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SMSC 2014-2015. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural e ducation form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder. For most of you school is usually not more than 20 minutes away, and lets be honest a lot of you take a bus.
SMSC 2014-2015 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder.
For most of you school is usually not more than 20 minutes away, and lets be honest a lot of you take a bus. In many parts of the world that's not the case.
Sumatra, Indonesia - Walking a tightrope suspended 30 feet above a raging river
India - This tree root bridge serves as the passageway for kids heading to school.
Zanskar, Indian Himalayas - Just hiking to school through the Himalayas. No big deal
Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China - The kids here have to climb up huge, rickety ladders to get to school.
http://images.viralnova.com/000/071/536/desktop-1409757841.pnghttp://images.viralnova.com/000/071/536/desktop-1409757841.png Above The Rio Negro River, Colombia - Kids zip line across the river to get to school.