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XIS Calibration Report 2006 Feb 22 (revised 2006 Feb23). K. Hayashida (Osaka Univ.) and the SUZAKU XIS team. Menu. Minimum Notes on XIS data processing Gain/CTI Charge Trail Correction CTI Correction /Charge Injection Ex-PHA Relation / Response QE degradation
XIS Calibration Report2006 Feb 22(revised 2006 Feb23) K. Hayashida (Osaka Univ.) and the SUZAKU XIS team
Menu • Minimum Notes on XIS data processing • Gain/CTI • Charge Trail Correction • CTI Correction /Charge Injection • Ex-PHA Relation / Response • QE degradation • RXJ1856,E0102,Cyg Loop, Earth Atmosphere • Modeling • Background Study and Data Base • COR, PINUD dependence • Data Base and Subtraction method • Data Selection Criteria • Bad Columns / Hot Pixels
PHAS(7) PHAS(6) XIS Data Reduction XIS Response depends on the reduction procedure PHAS(0) • Frame Data /8sec • Dark-level Subtraction • Event Pickup (PHAS(0)>Event Threshold) • 5x5 mode, 3x3 mode or 2x2 mode • Event data • Charge Trail Correction • CTI correction • Grading / PHA-reproduction for PHAS(i)>Split Threshold • PHA-dependent Split Threshold for BI • EHK screening • Bad Columns Filter • xisclean • XIS cleaned event list Onboard DE On the ground
Darklevel Estimation and Subtraction • Dark-level of each Pixel “Dark” is determined onboard after every SAA passage in DarkInit / DarkUpdate DE-mode. • DE also calculate the Darklevel shift with time for each frame (8sec) for each (e.g. 64x64pixels) partition. We call it “LightLeak” value. • One LightLeak value for one partition • Pixel-Level “PHAS[]” = Raw-Pixel-Level – “Dark” – “LightLeak”(of the Previous Frame) • “LightLeak ” value shifts slowly in time. • Only when bright Earth come into the FOV, “LightLeak ” increases dramatically. It makes error in pixel levels, and thus in PHA and in event number. • *) D LLL(=increment of the LL from previous frame to the current frame) can be an indicator of such effect. • *) “LightLeak written in the XIS data products is in 1/8 ADU unit.
grade0 grade4 grade1 grade5 grade2 grade6 grade3 grade7 Pixel level is maximum among 3x3 area and larger than Event threshold Event Grades Pixel level is larger than Split threshold and added to the PHA • Grades 02346 are used as X-ray events. Pixel level is larger than Split threshold but NOT added to the PHA
Charge Trailing 200 200 Grade0 Grade2 events 0 0 500 0 500 1000 0 1000 ACTY ACTY PH transfer transfer transfer Grade0 Grade2 Trailing charge Vertical Some charge is deposited in trailing pixels
PH [ADU] PH [ADU] PH [ADU] PH [ADU] Charge TrailPH(2)= preceding pixel ,PH(7)=trailing pixel BI1 5.9keV X-ray incidence RAWY a b Near readout node d c b Far from readout node a c d
PHAS [ADU] PHAS [ADU] PH [ADU] PH [ADU] PH [ADU] PH [ADU] PHAS [ADU] PHAS [ADU] PHAS(2),PHAS(7) Distribution before/after Charge Trail Correction
Charge Trail Correction Grade02346 event distribution 300 0 300 0 counts couns not uniform! After Correction Berore Correction 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 ACTY ACTY Save grade7 events Correction saves 10—20% of event at high energy
Calibration Source 55Fe Door Close Door Open Doors cannot be closed again
Determination CTI parameters included in rev0.6 data (H. Yamaguchi) Q’ = Q(1-CTI)N → CTI = (Q- Q’) / Q / N Q = PHA(ACTY=0) Q : Initial charge Q’ : Readout charge N : Number of P transfer PHA(Y=0) – PHA (Y=896, T) PHA(Y=0)×896 Whole Area cal src data (8/11) CTI = CTI(Seg1) = CTI(Seg 2) = [CTI(Seg0) + CTI(Seg3)] / 2 Corner cal src data (8/15~11/20) CTI = CTI_CONST + CTI_NORM×(PHAS)CTI_POW In rev0.6… CTI_POW = -0.5 CTI_CONST = 0 T Q’(T) = PHA(ACTY=896, T)
CTI correction in rev0.6 • Determine CTI_NORM for each quadrant • Column by Column difference is not taken into account. • Fit CTI_NORM as a function of time with a straight line. • Make a CALDB table which has columns, time, CTI_NORM, CTI_CNST etc. One row per a week. • Fill (modeled) CTI_NORM. • Correction is done with a critical ftool “xispi” to PHAS[], after Charge trail correction but in prior to event grading. • Corrected PHAS[] is not written in XIS event file. • In principle, gain shift by CTI is corrected in xispi (data reduction) not in response. • Line broadening is inevitable even with CTI correction. (Charge Injection data helps the broadening partially). The effect must be taken into account the response but not yet. • Response builder for that has almost prepared.
