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Understanding Authority: Its Types and Importance

Explore the concept of authority, its various types such as traditional, legal, religious, and political authority, and its significance in ensuring legitimacy, stability, and efficiency in administration. Learn about the differences between authority and power, and how authority is based on reason, acceptance, and public welfare.

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Understanding Authority: Its Types and Importance

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  1. Authority Authority is an ability through which a superior individual establishes his superiority over the subordinate and gets his order obeyed. The subordinate accept the orders or command of the superiors as legitimate order and obey them. The English word ‘Authority’ is based on a Latin ‘Auctoritias’ which means consensus or approval. In ancient period the roman people used to hold assemblies to decide their future polices and laws for themselves on which approval was sought from the Senate. When accepted by the Senate, it was said that the law or policy has acquired Auctoritias (Authority).

  2. Characteristics of Authority • Authority is a quality • Capacity to command and obedience • Authority is accepted and respected • Authority is legitimate • Authority is rational • Authority is not something material • Basis of authority is reason • Organization • Hierarchical nature of authority • Authority is situational concept

  3. Traditional Authority Legal and Constitutional Authority Authority based on force Religious authority Charismatic authority Political authority Authority of elite Hereditary authority kinds of Authority

  4. Basis of authority • Legitimacy • Legal force • Religion • Public opinion

  5. Traditions • Habits • Utility • Ancestral lineage • Constitution

  6. Importance of authority • Authority provide legtimacy to power • Check on the principle might is right • It bring efficiency in administration • It provide stability to administration • Administration becomes less expensive

  7. Difference between authority and power • Power can be legitimate as well as illegitimate but authority is always legitimate. • Authority is based on reason but there is no place of reason in power. • In power, dominating factor is force, where as in authority, it is consent or legitimacy.

  8. Authority is always responsible but it is not must for power. • Authority is based on consent whereas power is to impose one’s will. • Coercion has special significance in power but not in authority. • Power is mostly selfish whereas authority is not.

  9. Conclusion Robert A Dahl has rightly said, “Legitimate power is often called authority.” Authority is always accepted with respect because legal force is behind it. And its use is made to achieve legitimate objectives. It is supported by public opinion. Usually aim of the use of authority is public welfare, thus people habitually obey it.

  10. References • Aggarwal R.C., Principles of Political Science, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1976. • Badyal, J.S, Political Theory, Raj Publishers, 2012, Jalander. • Garner James Wildford, Political Science and Government, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1951. • Gauba O.P, An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan Publisher, Delhi, 2009. • Heywood Andrew, Political Theory An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005.

  11. Misra K.K & IyengarKalpana. M, Modern Political Theory, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1988. • Ray Amal, Political Theory Idess and Institutions, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1988 • Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.


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