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Driving Success through STEM . Alan McMurdo 31 st March 2011. Introduction.
Driving Success through STEM Alan McMurdo 31st March 2011
Introduction • Thomas Deacon Academy opened in September 2007 bringing together 3 predecessor schools. It is the biggest sponsored academy in the country and intends to be the very best, both in terms of absolute performance and value added. It replaced a large selective secondary school and two schools [that would have qualified for National Challenge assistance] in the centre and east of Peterborough. The impact of this transformation on the system will take several years to evaluate. Until 2011 we are working with convergence cohorts that have been inherited from our predecessor schools. From 2012 we have our own cohorts that have been admitted to us through our fair banding admission arrangements. We are proud that we have made these ‘all ability’ admission arrangements work and we view them as a guarantee to the people of Peterborough that we will remain a comprehensive school for the community. One result of this is that around 20% of our intake is in the bottom 10% of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. • Early indications are very positive. Thomas Deacon Academy has added 20% to both the 5 A*-C and 5A*-C with maths and English GCSE metrics in the area. Aspects of motivation and engagement are improving all the time and OFSTED at the end of our 3rd year deemed us to be good in overall terms. • At the heart of our enterprise have been our twin specialism of maths and science which reflect the passion of our sponsors, Perkins Diesel and the Deacon's School Trust.
Big Picture : Little Picture • Specialisms...the old Trojan horse • New landscape • The totally specialist secondary sector • Specialism...wither or whither? • How have you been thinking about STEM? • Unholy Alliance • Holy alliance • Trinity
Specialism for learning : our specialism in mathematics and science will be integral to our work in raising standards across the curriculum • Our specialism will raise standards across the whole curriculum by encouraging innovation, rigorous target setting and review • Mathematics and science, as core subjects, are keys to enhancing learning in other subjects and disciplines • Specialism in mathematics and science results in the development of both the teaching techniques and the curriculum for students across the ability range • Our choice of specialism reflects our belief that mathematics and science are key areas for achieving economic well-being both as an individual and for society as a whole • It is our belief that proficiency in the skills associated with mathematics and science, as well as an understanding of how science works, enhances the positive contribution that individual can make to society.
Our specialism in practice • Teaching innovation – rooted in a knowledge of learning, taking risks in pursuit of educational objectives, evaluating and refining “best practice” to develop “next practice”. • Learning pathways – the acquisition of mathematical and scientific knowledge, understanding and skills is bonded with the 3 part learning pathway: Learning to Learn, [so that students are enthused, engaged and understand how they learn], Assessment for Learning, [so that students know where they are, where they are heading and how they can improve] and Student Voice [so that students know that their feedback is relevant and influential at a number of levels] • Specialism across the curriculum – strategy based thinking skills, that are fundamental to problem solving in the specialist subjects, are used to support learning across the curriculum. • Everyone understands the concept of our specialism and can communicate what it means to them. • Targets – not only in terms of achievement and progress across the ability range but also in related post-16, HE and vocational choices. • Partnerships – with HE, professional associations, learned societies, SSAT, Oundle and other schools are aimed at turning rhetoric into reality at every possible opportunity.
Monitoring & metrics L4 destination reflecting specialism [strategic goal] Quality of teaching H&S incidents Engagement metrics External Total % Y12 uptake, particularly external students: Maths 27 85 32 F. Maths 5 8 63 Biology 24 67 36 Chem 17 47 30 Phys 8 28 29 Y13 stay on rate Uptake / non-uptake of extra-curricular offer
Activity • Competences....how I learn...self assessed...teacher assessed...hard copy...VLE...Didbook • Go4Set • Imagineering Club • Year 7 STEM Day Tuesday 25th February 2011 • All Year 7 students CREST bronze awards for all students. • National Science and Engineering Week 11th – 20th March 2010 • Peterborough Science Festival 7th – 11th March2011 • First Lego League • ETI Summer School (15 year 12 students) • Rollercoaster Experience – Disneyland, Paris 6th – 8th February 2011
Where next...STEM transformation • Pivotal moment • E is for ? E _ _ _ _ _ _ or E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or E_ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • Maximise the leverage..... Paradigm shift • Move from bolt on to embedded • Cross curricular......consonance or contrivance • But.....pursue those targets everywhere
STEM for STEM’s sake .....With apologies to 10 CC • STEM for all....Equality of access • Curriculum structures • Cross curricular structures & polices / procedures • Progression L2, 3 & 4 as well as apprentice pathways • CEG • Our own Trojan horses.....clubs, enrichment, fizz n whizz... • Create the demand......boost engagement.....raise standards