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Nonviolence. “Civil Disobedience” – Thoreau “My Faith in Non-Violence” – Gandhi “Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom” – MLK. Similarities. All three sources argue for the use of nonviolence in order to accomplish something – the overturning of a law, etc.

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  1. Nonviolence “Civil Disobedience” – Thoreau “My Faith in Non-Violence” – Gandhi “Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom” – MLK

  2. Similarities • All three sources argue for the use of nonviolence in order to accomplish something – the overturning of a law, etc. • All three sources seem to agree that this is the only way without causing expense and suffering to resist or oppose a government • They agree that the use of force would be put down easily and ignored, as opposed to the use of nonviolence, which stands to get the message across • They agree that it is seemingly unnatural to resort to nonviolence and that it is harder to use

  3. Themes • Nonviolence is a way for people to resist a government or institution without causing suffering to anyone aside from the punishments they willingly accept for their practices • The strength of nonviolence is its ability to reduce the moral legitimacy of those who use violent methods on nonviolent people – and in noncompliance the strength is the government’s inability to punish a large amount of people • Violence in the form of self-defense is still violence

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