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Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones!. Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s VTC. We will not be taking roll call, so please email a list of VTC attendees at your site to: stucoord@esd101.net.
Welcome to Student News1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45)Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s VTC. We will not be taking roll call, so please email a list of VTC attendees at your site to: stucoord@esd101.net
IntroductionStudent News VTC • Welcome to the October 2010 Student VTC. • Our next VTC will be Thursday, November 18, 2010. • If you have comments or suggestions for upcoming VTC’s, please email them to: stucoord@esd101.net
Director’s Discussion Tim Colliver
News What's Happening
NewsUpcoming Workshops • Attendance Letters in Web Access November 2nd 10:00 to 3:00 - ESD101 Lab
News CEDARS NEWESD and WSIPC VTC will be held at the NEWESD on Oct 25, 2010 from 9:00 – 1:00 • You may participate via VTC or you may attend on-site. • We will focus on Skyward Data Requirements for CEDARS. • Prior to Oct 25th, e-mail stucoord@esd101.net with any questions would like to have answered. • You may e-mail questions to stucoord@esd101.net during the VTC. We will do our best to answer those questions, but in some cases we may need to get back to you with an answer. • Questions regarding the process on the EDS Web Site should be directed to OSPI (OSPI will not be participating in the VTC).
News Upcoming Release • November Release Weekend 3:00 AM – 9:00 AM Saturday, November 6th Users must be logged out during this installation
News Additional System Down Time • All NEWESD 101 Systems will be down for an equipment move 6:00 PM Friday, October 29th thru 9:00 PM Sunday, October 31st This includes WISE, and all Skyward Systems
P210 From OSPI Bulletin 075-10 Attachment • The Enrollment Status Report (P210) is an unduplicated report of all students in Grades 7–12 who attended school at any time during the 2009-10 school year for each school where the school is the student’s school of primary responsibility. • To generate this report, OSPI uses CEDARS submissions for the 2009-10 school year. • Students reported in the 2008-09 P210 data as “currently enrolled” (E0) and who were not reported during the 2009-10 school year will be inserted into the P210 extract by OSPI with an enrollment status of “No Show” (U2).
P210 and P210-Voc OSPI Bulletin 075-10 (P210) and OSPI Bulletin 073-10 (P210 Voc) Between October 11 and November 22, 2010, districts need to complete the following steps: • Review the P210 and P210 Voc Exception Reports and update records accordingly to assure all data is accurate, and all hard exceptions have been cleared. • Generate the Graduation and Dropout Rate Table. • Review the Graduation and Dropout Rate Table for each Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) subgroup. • Complete the P210 Report - accept, finalize, and lock data. The process for this is located below the Graduation and Dropout Table for your district. The deadline to finalize and lock your data for 2009-10 is 6:00 p.m., November 22, 2010. At 6:01 p.m., November 22, 2010, all data will be “locked” and the edit window will be closed
P210 and P210-VocTo Access the P210 and P210 Voc • Login to EDS and you should see the option for the P210 and P210-Voc. • If you need access and don’t have it, contact your district’s CEDARS District Administrator.
P210 and P210-Voc Options for correcting P210 Data: Update the report directly These updates will not be reflected in your CEDARS data or your Skyward data. Results are Immediate. Update CEDARS using the Edit Data These updates will not be reflected in your Skyward Data. Results will be available the next day. Update Skyward and resubmit data for 2009-2010 Instructions for this process will be forthcoming.
Web AccessPopup Blockers • Web Access Pop-Ups • Pop up blockers must be disabled for Web Access to work correctly • Internet Explorer • PC Go to Tools>Pop-Up Blockers>Pop-up Blockers Settings • Add *.wa-k12.net to Exceptions • Firefox • PC: Go to Tools>Options>Content or Mac: Go to Firefox>Preferences>Content • Click Exceptions next to Block pop-up windows • Add *.wa-k12.net to Exceptions • Mozilla • Mac: Click on Mozilla>Preferences>Privacy & Security>Block unrequested popup windows>Allowed Sites. • Add *.wa-k12.net to Exceptions
Special Education Students Who Are Retained Until Age 21 • An e-mail was sent out last spring, regarding this issue. Once again we have been informed that special education students who will continue to be served until age 21 should be retained prior to the 12th grade. They should be reported as 12th graders only the last year they will be in attendance. The reason for this is to ensure students are coded correctly to meet district Special Education State Performance Plan Indicator 1 (Graduation rate) established targets. • We have been asked to advise you to leave any students for whom you have been retaining as 12th graders as is. The negative impact of those students has already been reported and cannot be revised. However, going forward, you should retain them prior to the 12th grade.
