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Money is a training ground for God to develop our trustworthiness, Luke 16:11. Principle 1 Start by Putting God in Charge of Your Finances. Ex 20:3 “Do not have other gods besides Me.” To determine who is in charge of your finances, answer the following true/false questions
Money is a training ground for God to develop our trustworthiness, Luke 16:11
Principle 1Start by Putting God in Charge of Your Finances • Ex 20:3 “Do not have other gods besides Me.” • To determine who is in charge of your finances, answer the following true/false questions • God is my ultimate financial advisor. I will trust Him with everything I have. • I understand the importance of being a careful steward of the money that God has entrusted to my care. • I will be generous with my tithes and offerings because I understand that everything I have ultimately belongs to God. • When I have a question about my finances, I’m willing to pray about it.
Elizabeth Elliot • I lived with Indians who made pots out of clay which they used for cooking. Nobody was interested in the pot. Everybody was interested in what was inside. The same clay taken out of the same riverbed, always made in the same design, nothing special about it. Well, I’m a clay pot, and let me not forget it. But, the excellency of the power is of God and not us.
Pray About Your Finances • Is prayer a habit? Without ceasing? 1 Thess 5:17 • Is it a hit or miss activity? • Consider • God hears your prayers and answers them Jer 29:11-12 • God promises that the prayers of righteous men and women can accomplish great things James 5:16 • God invites you to be still and to feel His presence Ps 46:10
Seek Spiritual Health First and Financial Health Second • Prayer is not an emergency measure that we turn to when we have a problem. Real prayer is a part of our constant communion with God and worship of God. • Allow your dreams a place in your prayers and plans. God-given dreams can help you move into the future He is preparing for you.
Kay Arthur Have you prayed about your resources lately? Find out how God wants you to use your time and your money. No matter what it costs, forsake all that is not of God.
Develop specific steps to take to keep God first in your life • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6
Class 1: Chapter 1: Money: A Tool, a Test, and a Testimony • Biblical stewardship: the use of God-given gifts and resources (time, talent, treasure, truth, relationships) for the accomplishment of God-given goals and objectives.
Money is a ResponsibilityThe faithless servant Matthew 25: 24-25"The servant given one thousand said, 'Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money. Here it is, safe and sound down to the last cent.' 26-27"The master was furious. 'That's a terrible way to live! It's criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least? The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest. 28-30"'Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most. And get rid of this "play-it-safe" who won't go out on a limb. Throw him out into utter darkness.'
Money is a Test • Luke 16 • God Sees Behind Appearances • 10-13Jesus went on to make these comments: If you're honest in small things, you'll be honest in big things; If you're a crook in small things, you'll be a crook in big things. If you're not honest in small jobs, who will put you in charge of the store? No worker can serve two bosses: He'll either hate the first and love the second Or adore the first and despise the second. You can't serve both God and the Bank.
Money is a Testimony • Worldview: 1) the overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world; and 2) a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. • A Biblical worldview drives you to take the right actions • Behavior dictated by what the bible says • Biblical understanding that God owns it all
What does a good steward look like? • Proportionate giving • Controlled, debt-free lifestyle • Taxes paid with integrity and thanksgiving • Financial goals set • Accountability
Debt: a litmus test • If God called you into full-time ministry tomorrow, could you go? • Are you in bondage to your lifestyle?
Taxes paid are evidence of God’s provision • Bible commands us to pay taxes to those in authority • Do not render unto Caesar any more than he requires • Avoiding taxes is wise stewardship as well • Attitude of gratitude
Goals • Financial goals are a subset of family goals
Accountability • Iron sharpens iron: Prov 27:17 • Carry one another’s burdens: Gal 6:2 • Seek wise counsel: Prov 15:22 • Counselor to ask: • Why are you doing that? • Why are you buying a vacation property? • Why are you getting another car now?
Money is NOT • A measure of self-worth: Deut 8:16-18 • A reward for godly living: 1 Cor 3:13-15 • A guarantee of contentment: Ecc 5:10; Phil 4:11-13 • A measure of success: Joshua 1:8
Biblical stewardship • Can be defined as the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given goals or objectives. • A lifelong process of growth in spiritual character • Implies that spending decisions are spiritual decisions
Lord, you alone are the source of every good gift,of the vast array of our universe, and the mystery of each human life. We praise you and we thank you for your great power and your tender, faithful LOVE. Everything we are and everything we have is your gift,and after having created us, You have given us the greatest of all gifts, your son, JESUS CHRIST. Fill our minds with His truth and our hearts with His love,that in His Spirit we may be bonded together into a community of faithful, caring people. In the name and spirit of Jesus, we commit ourselves to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, to share our time, our talent and our material gifts as an outward sign of the treasure we hold in Jesus.AMEN.