse Bad trips can be terrifying Flashbacks can occur usually weeks or months after the event but sometimes longer The Risks

  50. The Law • Class A drug • Possession carries a seven year jail term and an unlimited fine. • Supply carries a life sentence and unlimited fine.

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