Shane Scott: “The seventh day of the creation week in Genesis began at the crea- tion of Adam and Eve, and has continued since that time. Thus, this seventh day is an age of thousands of years, and therefore justi- fies interpreting the other days as ages." (Sentry Magazine, Vol 21, number 1)
Life forms: men mammals reptiles & flower- ing plants amphibians, ferns & conifers first land plants & fish invertebrates
Hill Roberts: Literal Day -- Long Gap Theory First Day Second Day Third Day Fifth Day Fourth Day millions of years millions of years millions of years millions of years
“And God said…” first day
Atheistic view of origins (No higher intelligence) Magnetic field (primordial soup)
TODAY: Higher intelligence exists Almost any atmosphere can be reproduced in a lab Yet, life is not brought forth from non-life
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION A. First day - Genesis 1:1-5 B. Second day - Genesis 1:6-8
dd second day
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION A. First day - Genesis 1:1-5 B. Second day - Genesis 1:6-8 C. Third day - Genesis 1:9-13
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION A. First day - Genesis 1:1-5 B. Second day - Genesis 1:6-8 C. Third day - Genesis 1:9-13 D. Fourth day - Genesis 1:14-19
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION A. First day - Genesis 1:1-5 B. Second day - Genesis 1:6-8 C. Third day - Genesis 1:9-13 D. Fourth day - Genesis 1:14-19 E. Fifth day - Genesis 1:20-23
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION A. First day - Genesis 1:1-5 B. Second day - Genesis 1:6-8 C. Third day - Genesis 1:9-13 D. Fourth day - Genesis 1:14-19 E. Fifth day - Genesis 1:20-23 F. Sixth day - Genesis 1:24-31; 2:1-3, 19
THE GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION I. THE DAYS OF CREATION II. WHAT DOES THE REST OF THE BIBLE TEACH US ABOUT THE DAYS OF CREATION IN GENESIS 1? A. “Day” in the context of Genesis 1, 1:5, 8; 2:4 B. The thorns and thistles of Genesis 3:17-18 C. Day and year in Genesis 5:1-3 D. The week of Exodus 20:9-11 and 31:14-17 E. Psalms 33:6-9 F. The beginning in Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6 G. Hebrews 4:3, 1 Pet. 4;11; 2 Jno. 9-11