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School Performance Score Elementary School - October 2013. i LEAP Grade 3. LEAP Grade 4. * Bonus Points - Up to 10 bonus points for students identified as non-proficient on previous state English language arts or math exams and exceed growth expectations on current year tests.
School Performance Score Elementary School - October 2013 iLEAP Grade 3 LEAP Grade 4 * Bonus Points - Up to 10 bonus points for students identified as non-proficient on previous state English language arts or math exams and exceed growth expectations on current year tests
School Performance Score Middle School - October 2013 Dropout//Credit Accumulation Index iLEAP Grade 6 iLEAP Grade 7 * Bonus Points - Up to 10 bonus points for students identified as non-proficient on 2012 state English language arts or math exams and exceed growth expectations on 2013 tests * End-of-Course Points – Additional points for middle school students scoring Excellent (50) or Good (25) on EOC tests
Changes in Spring 2014 TestsLEAP and iLEAP Grades 3- 8 English Language Arts and Mathematics - Alignment to Common Core Standards - Grade Level Expectations (GLE) not used for test development - iLEAP changed to mirror LEAP structureGrades 3 - 8 Science and Social Studies - Alignment to Grade Level Expectations - Open-ended tasks will test Grade Level Expectations (GLE) and Common Core Literacy Standards PRACTICE TEST http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/practice-tests
English Language Arts – Test Changes for Spring 2014Grades 3,5,6,7 i LEAP and Grades 4 & 8 LEAPChanges by subtest include:Writing: Read 1–2 passages and write evidence-based responses scored with a 12-point rubricResearch to Build Knowledge: Requires thorough readingReading & Responding: Responses to texts include extended response(s)Language: Identify errors in writing samples and read short passages to improve writing ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE :http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/assessment-guidance-2013-2014
Mathematics – Test Changes for Spring 2014Grades 3,5,6,7 i LEAP and Grades 4 & 8 LEAPChanges include:i LEAP constructed response format mirrors LEAP ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/assessment-guidance-2013-2014
School Performance Score • High School October 2013 • * Bonus Points – Up to 10 bonus points if students: • were non-proficient on last state English language arts or math exams • took PLAN test and have targets • exceeded PLAN targets on ACT tests
English II and III End-of-Course Test Changes for Spring 2014Changes by English II subtests include:Writing: Read 1 passage and write one expository essay using evidence to support a responseReading & Research: Multiple choice questions focus on two areas: - Reading with analysis of a diverse range of texts - Measuring research skills with stand-alone itemsReading and Proofreading: Multiple choice questions measure grammar and usage skills Changes by English III subtests include: Writing: Read 2 informational passages and write an essay that takes a position using evidence from both sourcesReading & Research: Multiple choice questions focus on two areas: - Reading for analysis and evaluation of American literature - Measuring research skills with stand-alone items Reading and Proofreading: Multiple choice questions measure grammar and usage skills ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE :http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/assessment-guidance-2013-2014
End-of-Course Test Changes for Spring 2014 (continued)Algebra I and Geometry End-of-Course - Alignment to Common Core StandardsBiology and United States History - Open-ended tasks will test Grade Level Expectations (GLE) and Common Core Literacy Standards http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/classroom-support-toolbox/teacher-support-toolbox/end-of-year-assessments