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2V3T Ionotropic Glutamate-Like Receptor {Delta}2 Binds D-Serine and Glycine. ---ionotropic glutamate receptor family---. Molecular name: GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR DELTA-2 SUBUNIT SYNONYM GLURDELTA2. Found in the Purkinje Fibers. Function of Purkinje Fibers:
2V3T IonotropicGlutamate-Like Receptor {Delta}2 Binds D-Serine and Glycine ---ionotropic glutamate receptor family---
Molecular name: GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR DELTA-2 SUBUNIT SYNONYM GLURDELTA2 • Found in the Purkinje Fibers Function of Purkinje Fibers: --Some of the largest neurons in the human brain --Purkinje cells send inhibitory projections to the deep cerebellar nuclei, and constitute the sole output of all motor coordination in the cerebellar cortex.
Function of GLUR DELTA-2 The physiological function of this protein is not well understood --This is do to an inability to find an agonist It was recently discovered that GLUR DELTA-2 binds neutral amino acids such as D-serine and glycine
2 Calcium Ion Channels “the effects of calcium are observed at concentrations that are within the physiological range, suggesting that the ability of native GluRdelta2 to respond to ligand binding may be modulated by extracellular calcium” --Hansen KB, Naur P, Kurtkaya NL, Kristensen AS, Gajhede M, Kastrup JS, Traynelis SF. Department of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine, Rollins Research Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA. kbh@farma.ku.dk
How was it studied? GLUR DELTA-2 was studied using x-ray diffraction
Why is it important? • Mice that lack the GluRdelta2 gene display ataxia and impaired synaptic plasticity. • Studies in GluRdelta2(-/-) knockout mice as well as in mice with naturally occurring mutations in the GluRdelta2 gene have demonstrated an essential role of GluRdelta2 in cerebellar long-term depression, motor learning, motor coordination, and synaptogenesis.
Sources • Hansen, K.B. "Modulation of the dimer interface at ionotropic glutamate-like receptor delta2 by D-serine and extracellular calcium." Journel of Neuroscience (2009). PubMed. 28 Jan. 2009. Web. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19176800?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=2>. • Naur, P., K.B. Hansen, A.S. Kristensen, S.M. Dravid, D.S. Pickering, L. Olsen, B. Vestergaard, J. Egebjerg, M. Gajhede, S.F. Traynelis, and J.S. Kastrup. "STRUCTURE OF THE LIGAND-BINDING CORE OF THE IONOTROPIC GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE GLURDELTA2 IN THE APO FORM." RCSB PDB. 24 Feb. 2009. Web. 16 Feb. 2010. • Yuzaki, M. "The delta2 glutamate receptor: 10 years later." Neuroscience Research (2003). PubMed. Web. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12725908?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=4>.