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Grammar. 一般过去时:

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  1. Grammar 一般过去时: 定义:表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态。结构:“主语+动词的过去式”用法:1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。He was here yesterday.I got up at seven yesterday morning.My mother was at work yesterday afternoon.Did you have a good time last summer?2.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。My mother often went to work by taxi last year.When I was a student, I often listened to music.3. 常与一般过去时态连用的时间有:at that time, then, at that moment, yesterday, yesterday morning (afternoon, evening…)last night (week, month, year…),一 段时间+ago(several days ago), two days ago, a week ago, three years ago…in 1990, (in 1997…) ,just now, long before, long, long ago

  2. 过去式规则变化 二. 动词过去式构成规则(一)1、一般在动词原形末尾加– ed help → helped, look → looked, play → played, work → worked, listen → listened, wash →washed, clean → cleaned,2、结尾是 e 的动词加 -- dlive---lived hope---hoped use---used like --- liked3、末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加—edstop---stopped plan---planned4、结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“y”为“i”再加—ed study---studied carry ---carried cry --- cried worry → worried (二) 动词过去式的读音规则 规则动词加-ed的读音:基本规则是轻轻,浊浊,既在轻辅音后加ed读轻辅音/t/。在浊辅音及元音后加ed读浊辅音/d/ 。  例: ask → asked /a:skt/, cook → cooked /kukt/, pass → passed /pa:st/,  例: move → moved /mu:vd/, live → lived / livd/, listen → listened /`lisnd/, stay → stayed /steid/ 在/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/  例:shout → shouted // , start → started /sta:tid/,want → wanted /wantid/, need → needed /`ni:did/

  3. 不规则变化 (三)不规则动词的过去式:a.过去式与动词原形的拼写形式相同:let → let, put → put, read → read,(注意read的过去式读[red])b. i → a: begin → began, drink → drank, give → gave, ring → rang, sing → sang, sit → sat, swim → swamc. i → o: drive → drove, ride → rode, write → wroted. ow → ew: grow → grew, know → knew, throw → threwe. 含ough或augh的:bring → brought, buy → bought, think → thought;catch → caught, teach → taughtf. am is ---wasare ---were do---did can---could come---came不规则动词的过去式平时出现要留心,逐个熟记,注意积累。

  4. 句型 • 三. 句型转化:1.be 动词的过去时的句型如下: (1)否定句: 主语 + be动词的过去式(was, were)+ not…(2)疑问句: be动词的过去式(was, were)+ 主语 …?a.He was busy yesterday. (肯定句) 他昨天很忙。b.He was not busy yesterday. (否定句) 他昨天不忙。c.Was he busy yesterday? (疑问句) 他昨天忙吗?d.There weren’t any boys in the room.房间里没有男孩儿。e. Were there any boys in the room? 房间里有男孩儿吗?2.行为动词的否定式和疑问式:(1)若肯定句中只有一个行为动词,那就得在行为动词前加上did not或缩略式didn’t,并把这个行为动词由过去式改为动词原形。例如:a. I called Lin Tao yesterday afternoon. →I did not / didn’t call Lin Tao yesterday afternoon.b. I borrowed a book from Sun Yang last Sunday. → I didn’t borrow a book from Sun Yang last Sunday.(2) 行为动词的一般疑问句  若在陈述句中只有行为动词的过去式,那就得在句首加上一个助动词did来帮助提问,然后把句中的行为动词由过去式改为动词原形,并在句末打上问号。回答时别忘了还用did.例如:a. We stayed there for 10 days last month. → Did you stay there for 10 days last month? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.b. Mary had a delicious dinner yesterday evening. → Did Mary have a delicious dinner yesterday evening? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t

  5. 练习:2) Li Hong did her homework yesterday afternoon. (改为否定句)Li Hong __________ __________ her homework yesterday afternoon.(3) Uncle Li drove a truck to Wuhan three months ago(改成一般疑问句)__________ Uncle Li __________a truck to Wuhan three months ago?(4) Miss Gao taught them English last term.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ Miss Gao __________ __________ English?(5) Mr Ren always went to work on foot last year. (对划线部分提问) __________Mr Gao ________ to work last year?(6)Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home.(7)He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge?(8)She stayed there for a month.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ _____ she _____ there?

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