Results of CTI correction Mn-Kα 5.84keV (rev0.3) → 5.88keV (rev0.6) Cal src (rev0.6) by Nakajima @2006/01 OVIII line 0.654keV CTI parameters should be improved. (CI data were obtained on 2006/01.) Cygnus Loop (rev0.6) by Katsuda
Residual error in CTI Correction of rev0.6 • Simplified Assumptions: • CTI (ACTY=0,t)=CTI(ACTY=0,t0=2005Aug) • There must be degradation in CTI Imaging to Frame Store Area Transfer • CTI is proportional to Ex-0.5 • Need to be checked its accuracy with orbital data. • Mn-Ka peak ch history was made with G02346 • CTI correction is for each pixel PHAS[], G0 data should be employed. • We need to check the energy scale in rev0.6 data with various t, Ex, ACTY, (ACTX) • Feedback from SWG members will be acknowledged. Expected Energy is sometimes uncertain. Need detailed knowledge for each source, too. • (for XIS team) Ni-K line, Al-K etc in BGD might be useful, though its not certain they are imaging area event. • NOTE: If Charge-Trail correction parameters mismatch, not only energy scale but also (effective) QE is affected.
Revision of Ex-PHA Relation: XIS2 Segment 0 • In this case, the systematic offset of ~4ch (~15eV) in the soft X-ray region is largely reduced. Old: Single linear function fit: 2 parameter model (caldb=ae_detgain_20050703.ext) New: 2 linear functions for E<Esik and E>Esik: 4 parameter model (caldb=ae_xi2_makepi_2040822.fits) Si K edge (E=1839 eV)
PKS2155 (rev0.3) residuals • Structure around Si-Kedge is mainly due to broken line approximation of the Ex-PHA relation. • Should update Ex-PHA relation (PHA-PI conversion) in xispi
RXJ1856.5-3754 Discovered with ROSAT Nearby (D~120pc) Isolated Neutron Star X-ray spectrum is fitted with a simple blackbody ( against NS atmosphere model). R~4-5km Quark Star ?
