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Strategic Employee Recruitment and Selection Process

Understand the importance of human resource planning, employee recruitment techniques, screening processes, selection decisions, and employee placement within organizations to meet business goals efficiently.

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Strategic Employee Recruitment and Selection Process

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  1. Organizational Psychology Faculty of Administrative Sciences National University – Sudan

  2. Week 4 Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Placement

  3. Human Resource Planning • The best organizations continually evaluate their human resource needs and plan their hiring and staffing in order to meet their companies’ business goals. • Human resource planning (HR planning) begins with the strategic goals of the organization.

  4. Model of human resource planning • One model of human resource planning suggests that companies need to focus on four interrelated processes . These are: • Talent Inventory: An assessment of the current knowledge, skills, abilitiesof current employees and how they are used. • Workforce forecast: A plan for future HR requirements. • Action plans: Development of a plan to guide the recruitment, selection, training, and compensation of the future hires. • Control and evaluation: Having a system of feedback to assess how well the HR system is working, and how well the company met its HR plan.

  5. Steps in the Employee Selection Process • The steps in the processof recruiting employees: • The recruitment of applicants. • Employee screening and testing procedures. • Selection decisions and placement of employees in appropriate jobs.

  6. Employee recruitment • Employee recruitment is the process by which organizations attract potential workers to apply for jobs. • Organizations are developing strategic programs for recruitment. • One of the primary objectives of a successful program is to attract a large pool of qualified applicants. • A wide variety of recruitment techniques and tactics can be used. including: • Job advertisements on Internet sites. • Newspapers and trade magazines. • Television, radio, or billboards.

  7. Employee Screening • Employee screening is the process of reviewing information about job applicants to select individuals for jobs. • A wide variety of data sources, such as resumes, job applications, letters of recommendation, employment tests, and hiring interviews, can be used in screening and selecting potential employees.

  8. Employee Selection and Placement • Employee selection is the actual process of choosing people for employment from a pool of applicants. • In employee selection, all the information gained from screening procedures, such as application forms, resumes, test scores, and hiring interview evaluations, is combined in some manner to make actual selection decisions.

  9. Model for employee selection • The model for recruiting and hiring effective and productive employees consists of two categories of variables: criteria and predictors. • Criteria are measures of success. • The most common way to think of success on the job is in terms of performance criteria. • The general criterion of “success” for an employee may consist of performance, loyalty, commitment , a good work attendance record, ability to learn and grow . • the purpose of hiring workers we might want to think of “success on the job” as the ultimate criterion—a criterion we aspire to measure, but something that we may never actually be able to capture with our limited measurement capabilities.

  10. Model for employee selection • Predictors are any pieces of information that are able to measure job applicants related to (predictive of) the criterion. • Through evaluation of resumes and hiring interview performance, and from the results of employment tests, applicants are measured on a number of predictors. These predictor variables are then used to select applicants for jobs. • Evaluation of the success of an employee selection program involves demonstrating that the predictors do indeed predict the criterion of success on the job .

  11. Employee Placement • Employee placement only takes place when there are two or more openings that a newly hired worker could fill. • Placement also becomes important when large organizations close departments or offices. • The company does not want to lay off the workers but instead reassign these workers to other positions within the organization.

  12. Thank you Q&A

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