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Mobile Website Enablement for a Data Integration Company

Mobile Website Enablement for a Data Integration Company. A Few Facts About The Mobile Internet. Mobile Website Challenges. Size matters. Text Expansion. Text expands when localized. Be Careful With Icons. This Couldn’t Possibly Have a Negative Meaning Icons. Perceived

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Mobile Website Enablement for a Data Integration Company

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobile Website Enablement for a Data Integration Company

  2. A Few Facts About The Mobile Internet

  3. Source: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/2011-mobile-statistics-stats-facts-marketing-infographic/

  4. Source: Nielsen

  5. Mobile Website Challenges

  6. Sizematters

  7. Text Expansion Text expands when localized

  8. Be Careful With Icons

  9. This Couldn’t Possibly Have a Negative Meaning Icons Perceived Existing Interpretation Planned Use Unexpected Answer Cyclone, hypnotism, voodoo, mental problems, dizziness, danger Calories None Danger, cyclones, Bad storms / omens Calories None Female genitalia / fertility symbol, gambling, road hazard Sugar None

  10. Graphics So Obvious There Couldn’t Possibly Be an Issue Intended Interpretation Unexpected Answer Iron Heavy Calcium Dog Food

  11. Where am I Going? How Do I Get There?

  12. “Before anything else, preparationis the key to success.” -- Alexander Graham Bell

  13. Creating Mobile Stylesheets

  14. Things to Change in a Mobile Stylesheet • Reduce multi-column layouts to single columns • Reduce margins and padding • Reduce bandwidth • Use plain text for buttons or navigation

  15. IncreaseFont Size

  16. Clickable Phone Numbers

  17. Special Input Types

  18. French and German Keyboards

  19. Testing • Cross-Browser / Cross-Platform • Use emulators or devices • Save your Test Scripts!

  20. Mobile Testing

  21. Mobile Testing cont’d

  22. Mobile Testing cont’d Date/Time Format Text Graphics Icons Size Buttons

  23. Buttons? Graphics? Email Function? Mobile Testing cont’d BrowserDisplay? PreferredEmailClient? Truncations? MobileHyperlinks? Menu Items?

  24. Internationalize

  25. Considerationsfor Mobile Localization

  26. Challenges to Localizing Ads for Mobile

  27. Challenges to Localizing Ads for Mobile cont’d

  28. Challenges to Localizing Ads for Mobile cont’d

  29. Challenges to Localizing Ads for Mobile cont’d

  30. Online MobileMarketing Campaigns

  31. Online Mobile Marketing Campaignscont’d

  32. Online Mobile Marketing Campaignscont’d

  33. Online Mobile Marketing Campaignscont’d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut2g1ipZkcY&feature=plcp

  34. Online MobileMarketing Campaignscont’d

  35. Online MobileMarketing Campaignscont’d

  36. Online Mobile Marketing Campaignscont’d Facebook to launch mobile ads http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/05/facebook-mobile-ads_n_1256267.html LinkedIn announced in February 2012 that they will be launching mobile ads http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/09/linkedin-will-introduce-ads-to-mobile-apps/

  37. Online Mobile Marketing Campaignscont’d

  38. Online Programsto Support Mobile

  39. Online Programs to Support Mobile cont’d

  40. Online Programs to Support Mobile cont’d

  41. Any Questions? Thank you! • Yves Langylang@enlaso.com +1.720.259.8437 • Roni Raulwing • rraulwing@informatica.com • +1.650.385.5107

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