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Cathy Jonak, Mari Nobuoka The Japan Foundation, Sydney

AFMLTA Conference Darwin 2011. J-movie – Using film to develop linguistic and intercultural skills in Japanese language classrooms. Cathy Jonak, Mari Nobuoka The Japan Foundation, Sydney. Intercultural Language Learning (ILL).

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Cathy Jonak, Mari Nobuoka The Japan Foundation, Sydney

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  1. AFMLTA Conference Darwin 2011 J-movie – Using film to develop linguistic and intercultural skills in Japanese language classrooms Cathy Jonak, Mari Nobuoka The Japan Foundation, Sydney

  2. Intercultural Language Learning (ILL) The ILL approach views language as a culturally embedded and culturally constructed way of expressing personal meanings and collective cultural meanings.

  3. In ILL ... • Culture is seen as multifaceted and dynamic • Culture is integrated with language skills from the beginning of learning • Learners reflect on the new culture and their reactions to it • Learners discover that their own viewpoint is relative and culturally determined

  4. Activities comprise: Comparing Noticing Interacting Reflecting ILL Teaching practices Classroom activities focus on authentic resources and task based learning.

  5. Why film? ・Do you watch films in your class, and when? ・Why do you choose to use films in your class?

  6. Why film? (as an intercultural resource) ① Learners can experience language in a physical and social context which is culturally rich and authentic. They can see and hear the language spoken by native speakers. ② Through the visual and verbal representations of reality in the film, learners can gain an immediate insight into the country’s culture in all its different aspects, and develop an empathy for it.

  7. ③ Language learning has an affective as well as a cognitive domain. Film can stimulate learners’ imagination, and activate the creative and emotional, psychological aspects of the learning process. ④ Through film learners experience new aspects of the target culture which they will react to, reflect on and compare with their own culture. This will lead them to recast their view of themselves and the world.

  8. ‘Happy Family Plan’Language and culture kit Disc 1 - Feature film with English & Japanese subtitles Disc 2 - Mini lessons eg. Expressions, Quizzes eg. ‘What’s this?!’ Booklet - Story line and characters Website support: HPF Homepage- Quizzes and task sheets http://www.happyfamilyplan.com/

  9. Disc 1Feature film with subtitles ◆ Before watching the movie Suggested Activities: ・ Awareness raising of key themes   ・ Introduction / review of key words and phrases   ・ Thinking about focus questions on the movie

  10. Awareness raising/key words HPF Homepage Q1 この映画のタイトルは「しあわせ 家族 計画」です。あなたにとって「家族」と は何ですか。 The title of this movie is 「しあわせ かぞく けいかく」‘Happy Family Plan’. What is your definition of a 「かぞく」?

  11. Q2 日本では、今、どんなことが  社会問題になっていますか。 What social issues are there in Japan today? Q3 タイトルから、どんなストーリーを    思い浮かべますか。 What kind of story do you associate with this title?

  12. ‘Happy Family Plan’ ‘Happy Family Plan’ is primetime game show. The father of an ordinary family is given a ‘homework’ task to complete within a week before performing it successfully on the show. If the father performs his task flawlessly, he will win prizes up to the value of 3 million yen (AU$ 34,000) for his family such as a dream holiday or a new car.

  13. Q4 これは2つの家族の写真です。    それぞれ誰でしょう。  This is a photograph of the two families. Guess who’s who.

  14. Focus questions HPF Homepage

  15. Let’s have a look!ちょっと みてみよう かぞく けいかく 「しあわせ 家族 計画 ‘Happy Family Plan’ Chapter 11

  16. ◆ After watching the movie Suggested activities ・ Familiarisation with characters & story ・ Comprehension tasks  ・ Discussion based on focus questions  ・ Role play  ・ Critical review of the movie  ・ research project etc.

  17. Familiarisation with characters あ い う え (adapted from Booklet)

  18. HPF Homepage – DOWNLOAD MATERIALSFamiliarisation with story ② ①

  19. HPF Homepage – DOWNLOAD MATERIALSDiscussion and roleplay ③ Junior Senior

  20. HPF Homepage – DOWNLOAD MATERIALS Script Vocabulary list

  21. Disc 2Quizzes and Resources ◆ 表現 Expressions あいさつ / あやまる / 買い物  ポジティブにいきましょう! ちょっと一言ベスト10… Greetings / Apology / Shopping Be positive! / Top 10 Nihongo… ◆ 文化 Culture 食べ物 / 街 / ジェスチャー… Food/ Places / Gestures…

  22. Other recommended movies • Water Boys • Swing Girls • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Task sheets are downloadable from http://www.jpf.org.au/03_language/schoolvisit.htm

  23. おつかれさまでした! Thank you for your participation.

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