CEDARS Tips • New documents can be found at: • http://www.k12.wa.us/CEDARS/Training.aspx • Logical Delete FAQ’s • ‘As of Date’ Concept • SSID User Guide.
CEDARS Tips CEDARS Course Catalog File (D) error: “StudentSchedule.CourseID does not have a parent record”. Caused by a Transfer Course or an Inactive Course in the Course Master. These courses are not included in Course Catalog File (D), but students are scheduled into them so they are included in Student Schedule File (C). **Do not use category Transfer for place holder classes.
CEDARS Tips CEDARS State Course Codes for Mathematics (EOC End of Course) Testing: If the State Course Code is on the Curriculum Master, it will be reported historically in the Grade History File (H). If the State Course Code is on the Course Master, it must be entered on the Course Master for each applicable School Year a student took the course. Refer to SIMON newsletter from OSPI, dated 9/24/10.
CEDARS Tips Staff Type Codes WS/SF/SF
CEDARS Tips Staff Type Codes WS/SF/SF
CEDARS Tips Staff Type Codes – WA Staff Type Table not on option PS/CA/ST/CF
CRDC Timeline • Civil Rights Data Collection Part II • October 1: Submission opens. • Mid-October: WSIPC receives CRDC tools from Skyward. • Late-October: WSIPC posts tutorials and provides training for ESDs through Adobe Connect. • November 6: CRDC tools are available through PMP2 in November Standard Release. • Mid-November: NEWESD provides training to districts through Adobe Connect. (Date to be determined) • December 3: Submission is due.
Grade History Grade History: Override Credits Changes the credit value of the course for a student. Credit amount is divided by the number of credit earning grade buckets associated with the course. Example: A year long course is worth 1.00 credit with two credit earning buckets (S1 and S2). Student receives a B in S1, no grade in S2. Override Credit is changed to 0.50. Student earns 0.25 credit because the course is now worth 0.50 credits when completed in full, and the student only received a credit earning grade for half of the course.
Grade History Grade History: Variable Credits Changes the credit value of the course for a student. Use Audit/Variable credit must be enabled (WS\OF\CS\PS\CF\SE\Entity Year Options). Can be enabled/disabled by school year Credit amount is calculated based on the number of buckets you specify in Term Override. Variable Credits trump Override Credits.
Grade History Grade History: Variable Credits (continued) Example: A year long course is worth 1.00 credit with four credit earning buckets (Q1 to Q4). Student receives a B in Q1 and Q2, no grade in Q3 or Q4. Variable Credit is set to 0.50. Term Override is set to 3. This indicates the student should have earned a grade (attempted credit) in three of the four buckets. Student earns 0.33 credit because the course is now worth 0.50 credits when 3 buckets are complete, and the student only received a credit earning grade for 2 of the three buckets.
Grade History Result is student earns .33 credits.
HSPE/MSP Test Score Imports
Test Score Import Good News: The name has changed but the process has not. See detailed instructions at: http://www.esd101.net/nerdc Select Student Records Resources - Training Materials Library – Test Scores For High Schools – Use the THSPE Import Instructions
Test Score Import Your School District 2009-2010
Test Score Import 2009-2010 Use the Export Link to review the TWASL and WASL field definitions. (they may have the year included like 2009) All Export links take you to the same screen. Use the 10th, 11th and 12th Grade Data Versions to export the HSPE scores. Use the other Data Versions to export the MSP scores. This presentation assumes you have already created your extract formats which WA Query refers to as Field Definitions
Test Score Import Click on any export link (see previous slide). Click on the desired Field Definition
Test Score Import Click on Choose Data
Test Score Import Choose the test to export. For Districts with multiple schools, choose the schools one at a time. If the Update Numbers option is present – BE SURE TO UPDATE! Then select Move Data.
Test Score Import Save the file In a folder with a meaningful name such as 2010 HSPE Give the file a meaningful name
Test Score Import Using Skyward Citrix SM/Admin/ASCII Import/Test Scores/Test Import Wizard
Test Score Import Review the scores by running a Test Score Report or reviewing the Student Test Score Tab. SM/ST/Test Scores
Test Scores in Family Access SM/Office/Curriculum and Assessments/Test Scores/Setup/Test Names