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Stand Up & Shout!

Stand Up & Shout!. I’d rather die than give a speech. The Three P’s of Spicy Speeches. People Purpose Passion. Pres.Abraham Lincoln’s 266-word address opens with”Four score and seven years ago.”adding a note of biblical solemnity to the number 87.(Attention Step)

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Stand Up & Shout!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stand Up & Shout! I’d rather die than give a speech.

  2. The Three P’s of Spicy Speeches • People • Purpose • Passion

  3. Pres.Abraham Lincoln’s 266-word address opens with”Four score and seven years ago.”adding a note of biblical solemnity to the number 87.(Attention Step) “Now we are engaged in a great civil war…”(Attention step cont.) “We have come to dedicate a portion of that field,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives…”(Purpose) Four images of birth are embedded in its opening sentence.(Motivation) Gettysburg,PA November 19,1863National Cemetery Dedication

  4. Gettysburg Address Continued • This birth is followed by images of death-”final resting place,who gave their lives,these honored dead and religious purification-”consecrate…hallowed.”(Motivation) • Pres.Lincoln central points are:”It is for the living,rather,to be dedicated here to the unfinished work…..”

  5. Gettysburg Address continued…. • “It is rather for us to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us---that from these honored dead we take increased devotion that cause for which gave their last full measure of devotion…” • Lincoln’s conclusion:”That government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.”

  6. The Three Keys to Unlocking the Speech’s Power • Audience • Situation • Location/Time

  7. Speaking with Power • Introduction: Understand what’s important to your audience. • Attention Step--- Is it the first thing? Is it interesting? Does it grab the listener’s attention? Audience appropriate. Topic related

  8. Purpose/objective: Introduce self/credentials Handshake with audience Clear review of main points. Roadmap established. Motivation: Clearly stated or implied. Why should the audience bother to listen? More Speaking with Power-that Creates the right stuff

  9. Body: Organization- Logical sequence of points. Clear transitions. Main points clearly stated. Tell stories. Easy to follow/maintains roadmap. Motivation maintained throughout. Support material that’s localized,personal & conversational. Valid supporting evidence Jargon Free. Speaking to The Third Power-Address with passion

  10. Speaking with Confidence • Conclusion: Clear summary & closing. Quick Summary. Ended on positive note. Remotivation of audience. Strong closing statement

  11. Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication-Navigate • Delivery: Eye Contact,movement and gestures. Natural and varied gestures. Be a storyteller! Expressions-clear/articulate. Varied pitch,volume and rate. Positive & confident tone.

  12. More Tips for Effective Speech Delivery 1.) Step Up to Speak with Confidence and Authority-MTEX & Star Quality. 2.) Get set Before You Start to Speak—choose your spot in front of your audience with a purpose.

  13. Your Journey Continues…… 3.) “Feel the Rhythm Feel the Ride”---focus & make effective contact with your audience. Shake their hand and look them in the eyes! 4.) Start & Finish without notes—establish & keep eye contact.

  14. “To Boldly Go where no one has gone before….” 5.) Be Conversational always—No Reading or memorizing a speech! 6.)Use only one 3 X 5 card---therefore you’ll pay attention to your audience. 7.) Avoid,Ah,So,Ya Know,Well,’Kay & etc.

  15. Let’s Leap Forward! 8.) Stop at the end of an idea-PAUSE!!!! 9.) Stand Tall—Don’t Lean! 10.) Speak Up & Be Professional Always!

  16. Me Nervous? Sure---before every time I go out there! • About 3000 Americans were asked.” What are you most afraid of?” The most frequent reply:”Speaking before a group.” More people said they were afraid of speaking in public than said they feared snakes,heights,illness,or even death.

  17. How to Control Nervousness 1.) Accept the fact that you’re going to be nervous! 2.) Experience reduces Nervousness. 3.) Realize you appear more confident than you feel. 4.) Visualize Yourself Succeeding.

  18. Are You Still Nervous? 5.) Occupy Your Mind With What you want to Say. 6.) Understand you can control your nervousness. 7.) Relax & Enjoy. 8.) Nervousness Needs an Outlet.

  19. Are you Still Nervous? 9.) Passionate Speaking! 10.) Stop fighting Your Nervousness. 11.)Prepare & KISS

  20. “Let thy speech be better than silence,or be silent.” Dionysus the Elder(430-367B.C.) • Your mission is to deliver an informative speech of 7-9 minutes. • Good Luck!

  21. Leave them begging for more! • “Your mission remains fixed,determined,inviolable.It is to win wars….Today marks my final roll call with you. But I want you to know that when I cross the river my last conscious thoughts will be of the corps,and the corps, and the corps.” General Douglas MacArthur’s Duty,Honor ,Country Speech May 12,1962.

  22. Thank You & God Bless America! • Dr.Joseph V.Trahan,APR,Fellow,PRSA • CEO/Pres./International Media Trainer • P.O. Box 1088 • McDonough,GA 30253-1088 • 410-908-3036 • joe_cajun@yahoo.com • www.doctrahanmedia.com

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