Suzaku Obs 2005-10-24~10-26RMF 20051210 a-d for XIS1 Rev0.3 data -10eV offset a: Based Cal on the Ground b: a x excess0.15mmC c: Dead Layer =Design Value d: c x excess0.15mmC
-1deg offset slant-PC is assumed Some data points exceeds 1 Difficult to reproduce 0.28keV QE with simple absorption models. At low energy side, artificial cutoff in the form of erf(Ex) is introduced. This model QE is used as a new reference. QE(PC)->QE(EU)->XIS BI1 QE
Rev0.6 data (with no gain shift)Wabs x BBodyrad x Varabs O/C <10%
Suzaku/XIS ContaminationMeasurements with E0102 • E0102: SNR in SMC, bright in soft X-ray lines • excellent calibrator for low-E gain, QE changes • contamination degrading low-E eff. area of all XIS’s • model • thermal bremss + 24 Gaussian emission lines • Galactic + SMC absorption • pure C absorption from contaminant (varabs) • gain shift -5 eV ~ -15 ev • r2 ~ 1.6 (FIs) to 2.5 (BI) NeIX OVIII NeX MgXI OVII 2005-08-13 2005-08-31 2005-12-16 2006-01-17 2006-02-02
XIS Contamination Rate • empirical correction for observers • contamination rate turnover (?) • SMC NH uncertainty systematic error ±0.02 m independent of epoch change in effective C column: chip slope intercept (1016 cm-2/day) XIS0 1.6 ±0.1 4.4 ±4.0 XIS1 2.7 ±0.1 -9.6 ±15 XIS2 3.1 ±0.1 -3.2 ±14 XIS3 4.1 ±0.5 54. ±50.
N-K line 2005-8-13 2005-9-4 2005-10-22 2005-11-28 2005-12-24 2006-2-6 Day Earth 0 < DYE_ELV < 5 5 < DYE_ELV < 10 10 < DYE_ELV < 15 15 < DYE_ELV < 20 20 < DYE_ELV < 25 From Anabuki et al.’s poster Atmospheric N-K line Map XIS1(BI) Color code is adjusted for each map
2005-8-13 2005-9-4 2005-10-22 2005-11-28 2005-12-24 2006-2-6 Day Earth 0 < DYE_ELV < 5 5 < DYE_ELV < 10 10 < DYE_ELV < 15 15 < DYE_ELV < 20 20 < DYE_ELV < 25 Atmospheric O-K line Map XIS1(BI)
E0102-72 SN1006_NE_BGD Mrk 3 A2811_offset NGC 4388 MBM12_off Cloud N-K line O-K line N-K line O-K line N-K line O-K line N-K line O-K line N-K line O-K line N-K line O-K line Day Earth Radial Profile(vignetting corrected,normalized by center region)
N-K line O-K line Center 6mm radius / Other area • Mean Free Path in C(2.2g/cc) • 0.182mm for N-K line • 0.375mm for O-K line • Spatial Difference in Carbon contamination thickness can be modeled with Atmospheric N-K, O-K data. • Thickness at the center is evaluated by E0102 and RXJ1856 obs. • Thickness (t,detx,dety) will be modeled/introduced in arfbuilder (or rmfbuilder).
N-K line O-K line [Central 6mm radius count rate] / [Outer area count rate] c.r.(center) - c.r.(outer)=0.9x10-3mm/day c.r.(center)~ 2.5x10-3mm/day c.r.(outer)=1.6x10-3mm/day Time(sec)
Bad (CTE) Columns X-ray image (number of events /pixel) • Bad CTE • Typically long trail in each event. • Sometimes flickering pixel is observed. • Rows near the readout node can be used. • Identification logic without accumulating 10^7events was developed. • EU= 21 bad columns/chip • XIS0=14, XIS1=50, XIS2=17,XIS3=24 • How should we do for adjacent columns ?
Calibration Status and Plan • QE degradation are going to be modeled as a function of time and distance from the FOV center.E0102, RXJ1856, DarkEarth. => arf-builder or emfbuilder. • QE at C-K line on the ground is ½ of the orbital QE? • CTI correction was introduced in rev0.6 processing. Need to be checked in various sources. (Energy, time, position dependence) Feedback from SWG is expected. • PHA->PI conversion (xispi) should be upgraded. • Charge Trail Correction (introduced from rev0.3) parameters should be checked with 2006 data. • Resolution decrease (inevitable with CTI correction) should be included in the response. rmf-builder can do it. CI measurement and CTI correction by each column might be used to save the degradation • Background data base is under construction. Bad Columns data base should be updated. • Data-Selection Criteria will be revised from (ELV>5 && DYE_ELV>20) to (ELV>5).