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Chapters 8-12

Chapters 8-12. Review: Main Ideas. Chapter 8. Context: The Great Persecution Christians were being martyred because they wouldn’t worship Diocletian as a god Main Idea: Constantine converted to Christianity, based on his mother’s wishes and a dream

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Chapters 8-12

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  1. Chapters 8-12 Review: Main Ideas

  2. Chapter 8 • Context: The Great Persecution • Christians were being martyred because they wouldn’t worship Diocletian as a god • Main Idea: Constantine converted to Christianity, based on his mother’s wishes and a dream • Theodysius converted the empire to Christianity

  3. Chapter 8, cont. • Ecumenical Councils deal with heresies • Council of Chalcedon affirmed the teachings of Pope Leo the Great • Jesus’ two natures did not interfere with or compromise one another • The Creation of the Bible • 46 OT + 27 NT = 73 Books total

  4. Chapter 9 • Monasteries • Monastic life: prayer, work, study, needs of society • Basil the Great: Evangelical Counsels • Poverty, Chastity, Obedience • Provided a governing structure for the Church that would outlast the fall of the Roman Empire • Converted pagan tribes

  5. Chapter 9, cont. • Charlemagne used Christianity to unify the Frankish empire • Provided education through the monasteries • The Great Schism of 1054 split the eastern and western churches • Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches

  6. Chapter 10 • Christians undergo the Crusades to recover control of Jerusalem (the Holy Land) • Corruption within the Church despite the Pope’s supreme authority in Europe • Blending of religion and politics • Power struggle between Pope Gregory and King Henry

  7. Chapter 10, cont. • Responses to corruption and heresy • The Fourth Lateran Council • Catholics must receive Holy Communion 1/year • Transubstantiation • The Inquisition: Aggressive investigation of accused heretics • Friars remained models of faith

  8. Chapter 11 • The Black Death • Devotion to faith was weakened by fear and misunderstanding • Setbacks in Faith • Language barrier, uneducated priests • The Great Schism of the West • Caused by rival popes

  9. Chapter 11, cont. • The Renaissance • The “re-birth” of interest in the Church too • Christian Humanism brought the Gospel message down to the level of the masses

  10. Chapter 12 • Martin Luther responded to abuses and scandals within the Church • Ninety-five Theses • Broke off from the Church with his followers  Lutheran Church • Protestant Reformation • Church responds with the Council of Trent • Counter-Reformation

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